
Yautja hunting in a Marvelous world

Guan-Thwei (nightblood) tries to take the rite of passage to be the finest hunter in a Marvelous world but a few accidents happened along the way~ there will be a lot of blood and gore as its actions will change the story so much and some particular villains will suffer greatly under its actions

Rauon · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Chapter one the hunt begins

Despite being capable of interstellar travel, the Yautja's civilization is built around a tribal structure and a warrior culture. They value experienced warriors and the only way to earn respect is through battle.

one of the common things that they do to their younger warriors is, have them experience hunting other races, experience the thrill of a life or death battle, only those that can pose a threat to them tend to get their attention to be worthy of hunting or on special occasions as a mate but only if the target is lucky enough to survive~

Predators are bipedal humanoids, physically distinguishable from humans by their greater height, the long, hair-like appendages on their heads (nicknamed dreadlocks), their reptilian skin, and their faces, which feature arthropod-like mandibles and no visible nose.

The biological purpose of the distinctive mandibles is unclear — some have proposed they may be used in reproduction or mating rituals.

Yautja uses them to convey emotions; for example, flared mandibles apparently signify anger or surprise, mandibles clicking together can signify interest or curiosity, and Yautja have even been said to "grin" with them.

Predators have also been known to employ their mandibles as weapons, using them to inflict grievous bite wounds on their opponent. As well as the fleshy dreadlocks around the side of the head, some Predators have also been seen to possess sparse, quills on their cheeks and above the eyes.

Despite their colloquial name, Yautja dreadlocks are not in fact hair; while some Predators possess "eyebrows" and other coarse facial and body hair, it is apparent that the dreadlocks on their heads are fleshy growths, and have been known to bleed when damaged or severed.

They are in fact complex sensory organs that provide the creatures with their exceptional balance and reflexes.

They are also thought to play a secondary role in attracting a mate — during her time with the Yautja, Machiko Noguchi (obviously a human) was forced to cut off her own (hair) dreadlocks during a confrontation with a Xenomorph Queen, noting that this would make her less attractive to male hunters.

Among the Yautja, longer tresses are considered desirable, while shorter ones are not.

one particular Yautja that goes by the calling Guan-thwei which stood for night blood he hasn't earned a real name yet as the standards of his tribe were strict even more so than elite tribes he was entitled as 'relentless hunter' thanks to the ways of 'his' hunting.

He had met that human female on multiple occasions when their tribes trained together thus made him gain interest in humans as fellow hunters as well as the weapons made by them while he lacked an interest in plasma weaponry, any cold weapons, arrows, and other handheld or throwable weapons were more of his cup of tea.

He held disdain for weapons that were of the plasma tech Guan-thwei preferred to slay his prey through his own effort, however, despite all that, he was an excellent weapons engineer and craftsman for making bizarre weapons and armor, and now he and 5 others were making their way to the planet that was close to a familiar world that we all know of.

However, thanks to the 'Bad Bloods' their ship was attacked ruining the trial of the young predators.

five of his brothers died, the ship was mostly destroyed on impact, only equipped with his basic essentials, his collection of weaponry and compressed backup items, a single yautja that has no means to call for an escort, much less for help was left in a world where mutants exist~

But for now, this 7-foot menace had awakened gravely injured was forced to heal himself the hard way since both arms were out of commission, he smashed his medkit open with his leg and leaned forward despite the agonizing injuries something his kind were taught to ignore at the worse moments, using his mandibles to pick up the hardened solution before doing what it could to pick up the injector and crushed the cover of the needle then clumsily had it facing up.

It was then he did the one thing that he could do thanks to being so exhausted from losing so much blood and the struggle to get what he needed ready, with what little strength he had, Guan-thwei rolled on to the injector, while the materials that covered the needle first but he still managed to accomplish his task as the predator roared thanks to feeling more invigorated, the major wounds had closed up and healed!

But thanks to how bad it was He needed a few more but at least Guan-thwei can now properly treat his wounds and pull out some of the scraps that were stuck in his flesh.

it was a grueling process and thanks to the strong vitality of a predator, he managed to pull them all out, a grand total of 56 pieces of metal, bone, and one fang, yes, a fang, like a farewell gift from one of his brothers that died by having his head crushed and his fang powered by that force was left in Guan-thwei's gut, he was lucky compared to the other victim of the 'projectile' fangs, two struck its head one through the eye and the other was through the mouth severing the cervical spine ending his life before taking the heat of entry sparing him from the pain of being cooked alive unlike the currently missing two, as they were 'ejected' from the ship while breaking through the atmosphere.

such colorful ways to die no?

But that didn't matter now, Guan-thwei had to either survive until help arrives or simply die without getting the recognition he and his brothers sought, with some of his gear broken he took the equipment of his fallen comrades replacing his destroyed adaptive cloak then took their bodies with him to provide a proper burial that warriors deserved, the ship crumbled down into the earth thanks to a natural occurrence a sinkhole at least now the predator didn't need to put any effort into hiding the broken ship.

The predator was in awe at the view it was a beautiful forest yet in the distance there were strangely shaped mountains that could reflect the sun, and the most intriguing thing was there were thousands of humans that looked similar to the girl Machiko each of them wearing strange armors and cloth that seemed to lack defensive means...

while his discovery was interesting his brother burial was more important now thus he went deeper into the forest where he can lay his brothers to rest in peace until they are escorted away from this world or until his last breath he was still a young Yautja barely 50 years old one of the youngest to ever attempt the rite of passage as for why he was so desperate to do so was thanks to the strict rules of his tribe one had to be a qualified elite to be welcomed back for nearly forty years he had been trying to follow the footsteps of his late parents.

After heading out again to observe the race of the girl Machiko, a peculiar thing made his hunting instincts flare, a man that looked like he was made of stone, another that could fire beams from his eyes, and many more with these powerful abilities every single one of them was a threat to Guan-thwei~

Regardless of that with so many powerful preys to hunt, even if he is trapped on this planet, Guan-thwei mood gotten better as he will surely have a good time and now his current target was a man that used his voice to create sonic waves, it will certainly contribute to the music he'll be making~

trial and error here so it will be a slow one like my other passing the time book but i love predators and their lore despite their deadly hobbies

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