
should I call a doctor?


"Please" Joseph stopped what he was doing when she heard her say please. He looked at her, to see what she meant.

"Don't ..... stop" , she said in a hoarse voice, a little frustrated when Joseph stopped giving her pleasure. Joseph smiled and continued what he was doing. She writhed while Joseph continued to kiss and lick her there. Joseph played her with his skillful lips and it gave her so much pleasure. She can't take it anymore and she shivered when she came. Her body was full of sweat and so is Joseph. Her gaze turned hazy as she released and came to her climax.

Joseph smiled, satisfied with the result. He slowly went back up, leaving a trail of wet kisses on her body. He positioned himself on top of her and with one powerful thrust, he entered her.

"Awww.... pain", Christine cried, tears rolled down her cheeks. She instinctively stretched her hands and pushed Joseph away from her. Joseph froze, she felt so tight and seeing her crying, he realized, she must be in great pain.

"Damn you, it hurts", she cursed him. No one has prepared her for this kind of pain. Joseph's manhood is halfway there and he wanted to continue but Christine is now crying in pain and he did not know what to do. He pulled himself out, with so much regret on his eyes. Had he known, he should have not done that. He should have been gentle and helped her to adjust to accepting him.

Christine curled up like a ball and buried her face on the quilt. Joseph did not know how what to do, he wanted to touch her but he is afraid that he will hurt her more.

"Does it hurt so much?", he asked but did not hear an answer from her but a deadly stare.

"Shall I call a doctor?'' he asked after a few seconds.

"What? Are you crazy?", Christine abruptly turned to him. She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. What is he, a virgin? Is he playing naive? He has been with several women and sure knew what happened. Who would go to a doctor with this situation? She is inexperienced but she knows what caused the pain and she can't believe him to offer such a solution.

"What can I do to ease the pain?'' he asked like a lost boy. He did not expect this. Regret is evident in his eyes. He felt ridiculous for accusing her of jumping from one bed to another and yet she did not have any experience. When he started kissing her, her respond was of someone who doesn't know how to kiss, her actions were purely reactions to the pleasure he was giving her. There was no doubt that she did not have any experience when it comes to pleasing a man in the bed before and he got upset for the man he thought who did not teach her the proper way of doing it. Turned out, she really doesn't know a thing about lovemaking. He clenched his fist. It warmed his heart to know it but at the same time, felt so stupid and he wanted to hurt himself.

"Just leave me alone", Christine grabbed the quilt and covered herself with it. She wanted to be alone. She is hurt physically and emotionally but at the same time, she felt relieved that now finally, she was able to prove herself to him. Joseph felt a pang of guilt for judging her before.

"Look, tell me what I can do to ease the pain", he is desperate, he doesn't like the idea that Christine is rejecting him at this moment that she needed help. He wanted to be part of her life and he is willing to do everything to rectify the things that happened, the things that he allowed to happen.

But Christine covered herself completely with the quilt.

"There is nothing you have to do, just leave me alone", she said.

"No", he said and removed the quilt that covered her face.

"Please? Leave me for now. I need to be alone. I can take care of myself", she said.

That last phrase hurt him the most. He has let her take care of herself in the past due to wrong accusations. He doesn't want her to take care of herself alone, he wanted to be the one to take care of her from now on.

"I will leave for now but we will talk", he said and put his clothes back on. He glanced at her again who hid under the quilt. He will deal with Celine once and for all.

Christine heard the door opens and closes. She sighed.

'now what?', she asked herself.

She heard the door opened again.

"I told you to leave me alone!" she irritatedly said and took the quilt off her face but before she could do that, it was lifted for her.

"I knew it, you slut!" Celine harshly said with her eyes spitting fire looking at her. She looked like a crazy woman, her eyes so red with anger and she is trembling with rage. She looked like she is ready to kill. Christine panicked and tried to take the quilt back to cover herself but Celine pulled it towards her so they. Christine got out of bed, took the pillow as cover but Celine charged toward her grabbing her hair.

Christine wiggled free from Celine and she ran toward the other side of the bed to get away from Celine. But Celine followed her and was ready to charge on her but Christine was quick to dodge her hands. Since she was naked, she grabbed the quilt on the floor to cover herself and ran towards the door, she needs to get some help but she stopped when she heard a loud thud on the floor which sounds like a hard thing fell. When she turned around, she saw Celine on the floor, blood flowed under her head.