

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

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In the washroom, Ryan turned on the tap and helped D'barl wash his hands.

The latter's eyes reddened. He was touched at the sight of Ryan's little hands rubbing his wrinkled hands. As he grew older, the younger generations in the family would soon grow up and nourish the next generation, just like he did.

Ryan asked casually, "Great-grandpa, do you still remember your mother?"

D'barl seemed surprised by his question. Looking into the distance, he started recalling about his mother. "Of course, I remember about her. She was a great woman. Although she came from a peasant family and was not well educated, she was kind and hard-working. She later in life with my pops became very great politicians."

Ryan turned off the tap. "Great-grandpa, I believe your mother must be a great woman to raise an honorable man like you, just like how my mommy is."

D'barl was thrown off balance when Ryan suddenly mentioned Violla. He realized his great-grandchild had led him by the nose the moment he brought up that conversation.

Ryan helped wipe D'barl's hand dry with a towel. With a smile, he spoke up, "My mother might not be clever, and she is definitely not a successful career woman."

"She is careless and forgetful. Sometimes, she would forget to season her cooking, or she would forget to put detergent into the washing machine. She doesn't even understand my research."

"Her hot cross bunnies actually taste awful, but Jason and Eliana would always finish them. Well, to us, it's really awful, but we never complain about it."

"My mommy is in no way perfect, but she risked her life to give birth to us. She spends all her time and energy taking care of us."

"When we are in danger, she would always be there to protect us.

"She took up several part-time jobs to earn a living to send us to the best kindergarten, yet she was reluctant to spend even a single penny on new clothes for herself."

"When she got bullied and injured, she would hide her injury from us. But when we got bullied, she would put on a brave front to argue with the bully's parents. She would do anything to defend our dignity and protect our safety."

"To us, she is the best mother in the world. Although it was a rough time, we were happy living together. At times, we would be bullied by the kids from rich families, but we believe we could overcome any hardship as long as we were together."

At that point, Ryan looked at his great-grandpa through teary eyes. After a short pause, he went on by saying, "We will go wherever mommy goes, even if that means we can't be a Roman family member. As long as we can be with mommy, we don't care if we can no longer stay in a beautiful house, or go to school in a luxury car, or even lose our daddy."

D'barl was visibly panicked. "Oh, you silly Ryan, who taught you these? You're still young, and you don't understand about the adult's affairs."

Ryan said seriously, "No one taught me that. That's my genuine thought. I know you don't agree with daddy marrying mommy and that you've found daddy another woman as his future wife. I saw that woman before. She is very mean, and she even scared Eliana to tears. We don't like her. In fact, even if you find daddy another kind woman, we won't like her either. To us, mommy is irreplaceable. If mommy leaves, we are not staying as well."

Seeing the boy's resolution, D'barl gabbled in a panic, ", Ryan, you are a member of the Roman family. No one asks you to leave. This is between the adults, and it has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much, okay?"

"But Great-grandpaโ€ฆ"

Just then, Mrs. Blake's voice and the sound of her footsteps rang out. "Ryan, Jason, Eliana, it's time for dinner!"

Ryan stopped talking. He then wheeled D'barl out of the washroom.

In the meantime, Davon and Violla were seen walking downstairs. The latter ordered, "Ryan, Jason, Eliana, wash your hands!"

"Alright." As soon as the kids were no longer in sight, D'barl shot daggers at Davon before he left the house.

Violla was confused. Everything was fine , and D'barl even agreed to stay for dinner. Why was he suddenly angry?

"Don't bother. Let's eat now." Davon made her sit at the dining table before he went to send D'barl off.

"Where is great-grandpa?" asked the kids after they came out of the washroom.

Violla was unwilling to lie to them, so she answered frankly, "Your great-grandpa has just left."

"I thought he is going to stay for dinner? Why did he leave?" With his brows knotted, Jason asked worriedly, "Did he leave because I went to chase after Finny when I was performing martial arts?"

"Great-grandpa's car is still outside!" Eliana ran out of the house.Jason and Finny followed suit.

Ryan, on the other hand, remained seated while calmly drinking water.

"All of them have gone after your great-grandpa. Why didn't you join them?" Violla asked curiously.

"If great-grandpa wants to leave, he must have his own reason." Ryan handed a small bunch of grapes to his mother. "Mommy, the grapes are sweet and juicy. Have some."

"Thank you, Ryan." Violla took the grapes. After some hesitation, she asked, "Ryan, did you say something to your great-grandpa?"

Ryan was composed. "We had a few words. I just wanted to protect you mommy."

