
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Filler Chapter: Behind the scenes with Author!

"…What the fuck…

Where is my- oh. Wait wh- oh… we'll damn. Still can't find my charger sadly…

That just makes everything more difficult tbh…

Anyways, what's good? Expecting more? Maybe a real chapter? Sadly to say I don't have my computer charger at the moment. Not even mentioning typing on my phone is fucking hell!"

"Anyways how was you guys Valentine's Day? Wait, you don't have to say anything… it was a lonely valentines for us all!"

Now, you might be saying "speak for yourself" or say I get 0 bitches… and I have to remind you all…



You got on Webnovel…




And claim you get bitches? Blasphemous! But getting off of that topic, I have so many ideas in my head rn it's despicable. Sadly rn my life is just work and school. Like I deadass worked 7 days in a row… help.

But I had the idea to make a Fr abt reincarnating into MHA with Tanjiro (demon king one) powers and just memory wiping him just to laugh at him fr.

Imagine getting your dream powers and wake up with amnesia. Also had the idea to continue my one piece fanfic, well redo it specifically.

The mc will still follow the straw hats(which some of you will not like) but will have more activity and will join later on. Instead in Logue town. Keeping his powers and everything, as it's kinda interesting tbh. Might add other anime references as well.

But thats all I have time to think about, I'm usually either in school, sleep, being a teenager, or at work. Trying to find a time to write more for you guys.

Lastly, join my discord server to make decisions for me🥱 I procrastinate too much. Shit, I've been procrastinating a chapter for like a week and a half now. But that's not my fault, life just beating my ass.

No more complaining now, but join, I will do a giveaway in there probably.
