
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter.1 Second encounter

Sorry for the delay. Here is your chapter…

--POV: Yoriichi--

Sitting in my division, finally getting rest from the excessive paperwork I have the opportunity to peacefully drink some tea. Lately I've been bringing new flavors from the human world and they truly amaze me. There wasn't many flavors of tea when I was alive but now they had made which I believe is the best tea.

Sweet Iced tea with some squeezed lemon. It has everything to offer in fact. Its cold, sweet, and sour, all while still tasting like actual tea. While relaxing, my Lieutenant, Giyu walks into my room and just start staring at me blankly.

Ignoring him as this is a rare moment of rest, I slowly fall asleep in my desk. But was rudely interrupted by my Lieutenant once again, who again, has yet to say anything.

"Yes, Giyu?" I ask a little groggily. He thinks for a minute before getting to the point. "Captain Tsugikuni…there is a urgent Captains meeting. I thought you knew of this." He states blandly. These words leave me feeling saddened a bit as I have to end my nap earlier than expected. "Sigh, fine. Lets go." I say getting up and putting on my Captains robe.

Arriving at the door of the division, we start to shunpo towards the first division where the meetings are usually held. On the way, I picked up a couple of sweets, knowing that my little sister will be there with father as well.

Once we arrive, all eyes are on us. Me in particular. As I am usually early its unusual for me to be late for once. I smile at everyone as I speak out for my defense. "Sorry for my tardiness. I didn't know we would have a meeting today, so I fell asleep." I said wearily.

"Jeez, you're so irresponsible Yoriichi!" Yelled out Soi-fon, who took up the opportunity to speak up. "Sorry, Soi-fon san. Father, is Yachiru here as well?" I ask, turning towards Zaraki. He doesn't say anything but lifts his arm, revealing a sleeping Yachiru cloning to his arm.

I smile slightly at her relaxed demeanor before getting serious and sitting down at my seat. "So, what would this meeting details pertain to?" I ask Yamamoto. He remains silent for awhile, stroking his beard. After a while of deciding his words he speaks out in his gruff voice.

"There has been a few Ryokas wreaking havoc lately. They defeated 2 Lieutenants so far, they are still recovering as we speak." He says. This causes me to ponder for a while, they must be peaceful as they did not kill the Lieutenants, so what's their cause? Then all of a sudden father speaks out ahead of Shunsui who was about to ask something unintelligent most likely.

"I don't see the big deal, i'll handle them. I haven't had fun in ages yknow." He says brazingly, leaning back in his chair gripping his sword. "While that would be favorable…" I start off before looking towards Yamamoto, smiling slightly before returning my attention to my father.

"We neither know how strong they are or their motives. It would be better to send someone more sensible to ask for their reason, no offense." I say bowing lightly. "I'll go with you so we can find their motives, and if its something we cant help with we will send them out of the soul society peacefully." I say looking around the room for any objections.

Then all of a sudden the room temperature rises as I gain a Ice cold look in my eyes before saying something that would put fear in the demon king himself.

"If they however have ill intentions or do not wish to leave… they will be killed without mercy." I say which receives nods from most captains, while Shunsui and Ukitake reminisce with each other about "How scary! I never knew that adorable little kid could say that!" and "Is he real the same kid that wouldn't cut a tree, fearing killing it?"

I ignore the and continue through the meeting. It seems that there are 5 of them, one with abnormally reiatsu. But they also split up on their way in. So that makes everything more difficult…

As the meeting ends Yachiru eventually wakes up due to the movement of father. As soon as she wakes up she rushes at me with a hug as she yells out "Good morning! Yori-chin!" I hug her back before she removes herself and puts her hand out, as if she is asking for something.

In a joking mood I place my hand in hers, making her hit me in the stomach in annoyance. "Haha, Yachiru sorry sorry. No need to be violent. I have candy for you~!" I say grabbing her attention.

Reaching into my shihakusho I grab a small box full of dango and hand it to her as a surprising amount of drool leaves her mouth. "Slow down Yachiru, its not going anywhere." I say patting her head while she aggressively eats the dango. She takes around 15 seconds to finish the dango which didn't surprise me any longer.

"Nee~ do you have anymore Yori-chin?!" She asks full of excitement. "No Yachiru, but ill get you a lot more if you be a good girl." I say to which she responds by saying "Yachiru is always a good girl!" While rapidly shaking her head up and down, causing me to laugh at her antics.

"Yeah, you are a good girl Yachiru. Say, want to go look for those Ryokas? They seem fun." I ask enticing Yachiru to follow me.

"Yeah! Leeetttsss Gooooo!" She yells out climbing on my shoulder. Looking behind me is father with a huge grin on hs face, like he knows he's going to have the best fight in his life.

Leaving with father behind me and Yachiru on my shoulder giving me directions, its no wonder I quickly get lost. At the moment im at a part of the soul society I never knew existed. Everything is white as usually but there is no soul reapers to make it feel like hime.

Instead, there is a single familiar orange haired boy with a huge sword running…towards the tower. Flash Stepping ahead of him, he reveals a surprised expression before stopping. Now I remember him, a few weeks ago (soul society time) He protected Rukia, and was struck down by Byakuya-san.

"I remember you. Ichigo is it? Why have you came to the soul society?" I ask getting strait to the point. He remains quiet, slightly shaking in what seems to be anger.

"Why… why are you here out of all these times…" He asks. Sympathizing with him, as he almost immediately ran into a captain I drop my sword on the ground to show him im not her to fight.

"Relax, i'm only here to talk as of now. Now first, what would your name be?" I ask which confuses him as he would have thought I was here to stop him. I even put my hands up like they do in those tv shows on the living world.

"My name…is Kurosaki Ichigo" He says blankly trying to understand my actions. "Now, may I ask Kurosaki-san. Why are you invading the soul society?" I ask kindly trying to ease up the tension.

He stops for a minute before saying a obvious lie. "I wish to become a soul reaper…"

"Oh really, well the soul reaper academy is the other way…" I say to which he starts sweating.

"Perhaps Kurosaki-san, are you lying to me?" I ask to which he immediately draws his sword. "Please calm down Kurosaki. I just wish to know why you invaded the soul society. I mean no harm." I say but he still doesn't put his sword down.

That's when father walks in behind Ichigo, inspecting him. "Hey now, you seem strong don't ya!" startling Ichigo as he jumps back. "Father, we still don't know his motives yet. Please dont attack him.

"Huh? That stuff doesn't matter, as long as he can give me a good fight then he's innocent." He says ignoring me. Sighing as I know I wont be able to stop him unless I fight him myself, I sit down next to Yachiru and decide to watch the battle.

"Say, Yachiru. How long do you think he will last?" I ask Yachiru as she ponders for a minute. "Hmmmm…maybe a minute? Nobody can beat Kenny!" She exclaims. Meanwhile,

"Ill give you one free hit! You better make it count!" Zaraki says with a huge grin on his face. Ichigo hesitates before running up to him with his blade above his head and slashing at Zaraki's shoulder.

But unfavorably to Ichigo, the blade fails to pierce his skin, making Zaraki a little disappointed.

"Is that all you got?"

[End of Chapter]

Yes, short chapter. But I'm on my phone what do ya expect.

Anyway hope you enjoyed stay safe and join the discord!
