

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs




"I have never asked you to spend the rest of your life with Laura." Apart from frustration, there was weariness in D'barl's tone. "Just marry her first and hang on temporarily. After Roman Group has survived this crucial moment and once the operation stabilizes, you have the freedom to divorce her at any time. I won't stop you from doing that by then." D'barl argued.

"To me, marriage is supposed to be a once in a lifetime affair, and it can't be exploited as a stepping stone just for the sake of my career advancement. I would never give in to my marriage. It's merely an act of cheating and is really unfair to my future spouse as well. Grandpa, I really hope you understand." Davon responded sternly as his face darkened.

"You…" D'barl was instantly infuriated, yet he could not refute him.

Douglas chimed in and said tactfully, "Mr. Old Roman, we are unable to decide on everything for the younger generation. They have their own rights to make their own choice in whom they marry. Just let Mr. Young Roman decide for himself."

"You silly old bugger, what do you know? You'd better shut up!" D'barl unleashed his anger on Douglas.

"Mr. Old Roman, allow me to point out something. Miss Laura has been insidious and scheming all this while, yet she looked and acted as if she was innocent. If she is really married to Mr. Young Roman, do you think she will treat your three beloved great grandchildren nicely? If she tortures them secretly again without you and Mr. Young Roman's knowledge, the consequence can be worrying indeed....."

Even though Douglas had not really finished his words, he had managed to trigger D'barl's thoughts.

As expected, D'barl's expression changed as his mind sank into deep thought.

'My three precious great-grandchildren are definitely a lot more important than Tariques Group!'

D'barl finally gave in after pondering for quite a while. "Alright, since you've already called off the wedding, there's nothing more I can say."

"Grandpa, thank you for being understanding." Davon heaved a sigh of relief.

"The mother of the three kids seems to be quite a nice woman, although she comes from normal family background. I can see that the children were brought up well, it proves that she is a woman of virtue. " said D'barl analytically.

Hearing D'barl's words, Douglas stiffened.

"Actually, Violla is…" Davon started.

"Mr. young Roman!" Douglas immediately cut him off and winked at him. "The three kids are still waiting outside for you. How about you go back with them first? When Mr. Old Roman's condition…"

"You silly old bugger, what are you doing?" D'barl glared at Douglas and pushed him. "Why do you keep interrupting when I'm talking to my grandson? I already know . I want to hear it from him."

"Mr. Old Roman, I'm just concerned about your health condition. I'm afraid you can't take another blow. What if your blood pressure shoots up again." Douglas said nervously.

"You're ridiculous! What kind of blow will there be now? It can't be that the problem is regarding the kids' mother this time round."

" Tell me is Violla Milan the mother?" D'barl raised his head instantly and stared at Davon.

"Grandpa, you got it right!" Davon smiled and nodded.

" So it's true the mother is Violla Milan." D'barl enunciated her names, fearful of making any mistakes .

"That's right. She's the one." Davon nodded again. "She was actually pregnant with my child four years ago, yet I only got to know about it recently."

D'barl was overwhelmed again and his hands started shaking.

The next moment, he slumped onto the bed; his blood pressure shot up in an instant.

"Mr. Old Roman, cool down, cool down… Doctor! Doctor!" Douglas stuttered and dashed out of the ward to look for a doctor.

Davon was shocked at the sight of D'barl's rising blood pressure as well. He too darted out of the ward at once to look for doctor.

The doctor reached the ward within seconds and requested Davon to wait outside as he attended to D'barl immediately.

"But I haven't finished my words." Davon tried to protest.

"What more do you want to say now? Do you want your grandpa to have a heart attack?" Douglas stomped apprehensively.

"Just leave first, you troublemaker!" Douglas urged Davon to leave as he pushed him out of the ward.

The moment Eliana spotted Davon's figure, she ran excitedly toward him, holding an ice cream in her hands. "Daddy, my ice cream is really yummy! Do you want to have a try?"

She was stunned and froze in her steps when she saw how Douglas pushed him out of the ward.

