
Yandere-Kun x Male Rivals And Others

Ayoshi Aishi is trying to find his senpai. And along the way he manages to steal the hearts of many without even realizing it. Story is also posted on Archive of Our Own and Wattpad. It's has the same name.

pandasandsleep · LGBT+
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49 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six

*Third P.O.V*

After their talk Ayoshi and Engeika said goodbye to each other then Engeika walked away. Ayoshi was going to leave too but was stopped.

"Ayoshi-Kun wait." Two voices called out at the same time.

Ayoshi turned to face Megamo and Mido, they were walking up to him very quickly. Seeming like they were in a race. When they realized they talked at the same time they glared at each other.

Ayoshi paid no mind to their childish actions, "Hmm?" Ayoshi hummed out, questioning them on what they needed.

When they made it to Ayoshi they tried to act civil, not wanting Ayoshi to notice they were fighting for his attention.

Megamo spoke first, "Ayoshi-Kun why didn't you wait for me? We were supposed to be partners."

"Uekiya-Chan asked me to be her partner." Ayoshi said bluntly like it was obvious. Then he looked at Mido then back at him, "And you seemed preoccupied with something else."

Megamo then could hear muffled laughter next him, he used a lot of his self control not to turn his head and glare at the other.

Mido used this moment to slightly push Megamo out of the way so he could be closer to Ayoshi.

"Ayoshi-Kun I was hoping we could speak privately?" Mido asked with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you calling me by my first name?"


"I don't usually mind if my friends call me by my first name but I don't know you, so please don't call me that."

Mido was in utter shock, it felt like his jaw hit the ground. And having the laughter he once let out be thrown right back at him by Megamo wasn't helping.

"Bu-but earlier you let me." Mido stuttered out.

"You two were too busy quarrelling for me to get a word in."

"We weren't quarrelling."

"Yeah, we were just having an intense...debate…"

Ayoshi stared at them for only a few seconds but it felt like an eternity for them. They could feel a cold sweat coming on.

"Do you guys think I'm stupid?"

Now both of their jaws were on the ground. The two started intensely panicking, "Wh-what!? Of c-course we don't!" Their words were jumbled together as they tried to explain themselves.

"Then why do you think I wouldn't notice your obvious dislike for each other?"

They were both silent, not knowing how to answer the question.

"I have to go now." Ayoshi said after a few seconds of not being answered.

As he was walking away the two reached out their hands towards him weakly, but they couldn't find what to say to him to make him come back.

Once Ayoshi was out of sight they slumped against the wall with a sigh, "We're such idiots."


It was later in the day, Ayoshi and Engeika were once again talking. She was showing Ayoshi photos of her garden.

"And these are my yellow chrysanthemums. They've always been my favorite, aren't they beautiful?"

Ayoshi looked at the photo, the color of the flowers were so vibrant, "Mm, very pretty. You do a good job at taking care of them."

"Thank you, now to show you the strawberries. I hope you aren't disappointed."

Ayoshi shook his head with sparkling eyes, "I wouldn't."

Engeika chuckled softly at Ayoshi's cute expression. She then swiped on her phone, changing the image on the screen to strawberries.

Ayoshi got closer to her to get a better look as she turned the screen towards him, "They're so beautiful, I've never seen such vibrant colored strawberries, and they're so big. How did you get them to grow so nicely?"

Engeika got embarrassed from such high praise. With a blush on her face she spent the next few minutes explaining the process.

A little bit into explaining they were interrupted, "Aishi-Kun! I've been looking all over for you."

The two turned to see a bright smiling face jogging towards them as they waved. It was Aso that stopped in front of them.

Ayoshi's eyes seemed to be playing a trick on him, it appeared that a happy wagging tail was attached to Aso. Ayoshi rubbed his eyes, once he was done the tail had disappeared.

Aso gave Ayoshi a confused look, "What's wrong Aishi-Kun?"

Ayoshi shook his head, "Nothing is wrong."

Aso gave him a big smile, "I'm glad you're ok."

"What did you need me for, Rito-Kun?"

Aso grew even more excited, "I have some free time! Come train with me!" He said while grabbing his hand to drag him away.

"Come on! Come on!"

"Wait Rito-Kun."

"What is it, Aishi-Kun?" Aso said as he stopped pulling on Ayoshi.

"I was talking to someone."

Aso looked to Ayoshi's side and he formed a surprised expression, "Oh I didn't notice you." Aso said to Engeika.