Hearing that, Violla's heart tightened. She knew her son well. Ryan was more mature and cleverer than his peers. Thus, most probably, he knew all that was going on between her and D'barl.

If that was so, it was not surprising that he would do something out of the ordinary.

Violla suddenly thought of Titus, the boy who suffered a great deal because of the toxic relationship between his parents. The enmity between the two families had eventually caused the three-year-old boy to go to the extremes when he stabbed Barbra with a pair of scissors.

She wouldn't want to see Ryan become the next Titus.

Holding Ryan's hands in hers, she said, "Ryan, this is between the adults, and it has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much, alright?"

"I didn't, and I won't meddle in it. Don't worry, Mommy," Ryan comforted his mother, "I know what I'm doing."

Violla was at a loss for words.

Right then, Jason and Eliana were back. The two were still sulking over their great-grandpa, who suddenly left.

"Hmph! Great-grandpa didn't keep his promise!"

"We're not sharing hot cross bunnies with him next time."

"Yeah! We're not sharing with him!"

"That's it! Let's eat!" Davon picked the kids up and put them in their junior chair. Then, he asked the head maid to serve dinner.

"Daddy, mommy, Mrs. Blake, let's dig in!"

The presence of the kids in the house would always liven up the atmosphere. Including Finny, there seemed to be four children in the house.

The dining hall was filled with the kids' laughter and jovial chatter. Violla soon cast her worries away. The heartfelt smile never left her face as she enjoyed dinner with them.

As for Mrs. Blake, she hadn't seen the kids for a long time. Throughout the dinner, she was busy filling the kids' plates with food.

The whole family had wonderful dinnertime together.

After dinner, Davon and Violla took a walk in the garden with the kids.

As the cool evening breeze blew, Davon wrapped his coat around Violla and his arm around her shoulder. Sitting on the bench, the two watched the kids as they played. The contentment and blissfulness brought about by the lovely family moment brought smiles to their faces.

"If only we can live a simple yet happy life like this forever," Violla said, "With the whole family staying together, and we will keep the kids company as they grow up."

"Yes, we will." Davon was optimistic about the future. "Don't worry. Grandpa will eventually give his blessing."

"How are you so optimistic?" Violla plastered a bitter smile on her face. "He was angry when he left just now. I don't think he will agree to us marrying."

"Oh, Violla, you're such a pessimist!" The man ran his fingers through her hair. "Trust me, grandpa will agree for the sake of the kids."

Violla fell into silence. Still, she was not too optimistic about it. One of the reasons being D'barl's unfriendly attitude toward her, while the other reason was what Tobias told her earlier that day.

It felt like Tobias was hinting at something. Inexplicably, she had a bad feeling about it. 'Is he trying to tell me that there is still toxic residual in my blood?'

"What's wrong?" asked Davon. "You look bothered."

"Nothing. I couldn't be happier right now." She leaned against his shoulder. "Perhaps it's normal for every woman to be anxious before their wedding."

"You silly girl." Davon caressed her hair. "Put your mind at ease and leave everything to me. You are going to be the happiest bride ever."

"Mmmh." She nodded smilingly.

"You must be tired now, and you should sleep early tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a long day as we need to take our wedding photos at the seaside."

"Aright then." Violla wrapped the coat tighter around her. "I'll go to bed now while you stay with the kids. Come join me later."

"Alright." Davon gestured to the maid to help Violla into the house.

His smile gradually disappeared as her figure vanished from sight. He then beckoned Clyde over and asked, "How's Dr. Felix?"

"He's still unconscious," Clyde replied. "Immaculate has invited a group of specialists from overseas to treat Dr. Felix. His vital signs are stable, yet there is no sign of him waking up."

Davon furrowed his brows. After a while, he asked, "Have you found that crazy woman?"

"Not yet." Clyde lowered his head, embarrassed with his incompetency. "It seems like she is deliberately hiding from us. We can't find her anywhere."

"Use all resources to search for her. I don't believe she can hide forever." Davon felt fury rise within him when he recalled what Diana had done.

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Clyde nodded.

Davon then dismissed him.

He was in an agitated state. He knew well that although Violla seemed to look fine, her life was at risk. The toxins in her body were like a ticking bomb that could explode anytime.

It was a race against time. He had invited a top-notch medical team to treat Dr. Felix, and at the same time, he had ordered his men to track Diana down. He was still clinging to the hope that Diana had an antidote.

He would find the cure for Violla at all costs.

In fact, he did all that without Violla's knowledge so that she wouldn't feel burdened.He hoped she could be a carefree and happy bride.

