
Ye who call my name I shall gaze upon

CeceB_22 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Let the trials begin!!

Elyon and Sahir stood before the massive stone golem, their hearts beating with anticipation. The golem's eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, and it raised its massive arms, ready to strike.

"Let us begin," the Sandwraith boomed, its voice like thunder.

The golem swung its arm towards Elyon, its fist crashing towards him with the force of a boulder. Elyon leapt to the side, dodging the blow and rolling to his feet. The golem turned its attention to Sahir, who was already in motion, her staff raised to defend herself.

"You must work together

The golem's arm crashed down towards Sahir, who spun to the side, deflecting the blow with her staff. She felt the force of the impact reverberate through her arms, but she did not yield. In an instant, she spun and struck back, her staff lashing out towards the golem's legs.

"Focus your energy," the Sandwraith whispered, its voice soothing and insistent.

Elyon drew in a deep breath, gathering his strength. The golem towered over him, its shadow blocking out the sun, but he did not waver. With a shout, With a shout, Elyon thrust his hands towards the golem, and a blast of air shot forth, like a powerful wind. The golem staggered backwards, its stone feet skidding across the ground. With a rumble, the ground beneath it began to crack and crumble, as the golem's weight threatened to cause a landslide.

Sahir saw her chance. She ran towards the golem, her staff raised above her head. As she neared, she leaped into the air, and her staff struck the golem's head with a resounding crack.

Elyon and Sahir emerged victorious from the first trial, their spirits invigorated by the challenge. The Sandwraith regarded them with approval, its gaze appraising.

"Your courage and strength have been tested, and you have passed the first trial," it said. "But your journey has only just begun. The next trial awaits."

Elyon and Sahir looked at each other, their determination unbroken. The next trial, whatever it may be, would not daunt them. They were ready for whatever lay ahead.