

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


Violla disregarded the pacifying as she wept even harder. She turned to look at the family picture that hung on the wall. "Finny, where do you think Ryan, Jason, and Eliana have gone? Have they been kidnapped by the bad guys?"

"Bad guys, bad guys." Finny repeated the two words.

Violla suddenly thought of Davon. 'Could it be him that took away the kids? The words that I said before leaving the Romans' residence…Did it anger him? And just because of that, he would take away my kids? No way.'

The shrill ringing of her phone broke the peace in the house. Violla leapt to her feet and rushed into her room immediately. In her haste, she accidentally knocked her waist against the wall, and it was so painful that it felt as if her bones had broken, but she resisted the pain and rushed to grab her phone from the bed.

The phone call was from Davon.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Where are you?" Davon asked.

"Davon, have you kidnapped my kids?" Violla questioned him hysterically.

"What nonsense is this?" Davon replied coldly. "Why would I kidnap your kids?"

Violla froze up at his reply before she quickly came back to her senses. "No, it's nothing."

She knew that although Davon had a brutal nature, he was a man that would not play dirty tricks. Such was his strong and honest character.

To be frank, he looked upon such trickeries with disdain.

If he was the one that had taken her kids, he would have admitted it before she even asked.

Since he was so stunned by her question, it further proved that he did not kidnap her kids.

"What happened?" Davon pressed on.

"Nothing, I'm hanging up first." Violla was in no mood to bother him anymore as she felt both irritated and frustrated at the same time. Without another word, she ended the call abruptly.

On the other end of the phone, Davon was in disbelief that Violla dared to hang up.

His brows furrowed as he recalled her earlier words.

"Mr. Roman." Cruze saw the way Davon's face clouded over with anger when Violla hung up, and he cautiously opened his mouth to pacify him, "Immaculate told me earlier that Mrs. Blake has fallen sick. Violla is now at the hospital. Maybe she's too worried about Mrs. Blake."

"Is that any of my business?" Davon snapped back coldly. "Am I the one that made Mrs. Blake sick?"

"No, what I meant…" Cruze started.

"Just shut up!" Davon shot him a glare as he grabbed his car keys and prepared to head out.

"Davon, where are you going?" Laura was just about to enter his villa when he stormed out. "I'm planning to cook these king crabs that I bought earlier. We should have dinner together tonight!"

Davon left without sparing a glance at her. "I'm busy."

"Davon, Davon…" Laura called out a few times in desperation.

Seeing that Davon ignored her, Laura was so angry that she stomped her feet in frustration. She'd spent so much time and effort to win him over, but he treated her existence like nothing.

When she came back the other day, his attitude was relatively warm. But after that, he had become more and more distant.

'All of this is because of that wench violla!

Whenever Laura thought of that woman, she would grit her teeth in fury.

However, she wouldn't be discouraged so easily. 'At least I still have D'barl's support!'

"Miss Laura, what should I do with these crabs?" An attendant asked carefully.

"You guys can have it yourself," Laura said brusquely as she called up D'barl Immediately, her voice transformed into a softer and more demure tone. "Grandpa, I cooked your favorite vegetarian foods. We should have dinner together."

"I'm at the hospital. You don't need to make such an effort." D'barl replied.

"What? You're in the hospital?" Laura gasped in shock. "What happened? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, my driver knocked into my great grand child.... I mean a little boy by accident. I'm handling matters in the hospital right now." He glanced at his watch. "If you hadn't mentioned it earlier, I would have forgotten the time. It's almost eight now. How about you send the food over to the Amelia's Hospital?"

"Alright, I'll start preparing." Laura ended the call and called her maids into the kitchen. She even dismissed the existing cook of the Romans residence.

Once the kitchen door was closed shut, Laura stood aside whilst she fiddled with her phone. "Hurry up. Grandpa Roman is waiting for the food." She urged them.

"Yes Miss."

"Later on, you'll have to say that I made the food, alright?"

"Yes, understood!"

Back in the hospital,Ryan stood waiting in front of the emergency room. His small frame showed clear signs of anxiety and exhaustion.

"Are you hungry?" D'barl gave him a hamburger along with a cup of juice. "It will take some time before the nutritious food that I ordered arrives. You should eat this to fill up your stomach first."

"It's alright, thank you." Ryan looked longingly at the hamburger, and a loud growl came out of his belly. Immediately, his face flushed red at the embarrassing sound.

How could he not be hungry? In the past, he would have a small snack when he arrived home at three-thirty before having dinner at six.

But today, there were no snacks. He hadn't even managed to drink a sip of water, let alone have dinner.

Right then, his entire body was worn out. Ryan's face was a sickly shade of white, and his lips looked extremely dry. Occasionally, he would dart out his little tongue to wet his cracked lips.

"Eat up." D'barl split the burger in two before he handed over a half to Ryan "I can't finish such a big burger alone, so why don't you help me out? I'm sure your teachers have taught you that a good kid should always help others."

"Alright," Ryan accepted the burger with reluctance. "Elderly people should eat less. It would be hard for you to digest later on." He said coolly.

