
Ye who call my name I shall gaze upon

CeceB_22 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: The Price of Power

As Elyon and Sahir delved deeper into the mysteries of the hidden oasis, they soon discovered that the ancient powers they sought were not unguarded. The oasis was home to an ancient guardian, a being of immense power known as the Sandwraith, who had been tasked with protecting the slumbering energies from those who would misuse them.

The Sandwraith appeared before Elyon and Sahir in a swirl of sand and wind, its form ever-shifting and elusive. It spoke to them in a voice like the whispering winds of the desert, demanding to know their intentions and the reasons for their quest.

Elyon spoke first, his voice steady and sincere. He told the Sandwraith of his desire to restore balance to the world, to undo the chaos he had unleashed through his invocation of the Eternal Watcher. Sahir added their own intentions, speaking of the pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of the delicate equilibrium that bound all living things.

The Sandwraith listened, its gaze piercing and unyielding. Finally, it spoke. "Your intentions are noble, but power such as this comes with a price. To awaken the ancient powers, you must pass a series of trials, each designed to test your courage, wisdom, and the purity of your hearts."

Elyon and Sahir exchanged determined glances, their resolve unshaken. They understood that the path to true power was not an easy one, and they were prepared to face whatever challenges the Sandwraith set before them.