"Daddy! Watch out!" All of a sudden, a basketball came flying in his direction. Davon reacted swiftly in catching the ball and tossed it back to the kids.

"Thank you, daddy." The kids continued with their basketball game. Although both Ryan and Eliana lacked in stature and were a little clumsy, they greatly enjoyed themselves.

As for Jason, that boy was gifted in athletes. He was a fast learner when it came to sports.

Eliana, on the other hand, preferred arts. The little girl had mastered singing, dancing, drawing, and piano at a young age. Nevertheless, she was not good at studying, just like her mother.

The sight of his kids playing happily in the garden dispelled Davon's gloominess. He was never afraid of challenges, and he always believed there was no problem unsolvable.

Soon, the clouds blotted out the sunlight; it was about to rain.

Both the head maid and Mrs. Blake were worried that the kids might get wet, so they urged them to come into the house.

Yet, Davon halted them. "Let the kids play. The Romans are strong and tough. They are not afraid of the rain."

"Daddy is right!" Jason cheered as he continued with the ball game.

Ryan and Jason were now playing soccer. The clumsy Eliana was also trying hard to keep up with his brothers.

Finny was cheering for them on the basketball hoop, "Come on! Come on!"

Standing by the window, Violla was glad to see the kids having fun outside. 'Davon and the kids are brave in the face of challenges. How can I wimp out? I should be confident and face all challenges with them!'

Hope reignited in Violla as she gained strength from her family.

When Davon was back in the bedroom, Violla was already fast asleep. The latter always felt tired and sleepy .

Initially, he thought she was pregnant. Later, the doctors found out that Violla's condition was caused by the toxins in her body.

Davon took off his coat and wiped his hair with a towel before he went to sit on the bed. Fixing his eyes on the sleeping Violla, he gently caressed her cheeks.She was in a deep slumber like a sleeping beauty.

She didn't even stir in her sleep at his touch.

Davon gave her a light peck on the forehead. Just as he was about to leave for the bathroom, Violla wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and leaned her body against his.

"You're up?" He turned around and rustled her hair.

"Mmmh. You woke me up." With that, Violla clung to the man's body while her hand started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Why are you so passionate today?" Davon was surprised when she gave him the come-on. Cupping her face, he asked, "Is there something wrong with you?"

Violla face flushed. "You're so annoying! Do you want it or not?"

"Of course I do!" With that, the man climbed on top of her and pinned her hands. He planted kisses all over her face, from her forehead to her lips and her earlobe. "Oh, you're driving me crazy."

A moan escaped from Violla's lips. "I'm glad to hear that."

She wrapped her legs around his waist. At that moment, all she wanted to do was to reward him with her passion.

Back then, she always thought of Davon as a temperamental person. It was only until then that she realized how affectionate and perfect the man he was.

He was like a sturdy tree, shielding her and the kids from the storm. He would overcome all difficulties so that the whole family could stay together.

'How could she not love him?'

It was still raining outside, yet the temperature in the room rose as the two's passions filled the space.

Meanwhile, D'barl couldn't seem to sleep that night. He was sitting in his wheelchair, staring blankly at the storm outside.

Douglas was attentive enough to replenish D'barl's teacup when the tea turned cold though the latter had not taken a sip of it.

He was worried as D'barl had sat there doing nothing for a long time. "Mr. Roman, you didn't eat much during dinner. Why don't I get the maid to cook something for you?"

"There is no need," D'barl rejected. After a while, he spoke up, "I wouldn't change my mind because of that cheeky rascal, but after having that conversation with Ryanโ€ฆ" He let out a sigh.

Hearing that, Douglas said understandingly, "Young sir Ryan is indeed different from other kids. He is smarter and emotionally more intelligent than his father."

"That's true." D'barl nodded in agreement.

Then, he uttered, "After all, that cheeky rascal lost his parents since he was young. At that time, I was too busy with the family business that I never really spent time with him. His childhood was full of tedious training. Growing up without much family love, he is relatively weak when it comes to interacting with other people."

"Ryan, on the other hand, is different. His mother and Mrs. Blake sure have taken good care of them."

Douglas couldn't agree more with D'barl. "That's why his words could easily touch your heart. I was shocked as well that a kid at his age would say something like that. Yet, I believe it is Young Sir Ryan's genuine thought."

"Since Mr. Young Roman is not a sentimental person, I suppose he didn't teach Young sir Ryan that. As for Miss Milan, she went to meet you as soon as she came back, and she didn't have the time to even talk to young sir Ryan. Besides, she looked like an artless person. It doesn't seem to me that she would teach her child to say something like that."