
You're a Wizar...I Mean Trainer

Wow, I'm in the world of Harry Potter, I can't wait to learn magic! Huh, was that a Pidgey?

Hazel_Elesium · Movies
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Chapter 01 Waking up in a Magical World

On a small street located in Kent

"Ugh, I felt like I hit my head." Sitting up in bed and looking around I took in my surroundings. "This isn't my room, where am I?" Looking around I saw a light brown wallpapered room, football posters of different teams on my walls, a simple black desk, and my simple twin sized bed. "I really need to figure out where I'm at aghhh!" I felt myself falling back on my bed with my head in terrible pain, shortly after the sharp pain I saw black and passed out.

"williAM ... WILLIAM, oh thank god you're awake." A woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes looked down on me as I woke up. I felt something cool on my head and then a rush of memories hit me. Yes, my memories, this has always been my life or at least I only got all my memories back when I passed out. It was as if my body had been on autopilot. Opening my eyes and looking at my mother I said, "Sorry mom, I don't know what happened I just felt super tired and decided to sleep in today, I hope I didn't worry you too much."

"It's alright honey, I was just worried when you didn't wake up early like you usually do" My mom's name is Julia Grey, a single mother who has a successful job as therapist. Our family isn't rich but we still had a lot of money from my mom's income and what was left when my father passed away in the car accident. But she works so hard to make sure I have a life that I can enjoy and I feel horrible for making her worry like this.

Looking at the time I realized it was already 11 am and mom was still home looking after me. I quickly turned back and asked, "Mom is it really ok for you to be here, didn't you have appointments today with some patients?" "It will be alright William because you're important to me and I need to make sure you're alright" she said. "I'm alright mom, really, but you're work is important, I'll be fine" I sighed at her overprotectiveness.

No matter what happened to me as a child my mom would always freak out and take it to the next level. I'm glad she worries about me, but she has always been a helicopter parent. She even tried to rush me to the emergency room as a kid because I fell at the playground and scratched my knee. And take now for example, she came to check on me because I was asleep later than I usually would be, granted I passed out but now that I know why she doesn't need to worry about it.

*Chit Chit* 'What was that noise?' "Hey mom did you hear that?" *Chit Chit* "Yeah there it was again" my mom said. I got up out of bed and we both head down the stairs to check out what the noise was. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs we turned into the kitchen and I saw a half set table with a plate of bacon on the ground but that wasn't what shocked me the most.

Sitting on mom's flower bed in the kitchen window sat an owl, and you wouldn't believe me but it had what looked suspiciously like a Hogwarts acceptance letter in its beak. Oh my god, I wake up in another world and I'm already going to Hogwarts, yes! Nothing like a totally safe ancient castle with a forest of deadly creatures to really get your transmigrator heart pumping and let's not even mention the crazies with an instant death spell.

"Wow Mom look it's an owl with a letter, I wonder who could train an owl to deliver letters" I said hoping to get the letter and open it right away. "Yes very neat honey but let me get it, it might not be safe for you" my mom responded instantly stepping in front of me and slowly approaching the window. Grabbing a wooden spoon and using it to gently open the window the owl hopped in ,dropped the letter, swooped down to grab some bacon and flew out before we could react.

"What a strange bird" mom said as she picked up the letter and read the address. She handed the letter to me, "It's addressed to you honey, it even has your room on it." I quickly grabbed the letter and tore it open to read.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Familiars

Dear Mr. Grey

We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance to Hogwarts School this upcoming year

As a muggleborn wizard a representative of the school will meet with you shortly to discuss your attendance to our school.

They will explain to you the basics of the school as well as take you to get your school supplies for your first year.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

'Hmm familiars that's different but it makes sense that this could be an alternate universe so there's not much to worry about' I thought. Reading over shoulder my mom spoke, "What a strange letter, it must be a very elaborate prank but I don't know why they would do this." Before she could say anything else we heard knocking at the door. Confused by this whole series of events my mother warily walked to the door and opened it.

"Excuse me miss but is this the Grey residence per chance?" A tall man with greasy black hair, a hooked nosed, and dressed in black flowing robes asked. I was internally screaming, Hogwarts had sent not just anyone but Severus "you have your mother's eyes" Snape. 'Ok Will most fanfictions paint him to be a weirdo but he might not be like that, ok just don't freak out.'

(I already know I'm not the greatest writer so any input would be greatly appreciated, I plan on keeping some elements of the original like potions and runes but everything else will either be getting a twist or replaced altogether. I have a lot of ideas for this story that I hope everyone who reads this will enjoy!)

(Also, I'm thinking of adding fusion for Pokémon and I'm open to suggestions for anything else I might be able to add.)

(Put your ideas for characters and what Pokémon should be their first/main. Can be normal or fused just drop some ideas.)

I saw an author asking for this a few months ago, since he was a popular author I hoped someone would do this but since I haven't seen any attempts I thought why don't I try!

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