

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


Without saying further, Laura bowed before D'barl and turned her back to leave.

Staring at her retreating figure, Douglas asked worriedly, "Mr. Roman, do you think Laura is really suitable for Mr. Davon?"

"What are you trying to say?" D'barl questioned.

"A person's perception reflects his or her conscience." Douglas tactfully said, "Casualty, to her, is a trivial matter. It doesn't seem quite right to me…"

"Laura has been pampered since young. She may be straightforward, but she is not wicked. I watched her father grow up. He has a good personality, so would his daughter. That is why I want Davon to marry her. Besides she is good in business and for business."

"Miss Laura is fine, but…" Douglas started.

"Alright, that's enough." D'barl interrupted his speech and instructed, "Take this food and give it to that kid. He is still starving."

"Give it to that kid?" Douglas was a little bit surprised. "Miss Laura has personally cooked it and delivered it to you."

"Just do as I said!" D'barl said.

"Yes." Douglas took the lunch boxes, prepared to leave.

"Forget about it." D'barl told him, "I'll go there personally."

The two of them reached the upper floor. Jason had already been transferred from the emergency room into the VIP ward.

Ryan carried a bag on his back and remained by the side while he queried apprehensively, "Doctor, doctor, how is my brother?"

"It's nothing major. You don't have to worry. Please be careful not to trip over, alright?" Seeing a three-year-old looking after his younger brother warmed the hearts of the onlookers. As such, their tone turned gentle when they spoke to Ryan.

Inside the ward, the doctors strapped a new label on Jason's wrist. They inserted an IV drip on the back of his hand. Additionally, there was also a ventilator and an electrocardiograph for him, among other devices.

Ryan stood by the side and watched, feeling uneasy.

After all the devices had been set up, he walked up to them once again. "Doctor, what is the status right now? Why is he still unconscious?"

"Kid, where are your parents?" One of the doctors asked gently.

"Mommy's phone is engaged." Ryan's voice was a bit choked up. However, he was quick to recover as he proclaimed, "I'm his eldest brother. It will be the same for you to speak with me about his condition."

The doctor was taken aback by Ryan's words. However, he squatted down and said softly, "Hmm. You are just a kid. I need to see your parents. You both look identical. Are you twins?"

Ryan answered politely, "We are triplets. I am Ryan while this is Jason. We have a younger sister, Eliana.She is suffering from tonsils inflammation. Currently, she is resting at the ward downstairs."

"Oh my, it's triplets!" A few nurses came up to him and smiled.

"You are so cute. In fact, you look more handsome than the children actors in the television," one of the nurses commented.

"Are you guys multi-racial?"

"Where are your parents?"

"Dear all nurses, my brother is injured.He needs a peaceful environment to recuperate." Ryan furrowed his little brows and said, "Could you all please don't chit-chat here?"

"Uh…" Those nurses were stunned. At the same time, they were feeling ashamed as they apologized profusely.

A doctor laughed and explained, "Kid, you don't have to worry. Your brother's condition is not very serious."

"Why is he still unconscious if his condition is not serious? Doctor, I may be young, but please don't take me as a kid who knows nothing. Please tell me directly about my brother's condition. I can handle it."

"Alright then." The doctor held in his smile and replied professionally, "Your brother's right ankle is fractured. His body has a lot of bruises while he has a minor concussion."

"Therefore, he is still unconscious now due to the concussion? Doctor, are you sure it is only a minor one? Will there be any sequelae?" Ryan wished to confirm again.

"Wow, I'm impressed!" the doctor said. "Aren't you only three years old?"

Ryan frowned impatiently. "Get to the point!"

"Alright, alright," the doctor said, throwing his hands up in defeat. "He's still unconscious right now because of his head wound and blood loss, but he'll wake up soon. I promise that we'll take good care of him and make sure he makes a full recovery."

"Alright then," Ryan said, sighing in relief. "Can you give me a copy of all my brother's medical records? I need to hand them over to our lawyer so that he can present those as evidence in court."

The doctor stared at him incredulously. 'He's only three years old, isn't he? How is he so smart already?'

"Just do it!" An old man's voice rang.

The doctor almost jumped out of his skin in shock, and he leaped out of his chair to bow to the person who had spoken. "Greetings, Mr. Roman!"