Engeika's eyes were downcast, '...You never have.'

"I'm sorry about that...umm.."

"Uekiya Engeika."

Aso rubbed the back of his head with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry about that Uekiya-Chan."

She gave Aso a shaky smile, "It's...fine."

"Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is Rito Aso, nice to meet you!" Aso introduced himself with an offered hand.

Engeika took his hand to shake it, "Yeah, I know who you are." She said as she awkwardly looked to the side.

"You do?" Aso asked with a tilted head.

Engeika's face flushed read, "Y-yeah." She softly whispered.

Aso gave her a big grin, "Cool! It was nice meeting you Uekiya-Chan."

Engeika could feel a pain in her chest, 'Am I that unmemorable?'

Aso's grin grew a little cheeky, "Uekiya-Chan you wouldn't mind if I took Aishi-Kun off your hands?"

Ayoshi side-eyed him, "Rito-Kun."

Aso pouted, "What? I just want you to train me some." He lightly whined

Engeika looked back and forth between the two and she lightly chuckled, "No, I don't mind. Have fun."

"Are you sure Uekiya-Chan?" Ayoshi asked.

"Mm, I'm sure." She said with a soft smile.

Aso lightly cheered, "Come on Aishi-Kun!" Aso said as he started pulling on Ayoshi again.

Ayoshi gently placed his hand on Aso's, "Hold on Rito-Kun, give me a minute. I needed to talk to Uekiya-Chan for a minute, go on without me."

Aso looked at the beautiful white hand that contrasted to his tan one. He could feel his face heat up, "O-ok, but hurry please."


After Aso got a little far Ayoshi turned back to Engeika, "Are you ok?"

Engeika could feel her eyes slightly widen in shock. She nervously avoided looking at Ayoshi, "What do you mean?"

Before Aso had come over the two were sitting on a bench, Engeika was sitting down looking down at her lap.

Ayoshi sat back down next to her, "I know we've only known each other a day but with the little time we've spent together I've learned so much about you. I can tell something is wrong."

Engeika looked at Ayoshi, he could see her eyes were red. She gave him a strained smile and then let out a sigh, "'It was nice meeting you.'"

"I don't understand."

"It wasn't the first time Rito-Kun and I had met. It was my first day at Akademi. I was walking through the entrance of the school when I tripped. Haha, I was quite clumsy back then. Before I could get up I saw a hand in front of me. I looked up and there was the biggest smile I had ever seen. He was like the sun, so...so bright. I gently grabbed his hand, it was rough from calluses but having his large hand envelope mine felt so nice. Before I could even thank him he had bent down to pick up something. It was my flower, it had fallen out of my hair when I had tripped. He gently clipped it back onto my hair, I felt my heart skip a beat at the action."

She gently touched the flower in her hair, "It's like I can still feel his warmth. I...I had fallen in love with him at first sight," Engeika then let out a mocking laugh, "I know. It sounds dumb, how could someone fall in love at first sight."

"No, it's not dumb. It's not dumb at all."

"Throughout the entire interaction I couldn't say a word. After he had said goodbye we never talked to each other again. I tried, I tried so hard to approach him but my anxiety always stopped me. In my heart I had hope that maybe I would have a chance. Until one day I realized that I never would." She said, her voice cracking.

"Why? You're such a wonderful girl. Why wouldn't he give you a chance?"

She looked into Ayoshi's eyes, "I saw…"

'...I saw the way...he looked at you.'

"Don't worry I'll try to get over him as quickly as possible." She said with a determined smile.

Ayoshi didn't understand what she meant but he couldn't ask his questions before being interrupted.

"Aishi-Kun, come on! You've made me wait long enough!" Aso had returned to steal Ayoshi away, and he wasn't allowing Ayoshi to stop him this time.

Ayoshi could only watch as Engeika waved goodbye at him as he was being taken away.

Once Ayoshi was out of sight Engeika stopped waving. She looked at her bag next to her and opened it up to take something out.

It was a white envelope that had yellowed and frayed at the edges. She flipped it over to show the faded red heart that kept the envelope closed. She had never found the courage to give it to him.

She clenched the envelope in her hands, the tears that she was holding back were finally let go. They fell onto the envelope, dampening the paper.

Engeika lifted the envelope up to her lips and kissed it, "The heart doesn't always get what it wants. However Rito-Kun I truly hope yours does." She gently whispered before she ripped it to shreds.