
Yamcha RPG

An average guy, with an average life, dies while playing an RPG game. Then he opens his eyes again, in a show he had grown up with. Exciting, right? Well, he wasn’t a Saiyan, he was Yamcha, the punching bag of punching bags. But what are these screens above everyone’s heads, showing levels? Follow his journey as he tries to maneuver himself around the dangerous world of Dragon Ball. With the Gamer Interface by his side.

BucketOfShirts · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 11 - Return To Monke!

Once they arrived at where the scary roars were coming from, Yamcha's smile couldn't get any wider as he saw Goku stomping on a broken castle as if it was legos. That power was indeed something extraordinary.

Yamcha already knew when the full moon was going to appear. He had kept an eye on the lunar cycle. Only a mad man wouldn't do that while knowing what he did. That's why he wasn't worried too much if Goku got kidnapped. He would just ruin the enemy's hideout.

That's the same reason he wasn't in too much of a rush to save Goku.

[You have gotten a New Quest]

[Defeat the Giant Ape Goku]

[A giant ape has appeared out of nowhere. Defeat it, and stop the ape from rampaging any further.

Sub-Objective: Defeat the Ape by yourself.

Rewards: 10,000 Exp, Monkey King's Crown (Legendary)

Sub-Objective Reward: 15,000 Exp, Monkey King's Banana (Legendary)]

The rewards were a little weird, but Yamcha assumed that the interface didn't know what Goku exactly was. So the rewards were mainly based on the first appearance, but he didn't mind it too much. So he accepted the quest, not like he would lose anything if he failed.

[Goku - Lvl 5]

[A giant monkey of unknown origin and its strength is monstrous. Goku is currently in a berserker state as a big monkey with strange powers. It's advised that people stay away from it. (PL: 130)]

Look at that crazy power level. Yamcha had no chance of defeating such a thing with his current strength.

"W -What's happening?" Oolong asked, rubbing his eyes as he got up from the couch he had been sleeping on.

Many of the gang mooks and Carrot also woke up. As they all had futons, they slept on the first floor of the RV van, as the second floor was only for Bulma and other people who weren't perverts, like Yamcha, Goku, and Puar.

"W -What the hell is that!!" Exclaimed Carrot out loudly in panic.

"You scared?" Asked Yamcha with a smile on his face. He stared the humanoid rabbit straight in the eye. He knew that the ex-gang boss wasn't quite under his control. If the chance came, Yamcha didn't trust Carrot not to run away or even betray him. Only a fool would trust someone so easily. He wasn't Goku.

"N -No, sir," Carrot looked at the ground nervously. Why was this guy always so scared? Was it the torture talk?

"There's no need to lie to me," Yamcha clarified. Seeing that Goku had noticed them and was now charging at the van.

"Yes, I am terrified," the humanoid rabbit confessed as his body shook when he saw Goku charging toward them. "Uhhh… shouldn't we go back?!"

"Good, then let me show you why with me around, you don't need to be afraid," Yamcha added while getting out of the RV truck and stretching casually. He enjoyed seeing Carrot and his subordinates almost having a heart attack, and their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Geez, why are you all so scared? I am the one who doesn't know if this world's afterlife works for me. You all have it quite easy." He whispered under his breath. Yamcha was scared as hell, too; so many things could go wrong.

He swallowed saliva and could feel the liquid traveling down his dry throat. Yamcha felt like he could hear his heartbeat in his ears.

Goku opened his mouth and reared, sending his shockwave and pushing him back and almost overturning the van.

Yeah, that didn't help with getting rid of his fear. But Yamcha stood his ground and narrowed his eyes, he took a calming breath, and his nerves steeled.

Observing the beast's movements as it got closer, Yamcha felt like ice was traveling through his veins instead of blood. He thought of the future monsters like Frieza and Cell, and Buu… chuckling. "Yeah, how foolish of me. Being scared of something like this."

He rushed at Goku and clasped his hands by the side. "Ka-Me-Ha-Me-..." he charged his Ki, and the night turned to light. "HAAAAA"

The blast rushed toward Goku and slammed onto him. Even though the Oozaru was stronger than Yamcha, it didn't have the conscious thought to dodge or block such an attack. Taking it head-on.

At first, Yamcha felt nervous as the beast took the Kamehameha Wave head-on and didn't budge. Even though he had put every ounce of Ki on it and charged it for quite a while, the Kamehameha wave couldn't pierce through the Oozaru due to the disparity in power levels.

Finally, Goku started being pushed and slammed into the castle ruins; Yamcha exploded his energy.

Creating a mushroom cloud of dust, like an atomic bomb. There was smoke all around Goku, but Yamcha did not doubt in his mind that the Saiyan had survived.

[Ki Control has increased by 1 Level]

"A -Amazing," whispered the people in the van.

'Well, someone is easily impressed.' But Yamcha knew this was nowhere near enough. He couldn't use another Kamehameha, so he went with another move.

He took a sword from his inventory, a saber with a purple sheath. It had an Uncommon rarity, and was stronger than normal swords. This was Yamcha's original weapon.

He ran toward Goku in his Oozaru form. Though the attack hadn't killed him, it did injure Goku quite badly. Because in his Oozaru form, he couldn't even manipulate the Ki to move toward his hands and stop the attack as any martial artist would. Otherwise, a Kamehameha wave will kill you.

