
Yggdrasil Dungeon Master

[WARNING: Mature Content] Suzuki Satoru as Momonga was awaiting the server shutdown on his throne in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. When he was suddenly transported into a new world in which he has no information about the world, however, his goals are set, he must find the Great Tomb of Nazarick and restore it. Want access to early-chapter releases? Join my community here. Discord: https://discord.gg/eQBs4SqYWD

Mikezilla2000 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


The sound of a whistle passed by as a gust of wind flowed past Momonga. His cloak slightly fluttered, and with his glowing red eyes, he gazed down upon the adventurers, his curiosity peaked, yet he was still cautious.

'Oh? A small group of adventurers? They may have been heading to the dungeon I had just destroyed. But what for? Could they have possibly wanted the title of "Dungeon Master," or maybe they wanted the non-existent loot inside?'

Momonga put his bony finger up to his chin, slightly sighing as he started inspecting the adventurers from afar. Though he does notice something relatively quickly, the youngest adventurer is a cat girl sporting black eyes, black ears, and a long black tail. She also has a sword that seemed a bit too big for her, but upon closer inspection, it seemed like she's used to it.

There's also a giant wolf beside her; he's jet black with red edges. Momonga assumed it was the cat girl's familiar, though since it looks a bit rare, he's a tiny bit saddened by the fact that he can't capture it. Finally, the following person Momonga inspected was a man that looked quite similar to a necromancer. He wears a black cloak with two skulls on each opposite shoulder and has a staff in his right hand.

'Oh? They seem to have not noticed me yet, and the collapsing dungeon must've grabbed their attention. I could use [Life Essence] and [Mana Essence], but that comes at a risk. They could easily use [False Data: Life] and [False Data: Mana]. Then there's also the fact that a player might be in hiding. There are way too many risks currently to interact with them.'

Momonga let out a soft sigh.

'The best course of action would be to fly away in a random direction and hope for the best. But which way should I go?'

Momonga looked around himself, noticing that he was in a barren grassland. However, off in the distance, not far from him, was a large forest that caught his interest pretty quickly.

'It seems like heading toward the forest is the best option. Though it comes with some risk like players hiding in the foliage, it's technically my only option if I want to avoid confronting those three adventurers.'

Momonga took a second to think if he truly wanted to head off in a different direction instead of confronting the adventures. But after he rationalized it in his head, he came up with a decision.

'I don't necessarily want to interact with anyone just yet. I don't have enough information, and there are too many risks. Guess I made up my mind off to the forest. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a city of some sort. But, yeah, I doubt I'll get that lucky; at best, I'll find a place to relax for a second and think of my situation.'

Momonga turned toward the forest and started to fly off in that direction. However, while flying, he kept thinking about the title he got from destroying the dungeon, "Dungeon Master."

'Hmm... The more time passes, the more I'm left curious about what the title means. I already speculated that I could place down a dungeon, but what strikes me as off is that I can only place down floor 1 of Nazarick. Could it be that I will have to destroy more dungeons to unlock more floors? If that is the case, it would be a massive hassle and take time.'

As Momonga was in deep thought, he heard a scream from deep in the forest. Even though he was high up in the sky, he could determine where it came from. Quickly turning toward the direction the sound came from and scanned the area with his eyes.

Not even a second passed, and he spotted a clearing though in that clearing was a wagon. Unfortunately, its right back wheel is torn off, causing the wagon to lean to the right. The next thing he noticed caught Momonga off-guard, even though he heard a high-pitched scream.

'What!? A group of thirty-five goblins and they're attacking a young woman. Should I intervene? No... I shouldn't. I still haven't found a spot where I can think of my situation. It would be dumb to get involved in something like this now.'

Momonga slowly began to fly away, and then his mind blanked out for a second as a faint memory resonated in his mind. A man in shining white armor appeared in his memory; only one line from that vivid memory was said.

"When someone's in trouble, it's only natural to help them!"

Back when Momonga was playing Yggdrasil, people were going around hunting heteromorphic players like him. That quote was from when Momonga was getting PK'd to the point that he almost quit Yggdrasil forever. However, when a player named Touch Me reached out to help him during a dire situation, it put new hope into Momonga, and they stayed friends ever since that day.

Momomga let out a deep sigh as he realized those days were over.

'Touch Me... I'll repay the debt from all those days ago, plus I'm a bit curious about where that lady was heading. But first, I have to put on a disguise. I rather not have people spreading rumors about a giant skeleton.'

Momonga extended his right hand out, opening a luminescent purple portal. Next, he pulled out a pair of gauntlets, fitting them snugly onto his hands. Afterward, he reached back into the portal and pulled out a mask, fitting it onto his face. To go along with the mask, he lifted the hood of his robe, covering the backside of his skull. He then closed his robes to hide his undead chest, and after all was said and done, he did one last preparation.

"[Aura of Despair level I]." With that simple phrase, an aura of black ooze started resonating upward off his body.

"Now I believe it's time I make a bit of an introduction," Momomga said as he flew down to the forest ground. However, as he landed, he noticed that a few more goblins joined the fray, which slightly delighted him as he could experiment a bit more.