
Yandere girls surround me

(isekai) (Gore) (Reverse Gender World) (Reverse Rape) (Femdom) (Manipulation) (Blackmail) DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE NOT 18+ SEX IS THE LEAST THING YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT. Now with the OC character illustration That I did myself, Not great but decent enough. I'll also be drawing scenes as the story progresses further. Our main character is a Nobel and innocent man, in a, fucked world of ghosts and monsters and people from different races and personalities (fucked up personality) . . . but even If the world is fucked up doesn't mean you should too. Just because you read a revenge novel, it doesn't mean that you should become emo. No! this world survives on hope! good man making good times and good times making good man. our MC is powerless! no literally! with just his wits, honesty, and effort he will try his best to face Every challenge!!! AND THERE ARE YANDERES, VERY CRAZY AND ABSOLUTE CRACKHEADS, VERY VIOLENT AND GREEDY. WELL THAT'S IT ENJOY! OH YEAH! I'M GONNA MAKE THIS STORY A FREAKING FUCK FEST!!!!!!!!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. ALTHOUGH NOT FOR EVERYONE... . . . but certainly entertaining~

Rain_Thundercloud · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

CH27-Gates of Heaven and curiosity of the imp.

Third Person's POV.

Jude-" Let's just that, ..... heaven has closed its Gates."




Everyone was stunned at Jude's words, with a pin-drop silence, A silence so unsettling and empty that their own heartbeat was sounding was like a drum in their ears.

Slar-" Care for some fruit cake, Mam?.... Mam?..... anyone?"

The Slar came in to break the quiet.

But he was not able to break the mood, Holding the plate in his hands he stared at the bunch.

Slar-" Sooooooo... No cake?"

Kenny-" *Laughing under her breath*.....I I. khik!... I would love some cake."

Riz-" Ha.... hik!.....Slar..., can you go and get me bear from the market?"

Ashley-" And Some... You know....*Holding breath*...Hih!....and cigarettes too..."

Slar-"Sure Ma'am!, anything for you Miss Jude?"


Slar-" Ma'am?...."

Jude-" A Rope.....Yeah... a rope should suffice."

Slar-" A Rope?...., but... But why Ma'am"

Jude-" Not good?... thennnnnn how about some insecticide?"

Slar-" Huh?"

Riz-"....Just get her some good too, ok?"

Slar-" Okkkaayyyyyy...."

Saying so slar left.

*Door closing sound*





Riz-" Oh! HAHA! OH~ I'm sorry, but you see this is way too funny to ignore!!, HAHAHAHA!"

Ashley-" Haha, you wanted to hog that toy! now your toy is broken!!!"

Kenny-" Hahhaha! hey so is it like completely closed? or at least there is a crack or something?"

The trio was laughing so hard their eyes were wet with tears, All while Jude stared at their faces with murderous intention.

Jude-"[ This family makes me wanna commit war crimes.]"

Tired from their mockery Jude just stood up and walked to her room, but on the way.

Jude-" Get me a fucking doc-!?"

Her right foot slipped on the floor and did a split.



The sound resounded across the room.

Kenny-" Holy!"

Kenny held her face between her hands

Riz-" That sound!?"

Riz covered her ears with her hands in terror

Ashley-" The gates are open!"

Ashley had hidden her eyes with a plate.

Jude-" AA....AA.....a...aaA!...."

White-eyed, tears slid down her cheeks.


Riz-" Slar?... yeah... get us a doctor on your way back, ok?"

Kenny-" Well pick her up!"

Ashley-" Oh oh ok!, *Picks Jude in a Princess carry*....fuck my tits... but what in the bloody hell...."

Jude-" I I I I I I "

Ashley-" You?"

Jude-" I I I I I "

Ashley-" You what?"

Jude-" ce ce ce!"

Ashley-" You still want sex?"


Ashley-" Well then just say bloody!"

Riz-" Her gates just broke open! she can't even form words!"

Ashley-" You screaming at me like I'm the one who did it"

Jude-"*loud vibrate the walls* GET ME A FUCKING ICE BAG!!!!!!!"








Rain's POV.

I sat on Fluffy's back and browsed through the tablet that I picked from Jude's room on the way, she actually didn't wanna give me at first, but then a few upwards sad eyes did the trick.

but that too after full 10 minutes of her doing random things before giving it to me.

It's actually just a crystal plate that reacts to my touch, and for some reason, this feels very familiar.

Rain-" Ok....., what to search no-!? AYE STOP LICKING MY FEET!!!"

God....my whole sock is now covered in her saliva...

Rain-"Eewwwww...., gotta take it off."

I took off my sock and threw it to the side, but then as soon as I did Fluffy jumped on it like a cat to a laser point.

And I, of course, fell on the floor, very comically...

Rain-" Ah leave it.... so what now...."

For some reason..... Porn is the first thing that comes to my mind.... or maybe... it won't..?

Rain-" Huh?...."

I opened the tablet and an icon with a magnifying glass was the first thing I noticed, naturally I clicked on it, and as I did, a search panel with a digital keyboard popped up...but

Rain-" Wait for a second..."

The keys were displayed in alphabetical order... but...

Rain-" They are in a perfect symmetry.. but.... why the hell does it feel so odd?"

