
Yokai High

Michi Aio is a boy that lives alone, with his mother traveling for work. And he is going to a mysterious school called Yokai High! One day Michi's mother visit him before his school Journey starts, and tells him the secret of the Aio family that was meant to always be told once one of their relatives start high school. With his mother and him being the last of their family, Now its his turn to pass the torch once again!

Parrydev · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Prologue: Beginnings of all beginnings

"Ughhhhh," I wake up to the sound of my alarm. "Would you shut UP ALREADY!" in anger I smack the alarm across the room, hitting the wall. "Finally." why did I get myself such an annoying noisemaker for me to wake up, I can get up just fine. I sigh.

"Might as well get up it's not like I can go back to sleep anyways," I say that cause in reality I am very hungry. "Maybe I should make some pancakes, but I should take a shower first."

I raise my arm to smell my armpit. "OPmm, Yeah I should really take a shower." I head to the shower in my room, you would expect someone to yell at me for sleep late, but no.

I live alone. My mother is always busy with her job, making her travel from place to place. I do sometimes feel bad for her, I mean with all that traveling it must take a toll on her right? I turn on the water, take my clothes off and step inside the shower.

"Ahh, that feels nice." .... "Just a few more days till the entrance exam." "And I still don't know what am going to do ." The exam is meant to test your skills, to see how you perform. But it doesn't give any specifics on what am going to be tested on.

I didn't want to go to this school anyway, I was mostly forced by my mom. When I had asked her why she plainly ignore me. "Just as she always had."

I turn off the water and open the shower curtains. I look in the mirror and see all the scars across my body. I sigh "She really did do a number on me." Just then I hear the door to the living room open. "Huh?"

Confused I head out of the bathroom and go towards the living room. There I see my mom putting her stuff down on the counter next to the door. "Mom?"


"Hi son"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I also hope you enjoy the novel! cause it only has just begun!!!! uwu

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