
Failed Yandere (YKMRO)

Ayoshi Aishi is trying to find his senpai. And along the way he manages to steal the hearts of many without even realizing it. Story is also posted on Archive of Our Own and Wattpad. It's has the same name.

pandasandsleep · LGBT+
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five

Everyone had found their partners, so now all the students were looking at Mido and Megamo to finally start class.

"Come on, we're all ready to start."

"We're all partnered up now, so come on."

"The Student Council President is so lucky."

"I was hoping to be the one to partner up with him."

"Me too."

Megamo scoffed in his head at the remarks. 'I am far from lucky.'

"Ok-ok, calm down. You two have to partner up. Shall we begin?" Mrs. Nishioka asked.

Megamo turned to face Mido with a dreadful expression. "Shall we begin?" He asked through clenched teeth. Mido let out one more sigh and reached out his head towards him. He gave the hand a long stare before he reluctantly took it into Mid's hand.

Mrs. Nishioka smiled, "Ok class, with slow dancing, there are two positions: the leader and the follower. Now decide your positions."

Some pairs came to the decision on who had which position rather quickly while others bickered; both wanting to be the leader. However, after some words from Mrs. Nishioka, the ones that were bickering came to a compromise.

"Leaders, watch closely and follow Rana-san. Place your right hand behind your partner's left shoulder blade. Make sure your right elbow is up and it should be pointed outward." 

Mrs. Nishioka explained as Mido demonstrated the instructions. Mido saw that everyone was in position, sighed, and moved his hands to position Megamo.

"Followers, wrap your left arm around your partner's lifted arm and place your hand around their bicep. Like Rana-san did for the Student Council President. Now both of you can now bring the other arm up and clasp your hands together. Your elbows should be relaxed and pointed down slightly." Mrs. Nishioka started walking around the room, helping to adjust anyone who was slightly off with their positioning. When she walked back to the front of the class, she looked at her students and gave them a nod. "Good, but some of you are a little tense. Let yourself relax." She walked over to the desk in the room and set up a music box. She then pulled out a CD from her bag and then inserted it in. She pressed play and the music box started letting out a nice song. "Listen to the song closely, find the beat, then start swaying along to it. Shift your weight from one foot to the other. The tempo of the song helps determine how fast you move." 

Mido then demonstrated how to do the steps with Megamo. "Now you guys try," he said.

The students then started awkwardly moving around with their partners. While they were all distracted, Megamo and Mido swiftly separated from each other, giving each other dirty looks.

However, not even ten seconds later, someone noticed, "Hey! Rana-san, Student Council President, you guys have to dance with us."

"Yeah, it's only fair."

"Come on, the President has to learn too."

Megamo lifted his head up in pride. "I come from a prestigious family. I have been taught many forms of dance, including slow dancing."

Mrs. Nishioka started laughing. "Come on, President, even if you know how to slow dance, you have to join us."

"It'll be fun!"

"I didn't lose my chance to dance with Rana-san just for you to take it for granted. So dance!"

The class wouldn't stop pressuring the two until they gave in. The two sighed in unison, "Fine." After the class cheered, they went back to their dancing, keeping a close eye on Mido and Megamo to make sure they were dancing too.

Before when they were dancing, there wasn't so much hostility because they were teaching the class and they had to stay professional. However, now they were repulsed by having to touch the other.

"Aren't your hands a little low?" Megamo spat out.

Mido clenched his jaw and through his teeth said, "Please, my hands aren't even halfway down your back. Don't think so highly of yourself."

"It's not that I think highly of myself, but you never know with perverts like you."

Mido scowled, "Pervert?! I am not a pervert."

Megamo smirked, happy he got a rise out of Mido. "Oh really? It's hard to tell with all those creepy looks you keep giving Ayoshi-kun. Anyone would agree with me."

"No, they wouldn't and I don't give him creepy looks. You know nothing and I really shouldn't be hearing that come out of your mouth."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You seem awfully possessive over a simple friend. If I give him creepy looks, then you must give him disturbing looks. Who knows what kind of awful things you must be thinking about?"

While the two were bickering, Ayoshi danced on the other side of the room with his partner. They had decided that he was going to be the one taking the lead. He had gotten the hang of it, but his partner had a little trouble. "Ow."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to step on your foot."

"It's ok."

The two then awkwardly danced around. Ayoshi, deep in thought, tried to think of something to say. Then an idea popped into his head. "Do you like strawberries?"

Engeika looked up in surprise, "Strawberries?"

"Mm, I really like them."

Engeika gave Ayoshi a small smile. "I love them. In fact, I love them so much I grow them in my garden at home," she said with a soft voice.

"Amazing," Ayoshi said with admiration.

A blush grew on Engeika's face. "It's really not. Anyone can grow strawberries," she said with a wave of her hand, embarrassed by the praise.

"It is. When did you start growing them?"

"I've had my garden since last year. I started it when I joined the Gardening Club. I loved it so much I wanted to create my own."

Before Ayoshi could ask more questions, a voice called out to the class. "Hey everyone! If you want to make things more exciting, try doing some spins," Mido said as he spun Megamo three times around in a rough manner.

Megamo let out a cry at being jostled around. He could barely keep his footing and then let out another shout when he could feel his body start to move downward.

"Then you top it off with a dip. Oops!" In the process of dipping Megamo, Mido accidentally dropped him.

When Megamo hit the ground, he let out a groan and then hissed as he got up. "Bastard," he whispered.

"Of course, don't drop your partner's guys," Mido said with a chuckle, not even bothering to help Megamo up.

The students then tried out the new moves as instructed. They were having a lot of fun, letting out laughs.

Ayoshi and his partner started up their conversation again. "What else do you grow?"

"I grow a variety of things, but mostly fruits and flowers," Engeika explained as Ayoshi gently spun her around.

"It must be a lot of work."

Engeika smiled, "It is, but I love doing it. I can show you my garden sometime."

Ayoshi's eyes widened and with a big nod, said, "Yes, please."

Engeika let out a soft giggle as she was being dipped. "Great," she said, looking up at Ayoshi with a smile, a blush spreading across her face from happiness.

While the two were having their conversation, they were being watched intensely. After Megamo got up from his fall, he and Mido realized that they were so distracted from arguing they never checked on what was going on with Ayoshi.

"Those two seem very close," Mido said with a frown.

"What could they possibly be talking about that is making her so happy?" Megamo asked himself.

"I don't know, but it looks like it's really interesting Ayoshi," Mido answered, even though he knew Megamo didn't ask him.

The two wanted to go up and interrupt the two, but they were intercepted by the bell. Everyone started to change back into their school shoes, getting ready to get back to their homeroom for their next class.

While Engeika changed her shoes, she realized something. "Oh, I just realized I didn't introduce myself. My name is Uekiya Engeika."

"My name is Aishi Ayoshi."

Engeika giggled, "I know, you're pretty popular."

"Pop.. ular?" Ayoshi asked with a tilted head.

"Mhm, I always see you surrounded by people. You have so many friends," Engeika said with a small smile.

Ayoshi thought about it for a second. "I do have a lot of friends." He had never realized how many friendships he'd made since the beginning of the year.

"You guys always look like you're always having fun. I've actually been wanting to come over and talk to you guys, but I always chickened out. I'm not the best at conversations with new people. I'm a really shy person," Engeika explained. She looked up at Ayoshi with a blush. "I'm glad I was given this chance to talk to you. I hope we can become good friends."

"Me too."