"Daddy, what happened to great-grandpa?" Ryan who happened to see Davon being pushed out of the ward was also puzzled.

"Great-grandpa is pissed off with me because I didn't allow him to eat ice cream," Davon replied jokingly and took the ice cream. "Thank you Elian. You're so sweet!" he planted a kiss on her chubby face lovingly.

"Why don't you let him eat ice cream? He's really pitiful," Eliana tilted her head and asked innocently.

"He can't eat ice-cream because he's not feeling well. Let's go home now." Davon stroked her head gently and lifted her up in his arms.

"Hurray! I can't wait to go home!" Eliana's eyes lit up and she applauded jubilantly.

"Why is great-grandpa behaving like a child? It's really funny. He's angry just because daddy didn't allow him to eat ice-cream?" Jason commented .

He was savoring every mouthful of his ice-cream as he walked slowly.

"Old folks tend to behave like kids. I bet great-grandpa likes our snacks too. So we must count him in whenever daddy buys us snacks." Ryan analyzed and commented seriously.

"Alright. We'll share with him next time." Both Jason and Eliana nodded in acknowledgement.

Douglas was finally relieved after Davon left with the three kids. He returned to the ward in a hurry again.

He was thankful that the doctor attended to D'barl at once and his blood pressure was back to normal again.

'Looks like Mr. Young Roman deliberately blurts out everything to Mr. Old Roman in one go so he has no chance to reject but to give in.'

Douglas could not help but let out a deep sigh as he really pitied D'barl. 'If Mr. Young Roman were my grandson, I would surely have a heart attack!'

After quite a while, doctors who attended to D'barl were relieved that his condition was under control again. However, they insisted on putting D'barl under observation closely for another day before he could be transferred to the normal ward.

A few of them were on standby in the room next to D'barl's ward in case there was any emergencies again.

Douglas helped to wipe off D'barl's sweat from his forehead and pacified him tactfully, "Mr. Old Roman, don't be angry again. If not, your blood pressure will shoot up again. Your health condition is the top priority now. Don't worry so much about Mr. Young Roman…"

"You silly old bugger. You knew about that long ago, didn't you? How dare you keep mum about it all this while! Why didn't you tell me he was living with that woman and even planning to marry her." D'barl glared at him.

Intimidated by D'barl's fiery eyes, Douglas lowered his head and explained softly, "I only knew about it when you're still unconscious. Even if I told you that time, you couldn't hear it as well."

"What had exactly happened? Tell me everything." D'barl urged Douglas desperately.

"Mr. Old Roman, you missed the three kids a lot when you were first hospitalized . That was why I brought them here to pay you a visit. We later found out that their mother was abducted on that day, and the kids asked for my help to save her. When I assigned our people to have it investigated, I discovered that Mr. Young Roman had already taken action .

"He told me that it's risky for the kids to go home, and asked me to take them back to your villa for a temporary stay. I just followed as instructed by him. Even though the kids were well taken care of in your villa, they missed their mother a lot and cried every day."

"Later, Ryan requested to see Mr. Young Roman. I wondered why, yet still arranged to let him meet Mr. Young Roman. Unexpectedly, both of them had a long conversation in the study for more than half an hour. Apparently, Mr. Young Roman really liked Ryan. He even sent him off by himself when it was time for us to leave."

"I thought Ryan must have caught Mr young Roman's eye because he's smart and considerate. On the way home, Ryan started to have stomachache, and there were rashes all over his body.

"Without hesitation, I rushed him to the hospital. At the same time, something suddenly crossed my mind. I called Mr. Young Roman to ask him if he had given Ryan any drinks , and Mr. Young Roman replied that Ryan had a glass of peaches juice."

Douglas paused a while and continued, "Something apparently came into Mr. Young Roman's mind at once as well, yet he was hiding it from me. Later, he secretly instructed Immaculate to do a DNA test for him and Ryan. Which confirmed the paternity. When Violla Milan was found,Mr Young Roman has been living with her since. All of them as a family."

