
Christine attacked me...

She is still in shock until now, she can't believe how it happened. She figured that Joseph talked to the Police on her behalf because no one came to talk to her. She felt relieved.

'So what now? Why am I still here?' That moment, she made a decision.

She decided to look for Joseph and talk to him.

The house was so quiet when she went out of her room to look for Joseph. There was an eerie feeling, the silence is deafening. She walked down the hall towards Joseph's room.

She stopped in front of his room. She hesitated, she is not sure if this is the right time to talk to him. What if he doesn't want to talk to her? What if he resented her for causing his mother's death?

After a few minutes of hesitation, she knocked on the door. No one answered. She knocked again and this time she called his name. Still no answer. She knocked for the third time, this time it's louder. No one still answered. She checked the doorknob and it's not locked. With trembling hands, she pushed the door open, she just wanted to peek if Joseph is in the room. The room is empty and so quiet. Her plan was to take a peek but she was mesmerized by the interior of the room. It is her first time to be in Joseph's room. She invited herself in and was awed by the minimalist arrangement of the room. The overall motif of the room is blue, with accents of white. The bed is huge covered with different shades of blue and a white huge headboard. On top of the headboard is his graduation portrait of Joseph, he was like smiling but not really smiling. You can see the smile on his eyes but his lips are tight and he looks a few years younger. He looks so dashing in that picture- "actually, he is more dashing now" Celine said to herself while smiling. She was in that position when she heard a door opened.

"What are you doing here?" a woman's voice came from behind her.

Christine abruptly turned around and was expecting that the voice was from one of the maids but it's not. She froze and stammered, "who are you?" She was not expecting to see a beautiful and elegant lady in front of her. She looked annoyed, surprised after a few seconds, and went back to being annoyed, and then she smirked and looked at Christine from head to toe. She seemed to be examining her. For a split second, she saw envy in her eyes, but it was replaced with annoyance and disgust.

"How dare you don't remember me, you slut!"

Christine got even more confused. Who is she, how am I suppose to remember her? She racked her brain to remember who this annoyed woman in front of her. She wears a lavender mini dress with a deep collar that showed her voluptuous breasts....

"Donna?" Christine blurted. She did not recognize her at first. She looked matured and elegant. She remembered Donna because she caught her and Joseph making out at the barn before. Donna was pursuing Joseph before.

"What are you doing in Joseph's room, are you trying to seduce him again?" she said sarcastically.

"There are things I need to discuss with him", she explained.

"Well, he is busy right now. In fact, he asked me to get him some things for him", she proudly said.

"So he is not here", Christine said faintly.

"Yes, he is not here. He is staying with me while making the funeral arrangements", she proudly said and looked at her tauntingly.

"If you have anything to say to him, you can tell me and I can relay it to him", she continued mockingly.

Christine looked at her intently to see if she is not bluffing, and she can see that she is telling the truth. She felt dismayed and hurt. Now that Celine is dead, Donna and Joseph would probably get married. They look good together, Christine admitted it to herself. Donna has a strong background and Joseph will not be embarrassed if he takes her as his wife. But why does it hurt so much? This is a possibility and she has nothing compared to Donna.

"It's okay, I'll talk to him after the funeral", Christine said

"He won't be home after the funeral. Joseph and I are planning to travel together after the funeral and I'm afraid we will be gone for a few months. I understand, you will have to go back to M City after the funeral, right?", Donna asked.

"It will not be appropriate if you stay here, knowing that you killed Celine", she continued with contempt in her eyes.

"I did not kill her, it was an accident!" Christine defended herself.

"No matter what you say, no one will believe you. You have to be thankful that Joseph is not pressing charges against you, and you know why?" she continued to mock her.

"Because that will be bad for his business and the family's reputation. You know what I think, you should go and leave us alone, you're a killer!" Donna said and laugh mockingly.

"I am not a killer, I did not kill her. it was an accident!" she exclaimed.

"You are a killer! You slut, whore!" She said and prepared to leave. There is no use arguing with her. She walked past her but before she can go out of the room, Donna grabbed her that caused her to lose her balance. She frantically finds a way to balance herself and avoid falling but in the end, she fell and carried Donna with her. She fell with half of her body on top of Donna. She stretched her hand and tried to stand up but Donna caught her hand placed it on her head.

"Please don't hurt me, I don't want trouble", Donna started to say in a weak voice. Christine was confused, she was the one who grabbed her. Donna started to act weird, she cried and covered her face as if trying to protect her face.

"Christine!" Joseph shouted in surprise. He hurriedly came to Donna's rescue. He lifted Christine up and shoved her aside. He then helped Donna stand.

"I..we.." Christine stammered, still confused about what happened.

"She attacked me, Joseph", Donna said weakly. She looked scared and hugged Joseph.

Joseph rubbed her back, trying to console her while he was looking accusingly at Christine.