"Spare the greetings…" the old man said as a team of specialists led by the matron of the hospital rushed towards the room from the other side of the corridor.

"Greetings, Mr. Roman!" they shouted in unison from down the corridor.

"I gathered a group of specialists the moment I heard about your grandson's plight, Mr. Roman." the matron of the hospital explained, huffing and puffing. "We'll do our best to ensure a speedy recovery for your grandson…"

"Ahem," Douglas coughed, cutting the matron off. "He isn't Mr. Roman's grandson. He only has one grandson in this nation, and that's Davon Roman."

The matron went pale in the face immediately. "Apologies for mixing them up."

"He may not be my grandson, but he is close enough,he is still blood," the D'barl said. "Matron, I'll leave him in your care. Make sure he's well taken care of."

"Yes, of course, Mr. Roman." The matron said, nodding vehemently.

The other doctors and nurses followed suit.

"Also…" D'barl said, pointing at Ryan. "Give him the documents, and don't you dare try to cheat him."

"Yes, Mr. Roman," The matron answered, glancing at Ryan respectfully.

"He has a sister too, by the way," D'barl continued. "She's been crying for a long time, and now she has tonsillitis and is getting an IV drip downstairs. Remember to take good care of her too."

"Yes, Mr. Roman. I'll make sure to do so." Later, the matron took it upon herself to understand the situation and made the necessary adjustments.

Ryan stood by the side and listened attentively, his furrowed brows only smoothening out when he finally got his hands on the documents he asked for.

D'barl watched him with a gentle smile on his face and walked over when Ryan sighed in relief. "How do you feel now? Better?"

"Thank you," Ryan said, turning around to face D'barl with a genuine grin. "Mommy always tells us to forgive people who apologize for their mistakes and makes up for them, so that's what I'm going to do now!"

"Haha! Thank you, kid!" D'barl chuckled, nodding.

'This kid looks just like young Davon. His looks, his aura, his voice, and his way of thinking… He resembles Davon down to every detail!'

"How about your chauffeur? Is he going to apologize?" Ryan asked with a serious look on his face. "You may need to reconsider his position as your chauffeur."

"You're right. I'll think about it," D'barl said, nodding in agreement.

"Can you help me move my sister to this room too? It's easier for me to look after the both of them here," Ryan requested, only for a few nurses to appear at the door just seconds later with his sleeping sister in tow.

"That's already settled," D'barl said. "Anything else?"

Ryan lowered his gaze and thought about it for a moment before answering, "That's it for now."

"Alright then, it's my turn now," D'barl said with a grin. "Can you help me?"

"Help you?" Ryan asked as curiosity got the better of him.

D'barl pointed at the basket sitting on the table and said, "My family sent me lots of food, but I don't really have much of an appetite. Can you help me finish them? I don't want to waste food, after all."

As he spoke, Douglas walked over to the table and unpacked the lunch boxes.

The aroma of the food hit Ryan's nostrils the moment Douglas uncovered the basket, and he watched with starry eyes as all the dishes appeared on the table in seconds.

Ryan's stomach growled at the sight of the food as he struggled to move his gaze away.

"That's a lot of food," D'barl said with an exasperated sigh. "Oh dear, looks like you can't finish it by yourself. I wish your siblings were here!"

"They're still sleeping," Ryan said before he was cut off by Eliana's cries. "Mommy! Mommy!"

"Eliana!" he shouted, rushing over to Eliana's side and patting her shoulder gently. "Don't worry, Eliana, I'm here!"

"Ryan!" Eliana cried, burying her face in Ryan's chest. "I miss Mommy!"

"Don't be scared, Mommy's coming soon!" Ryan said, wiping her tears away. "Are you hungry? Do you want some food?"

"Yeah, I'm hungry," Eliana answered, licking her lips.

"Give me a second," Ryan said as he helped Eliana up into a sitting position. He walked back to the D'barl's side and bowed to him. "Thank you, Grandpa Roman!"

"No need to thank me!" D'barl said hurriedly. "You're doing me a favor here."

"No matter what, we're still eating food that was meant for you," Ryan said, raising his head to meet D'barl's eyes. "When my Mommy and Mrs. Blake are here, I'll ask them to cook twice the amount for you. Mrs. Blake's food is really good!"

"Alright, we have a pact!" D'barl said, touched by Ryan's compassion.