After pouring out everything to D'barl, Douglas sighed, "The three kids are brought up well by Miss Milan, and Mr. Young Roman really loves her a lot. Since she's been secretive of her kids' paternity, I'm pretty sure that she never had the intention to let the secret unveiled and take advantage of the Romans. She's undoubtedly not the type of materialistic and manipulative woman."

"Why are you suddenly speaking up for her?" D'barl stared at Douglas with great displeasure.

"Mr. Roman, I'm not speaking up for her. I just comment based on the facts." Douglas smiled again and continued, "Since young, Mr. Davon Roman has been indifferent toward everyone and seem to be not keen on anything. Have you ever seen him treating anyone with such persistence and gentleness?"

"You're right in a way," D"barl agreed and nodded.

"The three kids are really adorable and they are really close to their mother. If we place them under the Roman's custody without accepting their mother, they will surely loathe you for doing that."

Hearing Douglas' words, D'barl was silent again.

Douglas did not say anything again, giving D'barl time to think.

When Davon took the three kids home, Mrs. Blake had prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Violla was seated on the sofa in her cozy casual wear. Flipping through the magazine aimlessly, she seemed to be lost in her thought.

Hearing the sound of the car engine, the head maid and the others went out at once. Mrs. Blake nudged Violla's arm and said softly, "Miss, they are back."

"Alright." Violla put her magazine down and walked out together with her.

"Mrs. Blake, Mommy." Once the three kids got out of the car, all of them lunged toward Violla.

Squatting down, Violla opened her arms to welcome them.

The moment they were in her arms with their adorable faces pressed against her neck, her mouth lifted into a cheerful smile.

Kids really had superb healing powers. Any frustration or unhappiness could be squeezed out of her mind in an instant whenever they were around.

"Be careful not to knock mommy down," Davon reminded them gently.

"Mommy, I missed you so much. Did you miss me?" Eliana rubbed her delicate cheek against Violla's face and asked coquettishly.

"Of course, I missed my Eliana so much!" Violla kissed her cheek lovingly.

"Mommy, me too!" Both Jason and Ryan leaned closer to her.

Violla planted a kiss each on one side of their cheeks as well.

"Me too!" Finny also leaned closer with its furry head.

Violla gave it a kiss as well and stoop up to enter the house with the kids. Davon was about to approach her, yet she did not give him a glance at all.

Davon was stunned and froze in his steps. 'Why is she reacting like this? Is she angry with me?'

"Dinner is ready. We've prepared all your favorite dishes." Mrs Blake introduced the dishes one by one as she waved at the kids, signaling them to be seated at the dining table.

Then, she turned toward Davon and said, "Mr. Roman, we didn't forget about your favorite cuisine. Miss Milan has also prepared wine for you!"

"Thank you," Davon thanked Mrs. Blake courteously.

Later, he glanced at Violla, thinking of having a chat with her. However, she did not spare him any glance at all and was engaged in a conversation with the kids.

Davon was baffled and could not help wondering. 'Is she doing this on purpose?:

"Daddy, can we start eating now?" Eliana looked at him eagerly.

Davon recollected himself and nodded. "Sure. Let's eat!"

"Mrs. Blake, daddy and Mommy, let's eat!" The three kids told the three of them politely before they started eating.

Violla had her meals silently with her head lowered all the time, and only raised her head occasionally to check on the kids.

Davon cut a small portion of fish fillet and put in in her plate. She just thanked him softly without having any eye contact with him.

At that instant, Davon confirmed that she was ignoring him intentionally. 'But why? Have I done anything wrong and infuriated her? I really don't understand why she's treating me so coldly.'

After dinner, the three kids requested their parents to accompany them to go for a walk in the garden.

Violla had initially agreed with them, yet there was throbbing pain on her arm again when she was about to put on her cardigan. Trying to hide it from her kids, she headed toward the washroom hurriedly.

"What happened to mommy?" Jason looked at Violla in puzzlement.