"That's right," D'barl said with a laugh. "Quick, eat it."

"You should eat first, I have to look for my sister." Ryan swallowed his saliva as he looked wistfully at the burger. But he did not take even a single bite of it. Instead, he cradled the burger carefully and headed towards the elevator.

D'barl was filled with curiosity when he saw his actions and decided to follow Ryan secretly.

The first thing that Ryan did when he arrived downstairs was to ask the nearby nurse for a plastic cup. After he received the cup of warm water, he walked over to Eliana's room.

When he arrived, Eliana was fast asleep on the bed with a nurse keeping her company by her bedside.

"Eliana!" Ryan called out softly, but she barely stirred as she was still in a deep slumber.

Unwilling to wake her up, Ryan handed over the cup of warm water and the hamburger to the nurse. "Miss, could you please give these to my sister when she awakes?" He asked softly.

Outside the room, D'barl couldn't help but feel touched at the scene before him. Ryan had kept the hamburger, especially for his little sister.

"Did you buy this for your sister?" The nurse took the food from him curiously, "Little kid, you're only three, but you know how to take such good care of your sister. You really are a good child!"

"I am her elder brother. It's my responsibility to take care of my siblings," Ryan said determinedly as he lifted his chest with pride. "Miss, how is my sister? Is her condition serious?"

"Not at all!" The nurse squatted down. "Relax, your sister will be fine. It's only a tonsil inflammation. Once she gets her medication and drinks tons of water, a little rest is all she needs to be fully cured." She said warmly to Ryan.

"My mommy said that patients with tonsil inflammation need to eat more light stuff, drink more water, and eat oatmeal…" Ryan turned to Eliana with a gaze full of guilt. "But I can't reach my mommy or Mrs. Blake, and I don't have any money to buy Eliana oatmeal. She will starve if she doesn't have anything to eat tonight."

"Oh…" The nurse was so touched by Ryan's words that tears began to well up in her eyes. "Don't worry! I will make sure to take good care of your sister. I can order some oatmeal over later, and once your sister is awake, I'll make sure to feed her." She reassured him hurriedly and placed her arm over his shoulder.

"Thank you, Miss." Ryan bowed deeply and reached into his bag to pull out a storybook. "I will leave this here as a mortgage. Once mommy is back, she will repay you for the oatmeal."

D'barl felt his own eyes redden from the sight. The hand that gripped his cane wavered slightly.

Ryan's actions undoubtedly warmed the deepest parts of his heart. Never would he have thought that a three-year-old kid like him willingly carried such a heavy burden and had such a deep sense of gratitude. 'What an excellent child!'

"It's alright." The nurse tried to decline his offer.

"Please take it!" Ryan said determinedly.

The nurse was forced to keep his book temporarily upon his insistence. She quickly returned the burger to him. "Your sister cannot eat the burger or drink the juice. You should eat it first. You haven't eaten dinner yet, right?"

"Yeah." Ryan accepted the burger and gulped, but he made no move to eat it. Instead, he wrapped the burger delicately before he placed it safely in his school bag. "Once Jason is awake, he can eat it."

D'barl burst into tears ,seeing what happened. Perhaps, he had become more tender-hearted as he aged.That night, he was utterly moved by the kid.

"Who is Jason?" the nurse inquired.

"He is my younger brother. Currently, he is receiving treatment after becoming involved in an accident." Ryan answered with a slightly hoarse voice while his eyes were red, "It is my fault for failing to protect him. If only I had clutched his hand tightly, then he wouldn't be hit by a car for chasing after a kitten."

"Don't worry. He'll be fine." The nurse quickly wiped away her tears upon hearing that. She regained her composure and asked, "Are you hungry now? I'll buy you something to eat."

"It's alright." Ryan declined politely and explained, "Mommy says I mustn't simply trouble others. My younger sister is different as she is sick. Hence, I will need your help in taking care of her."

"But...." The nurse opened her mouth to speak.

"I'm going to see my brother now." Ryan interrupted her as he bowed to her again, "Please take good care of my sister. Thank you so much!"

"Alright. You don't have to worry as I'll look after her properly!" The nurse promised him while wiping her tears.

"Thank you." Ryan turned around and left.

D'barl quickly took a cover behind the cabinet located at a corner.

Ryan came out from the ward to ask for a disposable cup. He had three servings of warm water before he went upstairs.

D'barl was so touched that his eyes turned watery. He slowly walked to the upper floor while holding his crutch with a shaking hand.

Douglas approached him hastily. "Mr. Roman I have been looking all over for you. I thought something has happened to you."

"How's Jason?" D'barl was back to his usual cool demeanor instantly.

"He has been transferred to the ward. Fortunately, the doctor advised that his injuries aren't life-threatening. He is suffering from a broken right ankle and bruises over his body, as well as a slight concussion."

"Tell them to get the best doctor as well as the best resources available to treat this child. There must be no sequela." D'barl ordered.