"Pinkie promise!" Ryan said, sticking out his pinkie finger.

D'barl bent over and made a pinkie promise with Ryan while sporting a wide grin on his face. 'This is probably the only childish thing this kid has done tonight!'

"Alright, eat up!" D'barl said, pushing Ryan over to the table. "Your sister is starving!"

Ryan nodded and hurried over to set the table. A nurse rushed over and offered to help, and he accepted her offer gratefully.

"Thank you!" he said before heading to the bathroom to wash his hands.

When he returned, the nurse had already moved the dishes to Eliana's over bed table and moved a chair over for Ryan to sit on. She took out an alcohol wipe and helped Ryan clean his hands a second time.

"Alright, let's eat!" Ryan said, picking up a bowl of oatmeal. "I'll feed you, Eliana."

"I can eat it myself," Eliana said, rubbing her swollen eyes. "You should eat too, Ryan. I can hear your stomach grumbling."

Ryan chuckled and rubbed his belly with a sheepish smile.

"Thank you, Grandpa Roman!" Eliana said, bowing her head after Ryan told her everything. "Mommy always talks about how good people will get good karma, and you'll be one of them!"

"Oh my…" Douglas cooed. "You're so cute, little girl!"

"Thank you, cutie!" D'barl said as he felt tears well up in his eyes.

That was his first time meeting a wide awake Eliana, and he instantly felt a connection to her, as though they had known each other all along.

"Eliana, this is for Jason. Eat as much as you like and I'll eat after you," Ryan said as he set aside a portion of the food for Jason.

"She hasn't eaten the takeaway that I got her just now. How about…" the nurse that helped Ryan clean his hands whispered.

"It's fine," D'barl said. "Kids, I'll get someone to send more food over later. You can eat as much as you like!"

"No need…" Ryan said, only to be cut off by Eliana's cheerful chirps.

"Thank you, Grandpa Roman!" Eliana said with a wide grin.

She picked up a custard bun with her oily hands and handed it over to the old man "Here, have a bun, Grandpa Roman."

Douglas stepped forward to turn down her offer, but D'barl simply smiled and took the bun from her hands.

"Thank you!" he said as he took a bite of the bun. "Mmmh! So tasty!"

That was the most delicious custard bun he had ever eaten, although it was just a simple pastry filled with cream.

Eliana's hands were slippery with oil, but the man was not a single bit disgusted with it. In fact, he thoroughly enjoyed every bite he took.

The last time he had such a great appetite was years ago, when Davon was only some years old.

The three kids brought back a tsunami of memories, and his desire for them to turn out to be his great-grandkids grew stronger than ever.

'Davon better sees what is infront of him and confirm if this kids are his , so I can get to cuddle my great grandkids. Look at them! They're so adorable!'

"It's getting late, Mr. Roman. Shall I send you home?" Douglas asked, concerned for the old man's health.

"I'll leave after they sleep," D'barl said, pointing to the cots in the room. "Do they have enough blankets? Will it be cold at night?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Roman. If you insist, I can bring another set of blankets for them," the head nurse said. " The matron's got everything covered."

"Alright. Make sure someone's watching over them twenty-four-seven," D'barl said.

"Yes, Mr. Roman."

"Oh, and…" D'barl said as he glanced at Ryan. "Do you drink milk at night? I'll get them to prepare."

"Eliana needs milk." Ryan blurted before puffing out his chest. "I'm a big boy! I don't need milk!"

"Hahaha! Drinking milk doesn't mean that you aren't a big boy!" D'barl said with a chuckle.

Douglas and the nurses giggled at his words, while Ryan turned red in the face. "I-I need milk in the morning, but I don't need a bottle."

"I need a bottle!" Eliana said, pouting. "I'm not a big boy after all!"

D'barl burst into laughter at the sound of that, and the room was soon filled with the chuckles of every adult present.The tension in the air was long gone, replaced by a lighthearted mood.

Douglas smiled as he watched D'barl laugh. 'When was the last time he had such a hearty laugh? Probably years ago.'

'Davon was just like the three kids back when he was a young but everything changed after that terrible incident.'

D'barl somehow found some semblance of those simpler times when he was interacting with the kids. Douglas figured that fate could have been the one behind this. 'My boss said,he is coming to look for some kids in this City, I hope they will bring such joy to my old boss.'