
Yggdrasil Dungeon Master

[WARNING: Mature Content] Suzuki Satoru as Momonga was awaiting the server shutdown on his throne in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. When he was suddenly transported into a new world in which he has no information about the world, however, his goals are set, he must find the Great Tomb of Nazarick and restore it. Want access to early-chapter releases? Join my community here. Discord: https://discord.gg/eQBs4SqYWD

Mikezilla2000 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Momonga's Introduction

"Oh, my forty-six goblins are all for me, how delightful," Momonga said. While raising his voice to the point that he caught the goblin's attention before they could seriously damage the young woman.

In precisely three seconds, goblins fired a volley of arrows at Momonga, which un-surprisingly bounced off of a shield due to how weak it was. Furthermore, a few goblins came up to strike Momonga with daggers and swords, but as they struck at him, he didn't react; it was like it didn't even phase him.

"Fufufu, It appears that you all are out of luck. I was skeptical about your level, but now I'm convinced you'll surely perish here." Momonga said as the aura of despair got more assertive. Putting genuine dread into the hearts of the goblins, half of them panicked, and the others were stuck in place.

"I guess it's my turn." Momonga raised his right hand, this startled the rest of the goblins, and they all started to run off into the woods, perceiving their impending destruction.

"[Fireball]" Momonga said as an enormous fireball formed, then he releasing them into various directions of the forest. The three fireballs desecrated everything in their path. The goblins couldn't even cry for help or scream before they were nothing but ash. The aftermath of Momonga's spell is apparent in the devastation left behind.

"Well... Now that that is taken care of." Momonga said as he turned his head to the young woman, who seemed to be shaking in fear of this unknown caster.

Momonga slowly walked up to the young woman. He slightly kneeled and pulled out a potion from his inventory.

"Here, I see that you are slightly hurt; this should help," Momonga said in a kind tone.

She looked at the potion and quickly snatched it from Momonga, gulping it down entirely.

'HUH!? Is she drinking the potion just because she saw my strength? How can I calm her down?'

As Momonga tried to think of a way to calm the young woman down, her wound healed entirely; this gave Momonga an idea.

"Oh, it seems like your wounds have healed up," Momonga said as he fully stood back up.

"Now then, what is your name?" Momonga asked, curious if she dared to speak after what she saw.

"M-my name?" The young woman stuttered a tiny bit, obviously still frightened of Momonga.

"Yes, your name. Do you not have one by chance?" Momonga said, thinking this would give her enough courage to speak a bit more.

"No, I do, I do; my name is Claire!" Claire said quickly, not to keep Momonga waiting for an answer.

"Well, Claire, I am Momonga; you are lucky I stumbled across you. It seemed that you were in a dire situation." Momonga said as he reached out a hand.

Claire looked at Momonga's hand, a bit nervous, which Momonga noticed.

"You are alright... You're safe now, so let's go." Momonga said in a friendly manner.

Claire nodded, grasping Momonga's hand, and he raised her onto her feet. A soft gust of wind passed by that very moment, moving Momonga's robes a tiny bit, and the trees followed suit, slightly rustling.

"So, where were you going before you got attacked by the goblins?" Momonga asked, trying to seek some information out of Claire.

Claire looked back at her wagon and, with a slight frown, looked back at Momonga.

"Well, I was going to head to the citadel of Alessa to trade some goods... but as you can see, that's off the table now," Claire said, sadness resonating in her voice.

Momonga put his right hand up to his chin as if he was in deep thought. But in reality, he just did that for visual effect to make it seem like what he was saying was thought through.

"We could still head to the citadel of Alessa, and I bet there are still some things you can do there. Plus, I was planning to head that way as well; I have some business I must attend to there." Momonga said.

'I might be using the justification of "business," but in reality, I just need to locate a source of information concerning this world.'

Claire seemed to take a second to think about what Momonga had just recommended and nodded her head a tiny bit.

"You're right; I can still buy some supplies while in the city. So, it would be best if I still went, and since we are on the same path, we should travel together." Claire said.

Momonga nodded, signaling that he was alright with accompanying her.

"Lead the way; I'll be right behind you," Momonga said as Claire started to walk down the road toward the city of Alessa.

Momonga took one final look at the surrounding forest, noticing the birds, the green grass, and the fresh air. This made him smile though his facial structure doesn't change due to his undead form.

'This world is beautiful, way different from real life; the way everything smells, feels, looks, it's incredible. If only Blue Planet were here to see the beautiful world I have been transported to. But, who knows, maybe my guildmates are here. That thought alone makes me want to continue.'

Momonga looked at Claire, and Claire turned back to Momonga.

"You coming?" Claire said. Giving Momonga a slight smile in anticipation.

"Indeed I am!" Momonga said as he walked forward, the sun shining down on his form, causing him to feel its warm embrace

'My friends, I will restore the Great Tomb of Nazarick, whatever the cost.'

Both Claire and Momonga walk into the distance heading toward the citadel of Alessa.