"I guess mommy must be having an upset stomach and needs to poo. I'm always like that, too." Eliana commented.

"Daddy, did you quarrel with mommy?" Ryan asked abruptly with his brows furrowed. "Mommy seems to be unhappy."

Davon explained patiently to the kids, "No, we didn't quarrel. Maybe she's not feeling well. Let me check on her. You guys go ahead and have fun."

"Alright." The kids nodded obediently.

Davon let the head maid and the three nurses accompany the kids to the garden. Then, he darted toward the washroom and yelled as he knocked lightly on the door, "Violla! Are you all right?"

"Anything?" Violla gritted the word out with great difficulty. She broke into a cold sweat and slumped on the floor, enduring the excruciating pain. She was too feeble to say anything else; there was a sense of weariness in her voice.

"Are you all right?" Davon asked again, sensing something strange in her voice.

"I'm just having a stomach upset." Violla forced herself to sound as natural as possible. "Don't worry about me. You go ahead and accompany the kids first."

"Alright." As Davon did not have any experience staying under the same roof with women, he did not know how to read a woman's mind.

He really thought that Violla was just having a normal stomach upset and needed to answer nature's call. It was quite embarrassing for both of them if he continued to stand outside the washroom and ask further. Hence, he decided to give her some space and just walked away.

At the moment, Violla was writhing in pain on the floor.

As time went by, the unbearable pain on her right arm spread gradually to her right shoulder. Even the right side of her head was in pain now.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Blake started to wonder why it took Violla so long to join them in the garden. She instinctively stepped into the house to look for her. "Where is Miss?" she asked the maids when there was still no sign of Violla.

"She's in the washroom," she replied.

"She's been in there for such a long time?" Mrs. Blake started to sense something amiss and ran hastily toward the washroom. She knocked on the door while yelling, "Miss, are you inside? Miss…"

There was no response. Mrs. Blake twisted the door handle anxiously, yet it was locked from the other side.

Instantly, her face turned pale. She was about to knock herself on the door with full force.At the same time, the door was suddenly opened.

Mrs. Blake almost lost her balance and bumped into the wall.

She managed to balance herself and turned to look at Violla. To her astonishment, Violla was lying on the floor. Her face was as pale as a sheet, and she was drenched in sweat.

"Miss!" Mrs. Blake panicked and quickly helped her to sit up.

"Shh… don't let anyone hear you…" Violla signaled and whispered at her weakly.

"Miss, w-what happened to you?" Mrs. Blake started to quiver. "Let me call… Dr. Immaculate now…" she said incoherently.

"Don't call her!" Violla gripped her hand and stopped her. "Just help me back to your room first. I'll be fine after having a rest there."

Mrs. Blake helped her up at once.Violla was too weak to stand, so she leaned on Mrs. Blake.

Mrs. Blake helped her out from the washroom and headed slowly toward her bedroom. Fortunately, all the other maids were occupied so none of them discovered anything.

Mrs. Blake heaved a sigh of relief when they reached her bedroom. She let Violla lie down on her bed and closed the door hastily. After that, she poured some warm water for her.

After taking a sip of the warm water, Violla was still in pain and did not have any strength to move.

Mrs. Blake brushed her hair aside and wiped the sweat off her forehead. Looking at Violla's piteous condition, her heart ached as she asked anxiously, "What's the matter with you? You're not feeling well? Why don't you see a doctor?"

"I was poisoned. It's useless to see a doctor. Dr. Immaculate has carried out a full body checkup for me, yet nothing could be traced." she smiled bitterly at Mrs. Blake.

"What? You have been poisoned? Don't scare me! What type of poison is that?" Mrs. Blake was astonished.

"I've no idea." Violla held her hand and replied weakly, "Mrs. Blake, looks like I need to leave for a while. I'll try to see if I can come across any acupuncture doctor who is able to treat me."

"Alright. Let me tell Mr. Roman…" Mrs Blake started.

"No! Don't tell him about this!" Violla grabbed hold of her arm anxiously before she could finish her sentence.