
Yes.....I am a Healer

This is the story of a healer from a tribe who creats his own guild with 4 others and tries to survive in this world and working towards his goal.

211_writings · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"We are going to avenge father's death, right"? David asks Elena with uncontrollable rage on his face.

Well who can blame him, he is very short tempered to begin with and when he knows that the man who took care of him when his own parents, relatives, friends and his clan threw him out abandoning him since he got cursed and he is like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode, so its very natural of him to get out of control after knowing about the death of Alfred.

Knowing very well about his behaviour, Elena nods her head and says," We will David..." and after a short pause she looks at his eyes and continues"...but not now".

The brightened face of David after hearing the first half, gets crumbled after hearing the second half, in a fit of rage, he asks Elena," What do you mean not now? Do you need to have a proper time to get revenge? How are you still staying calm without doing anything after knowing father's death?"

David got enraged by Elena's response.

Looking at David's black eyes which are trembling with rage with her calm blue eyes, Elena says," David, we are not strong enough to avenge father not when the guild is not going to support us".

While David was about to say something, Elena cuts him off and continues," Its not like even if they help us, they can do something that can actually help in the fight against the one who killed father. Remember, father is not your average Captain of a ordinary T3(tier 3) guild. He is one of the strongest people in our kingdom, so we need to atleast reach half of father's strength if we want to even think about the avenging him".

Hearing Elena's words he gets more angry and shouts at her " Do you mean we just need to sit tight and wait for us to get strong while the murderer of our father roams freely, no, I don't think so". Saying this he stands up and was about to leave the room before he stops after hearing Elena's voice once again.

"Yes the murderer of our father will be roaming allover the world freely, but that was only until we are strong enough to handle him. And we wont be sitting tight, we will be using the resources provided by the guild to get stronger and since father is not here, we can take the quests that can help us to hone our skills in life and death situations from the Royal Quest Board which father never allowed us to take.

And after you all broke through rank3, we all four can be vice captains and we can have priority over the allocation of resources and we will have a say in guild related decisions so, we can kinda make them help us when we fight and in the mean time, we can investigate who killed father and also know about the one behind murderer who killed the father if possible. Then can only we can have a proper revenge".

Hearing this, David clenches his fist and for a minute and tries to get calm, atleast on the surface. And he turns towards Elena and says," You are right, for now. And am listening to you only because, you can think better than me and also stronger than me, but remember after I surpass you, you will have no choice but to follow me in the attack, so you better stay sharp. And also inform the plan to Jack and Nat(short for Natasha, not that you guys cannot guess) too".

Saying this David storms off the room. After him Elena also leaves the room and goes to meet Nat and Jack to discuss about their future plans.


In her room a girl is sitting in a dark corner on the floor, hugging her knees and burying her face into them and her black hair falls on both sides of her. From time to time, she is trembling and if one listens closely, they can tell that she is crying. Beside her a boy with tears in his brown eyes and short military cut black hair is hugging her from side and trying to stop her crying.

This was what Elena saw after she entered Nat's room. She feels how Nat and Jack are feeling. Truth to be told, they both are the soft ones in their family, Alfred always tried to say that they need to be strong in this cruel world, but he didn't manage to make them strong completely. He successfully managed to make Jack a little bit strong, but Nat still need to get more strong mentally.

After seeing their states, Elena silently moves and sits on other side of Nat and gently strokes her head. After feeling that someone sat beside her, Nat raises her head to look at the person who sat beside her, after looking, she came to know that it is none other than Elena and she jumps at her and she starts to cry more drenching Elena's dress.

Seeing this Jack's tears falls from his eyes drop by drop before they fall like an endless stream even with him resisting. And he too joins the hug and cries. This continued for a few minutes after that they both gets calm eventually.

"How do you guys feel now?" asks Elena.

Lifting his head, Jack replies," Relieved" and moves little bit away from the girls and sits on a chair.

Nodding at Jack, Elena looks at Nat who still can't find words but some how tries to make a tough front.

Looking at her, Elena stands and helps Nat to stand and they both moves to the bed and sits on it. Then Elena starts speaking," Guys I know what you both are going through, but we cant just sit still and spend our days crying".

To which Nat says," What do you mean Elena? Cant we mourn for father. When did you became this cold?"

Then Jack chimes in and says," Nat, don't talk like that, we both know how much Elena loves father, lets listen what she is trying to say calmly".

Elena nods at Jack, as a way of saying her thanks, and recounts everything she told to David about their future plans to avenge their father and how they need to work together in order to achieve their goal.

After hearing everything, something clicks in Nat and her black eyes gets clear and she forms a clear goal, i.e, to kill the one who took away their father. Jack too seems to feel the same thing and he clenches his fist in frustration that he cant do anything now.

After making sure that the both of them get familiarized with the plan, Elena come out of Nat's room only to find David leaning on the wall beside the door.

Looking at him, Elena asks, "Since when are you here?"

"I am here from when you entered the room. I Just wanted to hear what they want to say" answers David.


"I heard the right words" saying this he moves towards the training hall in the guild.

"What else do you think you will hear. we all are children of the same man" Elena scoffs at him and she too goes to her room and after reaching she starts crying and she want to cry all she want today only, because come tomorrow, she will be busy with the all things that needed to be done.