
You are mine or not

A story of insane person turning into a delicate person going to fall in love learning to love every moment learning to live now that’s how Emerald is she is going to move on got to live with her love and struggle to stay together.

STBboss · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Their baby birth issue part 1

Mister Aaron(Emerald's college teacher): hello is this Blake?!!!

Blake: yes what is it and who are you to call me from my wife's cell phone?

Mister Aaron: the thing is to come to pick up miss Emerald she just fainted but I don't think it is something simple. Therefore, I called you from her cell phone as your number was on top of her phone contact list.

Blake: I am coming just stay there.

Blake rushes towards the college and runs towards her classroom Mister Aaron takes her toward the nurse's room and then she takes Emerald to the hospital there they find out that she fainted due to restlessness and stress.

Blake looks at her and asks if she is pregnant or not. At a doctor's checkup, they find out that she is pregnant and they should do an ultrasound to know the baby's condition.

Blake and Emerald come back home. Blake takes her to the room and feeds her soup made by the hand of George.

Blake: something the matter? From the time we are back home you are looking like you are feeling sad.

Emerald: I am not ready to have a baby. My life will be disturbed and I will be unable to concentrate.

Blake: you don't have to worry about that. I will take care of your education and all stuff but give birth to this child it's our first.

Emerald: I can't.

She starts crying and Blake hugs her tightly while looking at her being stressed.

Blake: do you love me?

Emerald: I do. Hi, I do a lot. Hic but this is a hic first time hic how will I hic manage it hic...

Blake: when we got married before that it was such a dangerous condition but we faced it then we got married this is the same in a blink of an eye everything will end and you and me and our first love symbol our baby we all will be happy.

Emerald: you don't understand hic you don't hic that was his only marriage hic this is a hic who whole his baby.

Blake: ok abort it ok. Now you happy me happy ok.

Blake leaves the room in anger Emerald looks all around the room and finds herself alone.

She weeps for a few minutes then stops whining. She goes down and looks at George who tells her that a few servants will accompany her to the apartment she is going to live in there for the time being and George is going to pack her bags.

Emerald looks here and there then agrees with George's words and in the afternoon they leave the home. In the evening Emerald gets an amount of money and a letter. The letter states that Blake is not agreeing with the decision of abortion but this is the amount of money to abort it and she will use the remaining money for survival and necessary things as soon as the money ends up she tells Roomie( her maid) and she will tell Blake.

Emerald looks at the letter and throws it in the dust bin then leaves the money on the table and goes to the room.

Emerald: pick up the phone Blake stop ignoring me.

They for days stay away from each other while the changes in the growth of the baby take place continuously until the month ends Emerald finds her belly increasing its size daily and then in her stubbornness she goes to their villa and enters the villa without any problem. She finds Blake sitting in front talking to some people while one beautiful lady clinging to him.

Emerald: Blake you son of a ****. Ahhh.

Blake: George who let her in? How did you come here and what is wrong with your belly?

Emerald: I was being tensed there all the recent month and look at you. You are not even showing a sign of tension.

Blake: f*** up tell me what is this.