Ok... let's just search..... uhhhhhh....mmmm, ok... you know what? the best way someone can learn about the world is through memes...

Rain-" Now I just need to find the site to look for some informative ones."

But..where am I?

"Our country"

It was the first thing I looked for.

Search results-"The kingdom of Escor."

Along with results like Queen of Escor, currency, and things like flags and stuff come.

I clicked on images.

The Queen, looked like an old lady With blond hair and Ebony skin, she looks huge, and a true royal aura was displayed in her photos.

The nation's currency is Kelo, while its flag is just a picture of a woman with a shield in her hand.

I also saw some news about how a civil war between the church and the science university.

Ok, now back to memes.

I searched for.

"local Escor memes."

Many results came.....

I couldn't understand a single thing..., maybe they were political, and many were just related to current affairs.

Neither did I catch any reference that I might understand,

Although one thing was particularly the same in all.

Almost all the influencing people were women, Memes like a woman taking her husband, to the hospital and then telling the doctor that her dishwasher broke.

While some memes were just sexist jokes, some featured men, where they held guns in their hands saying.

"This Dick is off-limits bitch."

Wait... from where did u learn about these memes?...., what the hell is a meme?

Seeing my age, I feel like my intelligence is higher, but at the same time, I could just be fooling myself.

But why the hell am I asking myself a thing question?

I feel like I have the curiosity to explore The world,

but then again I feel like I'm.. I feel like I am overwhelmed by this...

Fluffy-" Bark?"

Seeing me like this fluffy came to me, rubbing her face on my chest, I can feel her soft fur on my chin.

Rain-" Thanks Fluffy...., hey now that I realised, ... you seem.... surprisingly expressive and... exciting today..., did something happen?"

Fluffy-" Yo-!?... Bark bark! [ You happened!]

Rain-" Heh... you are weird... but cute too."

Hmm, I feel curious.. but then lazy too..., sooooooooooooo

Yup!, I should go a watch TV, what's a better way to info and get rid of boredom?

For some reason, the thought of watching TV seemed too much fun and exciting, guess I always liked watching TV.

Rain-" Oi Fluffy, let's go and watch some TV."

Saying so I hoped on her back.

Fluffy&Sara-" [OOHOHO HE HE HE'S RIDING MEEEEE!!!!!!!!]"

Rain-" Ok girl let's g-!..... Fluffy why are you Panting?"

After like, three minutes of ragged breathing, she finally moved, she might act weird sometimes, but the feeling of riding a beast like her is good

getting out of my room everything was...., until I actually heard my sister screeching.

Jude-" NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

It was Mom, Aunt, and Sis Kenny, dragging Jude to a room while two Women in lab coats were hiding behind sofas.

Rain-" What the hell is happening here?...., any idea, Fluffy?"

Fluffy&Sara-" bark?[ Eh~ ignore them.]"

Getting off Fluffy, I walked toward them, the first one to notice me was Mom.


Jude just kicked Mom in the face.... seriously what is happening?


Riz-" JUST GOOOOO-!? *looks at Rain* Oh shit!, Rain?! sweety, why are you?"


Rain-" I think I'm gonna go out and play in the backyard."

Riz-" Brilliant idea, We'll be back with you in just a sec-!?"


Not giving them more attention, I quietly left, now that's something I ain't never gonna forget

Our backyard was quite lush, although well kept, it seemed dead, surrounded by walls and metal railings, I could still see the outside streets, and locals.

I sat on a rock that just seemed like a perfect spot.

Gazing over the city horizon, I was blessed with a late morning, it was not too hot, the sun was still orange and the breeze was refreshing.



I turned to my right, it was fluffy, growling at the Little pond that I seemed to have missed.

Walking over to her.

She seems to be.... rather aggressive towards the pond.

Rain-" What happened girl? something in the water?"

Fluffy&Sara-"Bark!![ I FUCKING HATE WATER!!!]"

Sitting down at the pond's level, I started deep into it.

All I could see was my own reflection..... My face.. nose..skin... all seemed normal...

But my eyes...

They look a little Red.....no wait... it's slowly turning to black... with only my iris left in a golden glow...

It's... mesmerizing..... like I just want to keep looking at it...






Gloria's POV.


My name is Gloria, I'm a goblin that works as a secretary for Riz Young, Now you must be thinking, How the hell did that Riz Young hired a Lowly Goblin?

Well, that's cuz I'm just smart, and Good at my Work, took a kit of time to gain her trust and respect, but I finally managed to get a job at the city's most powerful company.

Today I came to deliver some paperwork to Miss Riz.

*knock! knock!*


No one came? Are they not hom-!?



They are definitely in there...., and it looks like someone's one gonna die.....

I should really come back later.... but.

the papers are important...

I should just wait in the backyard for some time.

Disturbing them won't be a wise choice...

Deciding so, I went to the backyard, There...

A boy was head drowned in the pond...., near him a large beast was also unconscious with its face buried deep between the boy's legs...



We're reaching the end of the first Volume, I think in about 4 or 5 more chapters I'll end the Volume, then we'll do a time skip, and after it, I'll begin the new Volume of the School arc.

But before it, I'll write about 7 to 8 short stories, things that might happen in the meantime, and then I'll take some time to correct the grammar of the previous chapter.

That's it thanks for reading