

Yennefer, a hybrid, is the only child of the gamma of the River stone pack. Being the child of the richest Man in the pack her life had been all rosy and beautiful on the outside but different on the inside. Things changed when her mate turned out to be the son of her father's sworn enemy. She got rejected because of a grudge of 20 years. After being betrayed, she took on the role of a strong and independent woman until he came. Silver eyes that made her tummy feel funny, long black hair that reminded her of the woods, his scent that always made her feel intoxicated, and his deep voice that made her weak. She was his everything. His life, His joy, His happiness, His other half, His obsession She found herself drowning in a sea of her desires until her past came back to seek her out. Hidden Secrets of many years prophesy of hundred of years, lies and deceit. Haunted by a future that makes her a monster she needs to fight the call of the woods and prepare herself for the dangers ahead. Victory is sure, but at what cost?

Tamara_Kuro · Teen
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6 Chs


What about Blaze's dad?

Yenny, you can't be mated to Blaze, You have to reject Blaze.

Dad, what do you mean by reject Blaze?

There's a plot somewhere Yennefer, how can you be mated to the Alpha's son

How or why can't I? You've always wanted me to have a mate to prove that I was not human and I could wolf out then why are you saying this now?

That's because there's a plot somewhere, this is one of the Alphas' plans I'm sure of it. He's the one who tried to have me killed, the Alpha is after my life.

How does the Alpha being After you have anything to do with this? Just because the Alpha has a grudge against you doesn't mean his son also has a grudge too, Blaze is not like that.

You've known Blaze for just one day and you have so much trust in him...

You've not even known Blaze at all...

No matter what Dad, Blaze is my mate and you can't stop me from being with him.

You need to understand me Yenny.

I'm done with this conversation Dad please leave.

Yennefer stood, arms folded waiting for her father to leave.

Aeden shook his head and walked out of the door. Upon coming out he saw the butler.

She didn't listen, did she? The butler asked

No.....I just don't know how to convince her.

Hmmmm. Well, a message came in Sire you're needed at the Palace.

Aeden let out a sigh and left.

Yennefer lay in bed thinking of what to do. She wanted to doubt Blaze but he was just too good to do that kind of thing and her dad, he wanted the best for her but what if he's just being paranoid?

There's only one person to find out from. Cleo

Yennefer got down from her bed and wore a blue gown, packing her long red hair into a bun as she walked out of her room and to the garage

Where to ma'am? The driver asked

Cleo's house.


The Palace

Aeden's Pov.

I feel something is just not right somewhere, I need to find out if this is another of Greg's plans or not i just need to be sure.

I've been trying to convince Yennefer but she's just too strong willed.

She takes after you, you know? My wolf Scava replied

Hell no, I'm not strong headed Scava I'm an easy going man.

Keep on lying to yourself Aeden. I've been your wolf for thirty years and I know you like the back of my paws.

No, you don't, I'm the only one that knows me. Aeden argued.

I live in you, I am you so why won't I know you Aeden

Because...Because..... Because I know myself better.


Fine fine fine, I give up.

Hmmm... We need to be sure Greg is not up to his stupid games again. I've gotten fed up with Greg, I'm starting to get very mad at him, he just keeps on coming up with different ways to kill us... Scava stopped talking when he realized Aeden was not paying attention to him.

What is going on in your mind Aeden?

Yesterday due to the wolfsbane, you entered a coma, we are supposed to be dead by now you know....

What? Wolfsbane!! He gave us Wolfsbane... This is the height of it.

You need to learn to listen till the end Scava... You're always aggressive.

I'm an animal what do you expect?

At least you talk, don't you? Have some other human characters too will you?

Hmmp, I'm an animal for life whether I talk or not.

I'm not asking you to change, I'm just saying you should act like a human sometimes, just sometimes please act like a human.

No, never, not doing...

Fine, I give up talking to you, I'm beginning to think Yennefer got that attitude from you.

Me? Hell no it's not me

Whatever, I felt a familiar presence before I passed out. It felt so familiar and distant at the same time.

What are you saying Aeden? Familiar or distant

I felt both Scava... Someone healed me, I don't know who and why, all I know is that this person healed me.

Do you know anyone powerful enough to heal a wolf from wolfsbane in just a few hours?

Hmmm, there's no one I know capable of such Aeden.

Hmmm. We've gotten to the Alpha's house I wonder what he wants.

Greg sat in the sitting room when I walked in.

Welcome Aeden I've been waiting for you for a while. Have a sit we need to talk.

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