As Yamcha got closer, it seemed like the giant monkey wasn't getting up. That thought lasted until Yamcha was right in front of it, as the giant monkey suddenly got up and looked at the full moon.

The monkey turned around and looked at him. Yamcha felt nervous; every bone in his body told him to run away.

"Yamcha!" Puar yelled behind him as it came to help.

"Puar! Don't intervene in this!" Yamcha yelled loudly. He wanted the reward for defeating Goku one on one. But he couldn't say that, so instead, he said the first thing that came to mind. "I will defeat my enemy one on one. As a man should!"

The flying cat stopped and gave Yamcha a strange look before nodding resolutely.

'Can't believe it! The first thought that came to mind is some macho shit. Definitely shouldn't have watched so much JoJo before I died.'

Thought Yamcha almost nonchalantly. Gamer's Mind had an amazing calming effect when in such dire situations.

[You're Fighting For Justice]

[Hero's Bracelet effect is activated]

Huh? Justice? Yamcha never thought about it, but what does qualify as justice?

The word is a little complicated, and it wasn't what someone felt that couldn't be considered Justice.

At the core of things, the word was slightly more shallow than most thought. They say that justice is blind, as in it judges everyone fairly.

But since it's blind, in Yamcha's eyes, it must mean that many innocent people are falsely accused, and sometimes some criminals can get away with crimes.

In the end, justice was what people blindly thought was right. The average person was quite naive and wouldn't consider things too much. So in a general sense, justice was like a naive person.

After understanding such a thing, Yamcha smiled. He now knew how to activate the Hero's Bracelet effects whenever he wanted. After all, taking advantage of justice is something anyone can do if they know the right things.

Yamcha dashed toward Goku's tail and attempted to cut it, but the big monkey was strangely agile, and it jumped up. Making Yamcha slash at nothing. But the big monkey wasn't done; as it slammed back down to the ground, creating a shockwave big enough to push Yamcha back, it swung at him with a clenched fist.

But Yamcha jumped over the fist and slashed down, creating a large gash on Goku's arm. The monkey was fast for its size but very predictable.

"GRAAAAA!!" The giant monkey screamed in pain. While doing that, Yamcha used its arm as a springboard and jumped toward its tail again.

But the monkey was agile since Goku was still not an adult. While his Oozaru form was big but not gigantic, it could still somewhat see him clearly, and Yamcha was big enough to notice, which was a big disadvantage for Yamcha.

If the Oozaru hadn't noticed, Yamcha was confident in ending the whole battle in one hit.

'Its speed is worrying. With a power level of 130, it can easily overpower me. But with that speed on top of it, things become even more complicated.'

Yamcha worried that with one mistake, everything would be over. While Goku could afford to take many hits from Yamcha in his ape form, the opposite couldn't be said. Yamcha knew that even one hit from Goku in this form was likely to kill him.

The big monkey slammed its two fists to the ground like the hulk. Yamcha charged forward and went between its arms. He was in front of the monkey's chest and slashed again, creating a large gash on the monkey's chest.

After this, Goku stumbled as blood flowed from it, and he fell to his knees. "GRAAAAA!" The big monkey yelled out in pain.

Yamcha felt like his ears were going to bleed from the roar, and his heart beat wildly. He didn't want to attack Goku like this either, but he wasn't in a position to hold back. Because if the Saiyan somehow died, he could just revive him with the Dragon Balls.

Yamcha attacked Goku while he was down, and a dozen more slashes appeared on Goku's body until he fell to the ground face first, and his tail was left defenseless. Yamcha chose that moment to attack, as Goku could no longer move.

But as he got closer, Goku's giant tail moved like an anaconda, almost catching Yamch off guard and hitting him. But he reacted fast enough and cut the tail in one swing. Though he felt the velocity from the tail on his arms, snapping them like a twig.

[-35 HP]

[Status Effect: Broken Arms]

[You Have Completed Quest: Defeat Goku for the Second Time]

[You Have Completed Quest: Defeat the Giant Ape Goku]

Yamcha wasn't concentrating on the notifications as he looked at his arms, as they dangled uselessly.

'It happened so fast.'

He looked around as he heard someone yelling in pain, but there was no one around him. Oh… he was the one yelling in agony.

Finally, it caught up to him, his arms were broken, and he had never felt something like this before. Even as he tried to move his arms, the bones dangled, and he could feel them under his muscles.

A/N:  If you like the story, leave some positive reviews, and give some power stones. It empowers me. Or sacrifice three chickens in my name, either works. 

P.S: Final chapter for today. 

Name: Yamcha

Age: 16

Title: Bandit

Level 6 [EXP: 94%]

HP: 50/50

MP: (locked)

Ki: 24/24

Strength: 10 

Agility: 11 

Endurance: 10

(Power Level: 10)

Intelligence: 5

Perception: 7

Willpower: 7

(Magic Power: 6)

Status Points: 25

Description: Twice as strong as the normal human. In general, a weakling. 

Kamehameha - Lvl 1/50 

Wolf Fang Fist - Lvl 4/30

Ki Control - Lvl 2 -> 3/100

Ki Enhancement - Lvl 2/100

Observe - Lvl 4/100

Swordsmanship - Lvl 1/75

BucketOfShirtscreators' thoughts