"Yes, the hospital is giving their full attention, knowing the request is from you. The medical superintendent and pediatric specialist are already here as well," Douglas said as he nodded.

D'barl nodded in acknowledgment and pointed at the ward behind him. "The same shall apply to the little girl. Apart from her medical treatments, please look into her daily necessities as well. Arrange a few professional medical caretakers over. I want nothing but the best of everything for her."

Douglas then made the necessary arrangements and supported D'barl. "Mr. Roman, allow me to send you back as it is already late."

"I'm in no mood to rest,not until the proper arrangements are made for these my kids," D'barl responded.

He went upstairs while holding his crutch. "I am already eighty-six years old, yet I am moved by a three-year-old. He would rather go hungry to let his younger brother and sister have the hamburger."

D'barl paused for a moment before he continued, "When the nurse promised Ryan to buy oatmeal for his sister, he gave his book to her as collateral and bowed before her. This kid certainly has a good upbringing. "

Seeing the kid, he thought of Davon suddenly. "Come to think of it, Davon, that brat was also cute when he was young. However, now that he is an adult…"

His voice trailed off when he thought of how Davon deliberately angered him this morning before he spoke, "As he grows older, he becomes more annoying!"

Douglas couldn't help but chuckle. "You are harsh with your words, but you have a soft heart. You treat Davon stricter as you have high hopes for him. However, he is a grown-up now. Naturally, he will have his own views. Therefore, you cannot expect him to be as compliant anymore, right?"

"He is still my only surviving grandson from Dante, no matter how old he is. He lost both his parents when he was still young. I raised him . As such, I won't allow him to follow in his father's footsteps."

D'barl's expression was unusually determined when he said that. However, there was a complicated glint in his eyes.

Douglas just lowered his head without saying any words.

The people in the Romans family knew that both Dante his son and daughter-in-law passed away at a very young age with almost all his children. That tragedy left him heartbroken. As for Davon, this incident remained a misery for him.

Therefore, this became a taboo of the Romans' family. No one else dared to bring up the issue except for the Romans family themselves.

Due to that tragic incident, D'barl was strict towards Davon's love life.

Although Davon was twenty-eight years old, he had yet to date a girl officially. Due to this, he was rather passive yet stubborn when dealing with his love affair.

Some time ago, D'barl found out that Davon was seeing someone. The latter even attempted to strangle his cousin to death because of the woman. As such, it resulted in Davon's aunt seeking revenge.

Hence, D'barl rushed to the City immediately to deal with the matter.To prevent the history from repeating itself, D'barl had to be uncompromising, even if it meant Davon would hold a grudge against him.

"Grandpa Roman!" A lovely voice resonated.

D'barl turned his head around and smiled. "Look who's here! Hello Laura!"

"Sorry I am late, Grandpa Roman." Laura held two lunch boxes as she walked hastily towards him. "I made you some oatmeal and snacks. Here, please have some."

"Thank you, Laura. You are such a thoughtful girl," D'barl praised.

"Please hand it to me. It must be tiring for you, Miss Laura " Douglas received the lunch boxes from her. Noticing her fingers were bandaged, he asked in concern, "Miss Laura, what happened to your hand?"

"Nothing," Laura quickly hid her hands behind her back.

"Let me have a look," ordered D'barl.

"Grandpa Roman…" Laura pouted as she said, "I accidentally cut my fingers when I was cutting the fruits. It's just a small wound. I'll be fine."

"Don't cook on your own next time." D'barl reminded her out of concern, "Just let the maid handle it."

"Well, I wish to cook for Grandpa Roman personally." Laura stated

"Such a filial girl!" D'barl nodded with delight. "I knew it is a wise decision for Davon to marry you!"

"I guess it can't be forced," Laura sighed.

"What happened?" D'barl realized that her word had a hidden meaning. "Did he anger you again?"

Laura smiled bitterly as she said, "I wouldn't have the nerve to get angry at him. I bought king crabs for dinner tonight. As I was preparing dinner, he took the car keys and left hastily without turning back. I guess he went out to look for that woman."

"Nonsense!" D'barl's face turned grim. "I will deal with him when I get home!"

"Grandpa Roman, please don't get angry. He will only rebel the more we put pressure on him. Who knows, he might even loathe me then! I think it's best if we just let nature takes its course."

"Alright, I know what to do. Now, you head home first and have a good rest. Thank you for your dinner." D'barl patted her hands.

"Grandpa Roman you're welcome. We shall not stand on ceremony, alright?"

"Okay…" D'barl smiled while nodding his head and urged, "Please go back quickly."

"What about you? It's so late now. Aren't you going back?" Laura asked out of concern. "Are there any casualties? If not, just let your subordinates handle it. Even if there is, I'll make a call to the traffic police department for you. You don't have to fuss over such trivial matter."

Those words escaped her mouth without her putting much thought into it.

After she finished speaking, she realized D'barl looked perturbed.

Laura immediately realized that she had said something wrong. "What I meant is that I…"

"It's alright. I know you are straightforward. Go home now." D'barl said .

"Okay," Laura replied.