
Yautja hunting in a Marvelous world

Guan-Thwei (nightblood) tries to take the rite of passage to be the finest hunter in a Marvelous world but a few accidents happened along the way~ there will be a lot of blood and gore as its actions will change the story so much and some particular villains will suffer greatly under its actions

Rauon · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 this is a hunter's heaven~

While he did want to hunt down that human that could control sonic waves, Guan-thwei was amazed by the structures of this planet, while he had hoped to learn more about it and present it as a tribute to the tribe, he was more concerned about the growing number of people that wore green clothes, holding black sticks, and those growling large animals that acted as their transports, how did these weak humans manage to tame those strange beasts?

One group quelled the fight between the strange humans as they retreated away from the men dressed in green as the black sticks made a loud banging sound which made the yautja look at the scene full of intrigue, while one of them pulled out something that looked like a large... dick?

the young predator was thoroughly confused at the bizarre design, but the next sight made it question the certain ideas and 'sacrifices' these humans to make a dick into a weapon especially when it flew then slammed into the running stone skinned man that reverted into a regular human. (A/N Machiko filled his mind with some hentai stuff at one point when she was bored~)

But his attention was quickly pulled elsewhere as the rest of the green men were heading to a place that Guan-thwei had hoped where they wouldn't go so that he can scavenge for more stuff before resorting to something he was reluctant to use.

these green dressed people holding weird sticks were heading to where the ship crashed sadly for them, Guan-thwei grabbed all that was usable and left a present, for those that were foolish enough to try and enter it one ironclad rule of the Yautja never leave anything that can be used against you which was applied after it happened a good amount of times, should the people of this world manage to make weapons out of the materials the ship was made of it would mean a shameful death as those materials can easily destroy the armor the young predator had!

So once these people dressed in green had gotten too close to Guan-thwei's wrecked ship, the self-destruct mechanism had activated, despite the ominous beeping, some of the humans stubbornly tried to get something from the ship, those that seemed to be the leaders of the men in green, that stood far away from the soon to explode ship, speaking a language different from Machiko had taught him, so his inquisitive quirk acted up, causing this young Yautja to listen in then attempt to learn this native tongue, but, he made sure not to get too close as the beast near them was awake and maintained a rhythmic growl while staying behind the 4 men as one of them held the loud-mouthed human

"Damn it! I didn't come here just to see another extraterrestrial spaceship explode! send in the troops shut that ship down! You hear ME!? SHUT IT DOWN!!!"

the one that spoke was a middle-aged blonde-haired man that a few greyed out from stress and age, dressed in a military outfit, that was being held back by another blonde-haired man who was younger but his body frame was larger, this man also gave the same feeling as the sonic wave user, the middle-aged man's arms and legs flailed about trying to break free as He was desperate enough to run to the ship if given the chance since he had failed 10 years ago then again three years after that then a few more times until now.

He wanted something that could be put under his name to show that he contributed to the country by more than just serving as a colonel as he was just a step away from becoming a brigadier general!

However, his repeated failures and near-obsession with alien lifeforms and their tech made him blind to the other ways to reach his next rank, then again maybe because the man cared more for a chance of meeting aliens and receiving their tech made him ignore his chances of reaching the next rank.

Regardless, should the obsessed man turn his head around then look up one of his goals in life would've been accomplished as Guan-thwei was looking down listening in full of curiosity as his mandibles clicked a little that was drowned out by the 'beast' not too far from them.

Guan-thwei was using his visor to scan the growling beast not too far from them, discovering that their beast didn't have a single strand of meat on it so it canceled its plans on checking how it tasted.

He then scanned the four men, while learning about those strange sticks strapped to their bodies as one of them had a smaller one under his armpits.

Such interesting weapons...

while it was primitive compared to the weapons that he had, his crafting spirit made him want to learn more about it, while he could snatch it from their cold corpses as an extra trophy the number of humans was currently too many.

So Guan-thwei had to settle with just scanning it for now, and finally, erect a tomb that could hold the bodies of his brothers after the fireworks, even if they died here, they must still be honored as warriors of their tribe and he most certainly won't allow the humans to desecrate their bodies!

Thanks to his conversations and chats with Machiko, Guan-thwei had learned a great deal of just how precious their bodies can be for humans, from making breakthroughs on the medical field to extending their lifespan, and with three corpses that could be used, one could say he was going to be burying treasure here.


A dome of some sort blocked the strong winds and debris, it was most likely made by the large man from before as his arm was raised and he stood in front of the three other humans.

Farewell to the humans near the area, as a mushroom-shaped burning cloud rose to the sky, some of the humans in green managed to get far enough where their bones landed near the four men, while the one that was shouting earlier fell to his knees crestfallen from losing a chance to meet an alien, and on top of that he still had to answer for the number of lives lost thanks to his condemning orders, as even now it was still raining bones.

A half an hour later, with the dome gone The colonel received the report as he sat within the metal beast that was still growling, almost half of his men had died, and the reason a lot of them ignored the beeping thanks to their curiosity and one of the survivors managed to take a few pictures of the interior, the most interesting thing was the new word Guan-thwei had learned from them.


this term was used on multiple occasions, and the survivor of the explosion happened to be one!

Thanks to listening in, the Yautja also learned that a mutant is a term used for those that had the ability to do something outside of the normal.

His natural intelligence also allowed him to partially learn another language of a world similar to the one Machiko often talked about, Guan-thwei smiled behind his mask as it turns out that this world is a lot more difficult than Machiko's original world.

But for a hunter, that was looking for some worthy prey... this was practically heaven!

No action yet, but wait until he learns of the year he's in, and most importantly who he comes across first, this person will help him decide just how ruthlessly he'll hunt down any worthy prey~

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