
Xianxia: From Earth: Beyond The Limits

When one gains an attribute panel and a clone of a fish only to realize that he helps him become stronger, his excitement is to be expected. But that does not go as planned when a powerful creature seems to appear on the outside space of their planet. Cthulhu is mainly viewed as one of the ancient Gods. This situation also seems to reveal someone's secrets he had never realized. The most important was that in their world was a collection of small artifacts that fused and could able to open a time-space train portal. A group of escapes entering a foreign land where the law of the jungle is supreme have to struggle to survive, will Cheng Shan still have his thoughts about pursuing immortality when not even sure about his survival?

Aurora_Ryan · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Small troubles Now

Cheng Shan seemed to be standing on the very edge of the forest and today he was still trying to see if he could locate some objects that could give him attribute points in the forest after all he had gained something in the sea. But the situation in the sea seemed too unpredictable as he ahd assumed he could gain another objects with the same use but the time had passed all this while without him accomplishing what he wanted.

"I can only come to this place for this week, during the next period of time, I should focus on moving to locate the insights necessary to breakthrough the Five Animal Boxing. The idea of postponing promotion of the Clone is also foolish. It is difficult to tell what might happen in the future, I might as well just go with the flow. " as he spoke, he did not stop and confined to move forward.

This time he has moved with a lighter and salt, he seemed to have no interest in going back home anytime soon. Even the phone he was moving with was switched off, there was no reason for him to be disturbed any way.

His mind was also clear, he decided to do what should be done and forget that which had less benefits.

But he did not know that the moment he entered the Forest, someone else seemed to have arrived at his home. It was a man with a black bike and even after looking around found no one.

The place seemed tidy, obviously he did not meet with Cheng Shan along the way,

This was because Cheng Shan no longer seemed to use the highway route to enter the forest as it would eventually be revieled and the villagers even seemed to assume he had left since he was busy to even visit the town.

In the back of his residence massive cliffs and hills seemed to eixst and normal humans would not dare to take that route.

But he seemed to have taken that as his comon route into the forest and even seemed to follow the flow of the huge river that came from the forest, it was just that the path is dangerous but not for the current him.

The creature that can hurt him are not many and the fruits or other plants he passed by seemed to have little or no use as such he continued to move. This also seemed to have allowed him to get rid of the distance while avoiding too much attention.

At the moment the man seemed to take out some phone and dialed some number before speaking horsely, "Can you locate someone for me? The details are easy to locate just go on the list of targets and select Cheng Shan. Contact me in half an hour, I need an exact location. You know the boss wants this done fasr." the man insisted before hanging up the phone.

He then moved toward the house, perhaps he could gather some information, but he was wrong. cheng Shan had nothing of importance in that house.

He was being careful anyway and thus even if it got burned he would probably not feel bad about it at all.

"What is this? Isn't that kid said to have gained the favor of that family and rewarded, is that all just propaganda to divert attention. Well it does not matter, we only have to do our task and let the boss deal with other issues."the man put aside his thoughts as they really did not have any use in this situation.

But it did not go past him that the group of Gao father and daughter seemed to have used some unknown person to take a fall for his boss's revenge as they planned for a retaliation plan.

The thoughts of the helmet wearing guy seemed almost true, but so what if it was the level of Cheng Shane's strength at this moment is enough to save himself under his hands.

Deep in the jungles, as Cheng Shan moved forward he seemed to pass through a familiar terrain, after having come to the forest repeatedly.

In less than an hour he was standing in a familiar slope too, he had already diverted from the river terain he was following and in the slope, he could see massive trees as well as a huge water surface.

Looking away from the water that seemed to have diverted from this place heading in different parts of the forest, he choose a direction and stocked to it.

Sliding from the slope, he could not help but feel the wind hitting on his face but the feeling was refreshing. He also seemed to be avoiding trees along the slide from time to time.


When he stopped eventually at the very depths of the valley, he could see the trees up close. Turning to look up, a huge step cliff seemed to appear before his eyes.

The cliff has tree covered with moss, and the same seemed to be true for the ones that where before him. Without even thinking twice be walked forward.

Soon his figure seemed to disappear completely, but on some tree one could see a bird the size of an infant poking holes on the bark.

It seemed to have completely ignored Cheng Shan perhaps because the movement in the place does not affect it's daily life.

When he kept moving, he seemed to enter another dense vegetation region, but this time it seemed more like a plain with massive trees. Sounds seemed to come from the sky, and he was also curious so he observed and could see a lot of creatures compared to the places he had been before.

When he finally found a place to sit down and rest, as well practice more, the man at his home seemed to have an angry expression becase the guy he called failed to find any traces of Cheng Shan.

"Are you kidding me? How can someone not be located by you of all people. Unless you are telling me you have failed to use all means." he yelled at the phone requiring results, but the other side seemed indifferent.

"I have done all I can, and more importantly it seems his phone has no reception or turned of because even trying to call he did not respond. Ooh and next time you want my services the fee just tripped for that attitude of yours just now. Bye, hope to recieve my pay before the end of the day. "

The other side seemed to have hung up the phone and even demanded the payment for having accomplished nothing, but the man seemed to know it was his mistake and for not say ayhing else.

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