
You are mine or not

A story of insane person turning into a delicate person going to fall in love learning to love every moment learning to live now that’s how Emerald is she is going to move on got to live with her love and struggle to stay together.

STBboss · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Their baby birth issue part 2

Blake looks at Emerald's belly which shows a sign of the eighth month of the baby in the mother's belly.

In tension, he looks back at the doctors who were discussing something and then looks at Emerald while keeping her close to herself.

Blake: look honey doesn't get the wrong idea. I heard from Roomie that you didn't abort the baby and these are the best doctors sitting here I was discussing that if we put out the baby from you and give him what he needs medically the baby's survival will be on Lord and medical science. But now I am feeling like I should've kept you with me to see how this all happened.

Emerald: Blake you idiot. Did you look at yourself? You have a changing body syndrome also your wounds heal up in half of a day and you are super fast in running too. I was tense at first too then I thought about all the things that happen to you and in my mind, I got only one conclusion it is your and my child but it will have a lot of things the same as you.

Blake: yeah you are right but I am still worried. Now tell me how your decision changed??!!!

Emerald: I was lying on the bed after a week of our separation and felt like I am unable to open my eyes I fell asleep and as my eyes closed I saw a dream where my child was pulling me and hugging me but then he pushed me away saying you abandoned me and that he hates me I was so sad and it hurt me so much that I woke up crying I made up my mind that I won't abort my baby and what type of mother do that to her baby so now this is the result. Look at it how big my belly is.

Blake hugs her and takes her toward the place he was discussing with the doctors. They sit closer to each other.

Marcus( doctor): is this your wife Blake?

Blake: yeah she is.

Bueno( doctor): but you said it is I mean the baby is only one month old.

Blake: yeah it is.

Areca(doctor): but what is this? Her belly shows eight-month baby symptoms.

Blake: the thing is our baby growth is faster and the thing which is killing me is how this kid will give birth to the baby.

Here Blake is referring to Emerald when he said the kid.

Sean( doctor): something like this Blake how are we gonna manage it what if the baby's growth is faster after birth too? Are you gonna use the money then?

Blake: you tell me you all are my best friends you all are my last hopes and I will pamper my first kid as much as I can I want to solve this birth problem first I will handle afterward problems then on my own with all of your help.

Emerald: I am going upwards and I am tired and hungry bring me some food.

Blake: you sit here George food for madam with special care.

George: ok master.

Bueno: sister in law how did you manage to break into this hard ice bergs life? They were always icebergs but I don't know how he threw fire from his mouth like a dragon in past for girls. This evil idiot didn't even invite us to his wedding. How? I am curious how you came into his life.

Emerald: long story short it was all work of love and mostly my dad.

Blake: you know how much I am loyal to Jey.

Marcus: oh so you are Jey's daughter he is a man of his word and our best buddy.

Emerald: is he? My dad is a big jerk who only knows how to manipulate my life.