Takumi finds himself unexpectedly transported to the world of One Piece, where he activates the Traveler Sign-In System. This unique system allows him to receive powerful rewards by completing sign-in tasks at specific locations throughout the world. In his first sign-in, he gains mastery over all three types of Haki. At Windmill Village, he acquires the powerful Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Technique. In Frost Moon Village, he receives the legendary Demon Sword, Star Fragment. At the Baratie, the Sea Restaurant, he masters Shunpo (Flash Step) and the devastating Night Guy technique. As Takumi continues his journey, he signs in at iconic locations like Loguetown, Drum Island, Alabasta, Skypiea, Enies Lobby, Sabaody Archipelago, and Impel Down, gaining more incredible abilities along the way. Red-Haired Shanks: "Rejected twice... This guy really knows how to ignore me." Garp: "Even if we can't be comrades, we can still be friends, right, Takumi?" *********************************************************** The image used is not mine; if you are the owner and would like it removed, please let me know This novel is a translation of the original work "海贼:从拒绝红发邀请开始" by 冥幽九歌.