
Xianxia: From Earth: Beyond The Limits

When one gains an attribute panel and a clone of a fish only to realize that he helps him become stronger, his excitement is to be expected. But that does not go as planned when a powerful creature seems to appear on the outside space of their planet. Cthulhu is mainly viewed as one of the ancient Gods. This situation also seems to reveal someone's secrets he had never realized. The most important was that in their world was a collection of small artifacts that fused and could able to open a time-space train portal. A group of escapes entering a foreign land where the law of the jungle is supreme have to struggle to survive, will Cheng Shan still have his thoughts about pursuing immortality when not even sure about his survival?

Aurora_Ryan · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Rich people are not fools

No wonder they easily wired a few million to his account. It was not because the rich were so generous, rather it would help them feel less guilty after Cheng Shen's death. After all, he had meddled in other people's business at the end of the day.

He was just some unfortunate man, and in this way, he seemed to have indeed become a target of that Gao Ging Shen's enemy.

The rich do not get their wealth from sitting in rooms and shaking hands making peace with others rather the more resources one accumulates, they have competition and in the end use every means possible to acquire more.

Assuming that the rich as good people just because they usually offer some donations from time to time is naive. Even Cheng Shan did not seem to take them seriously and was sure that once he developed slowly he would outlive them.

More importantly, with enough means he would be capable of self-preservation methods.

With his phone at hand, he started to browse through and check for the locations with the Tiger, bear, monkey, crane, and deer.

All this seemed to appear more mysterious but after he started to practice he seemed to have already realized that they seemed to have unique synchronization when performed together. Even though he had not completely grasped the meaning behind it, he could not help but get immersed when practicing it. The effect of this practice was also very good on recovery.

From the phone, he could see more detailed information and some of the reserves present in the country seemed even better, but the thing that he was sure about was that not all of the animals could be found in the same habitat.

In this way, it seemed that he had to make a long-term plan.

He was going to leave home, that would take time but the benefits might be even more than the inconvenience. He was not unwilling to take such a risk, and he seemed to be more concerned since he knew he had to let the Five Animal Boxing enter the next stage before he tried to evolve the clone again.

If he did anything else, the situation would end up being unfavorable for him, as other than control of the power his body would be gaining, the savage aura would bring along some problems and inconvenience.

At this moment Cheng Shan was reading some manual, it was posted online and seemed ancient, it is claimed to be written by madmen in the early eras of civilization. But the more he read it the more he felt it was carrying some sense.

"Path of Taoism, Buddhism, and Martial arts differ, but in the end, it stems from the same source. Taking from heaven and earth even though some are more than others. The path of following nature, the path of mind and path of the body..." reading this passage he seemed to feel not even the slightest of enlightenment but, it was fun to read through.

" What the hell is all this, it seems to be nice to read through it, even my mind seemed to be relaxed because of it. But the information seems contradictory, claiming that cultivation is going against the norm, and then suddenly it is still mentioning Taoism as following nature and in the end means of attaining longevity. Perhaps it makes sense that these kinds of words were treated as the text of a madman."

He was complaining but not stopping himself from scrolling on the screen to see more.

How could he not see through what the records seemed to imply, Taoism seemed to follow nature, and this path was very difficult for him for many reasons. The second was Buddhism which he once thought focused on the body, but now it seemed the mind was important.

Martial arts, the path he took seemed to focus more on the body and he was not bothered with this. He was even more excited the more he read these records. Even though the information was not treated seriously it was still interesting to read this. It could give him some clues on a lot of things.

From the very moment he got in contact with the records he found that the information was useful to him. In some way, it was improving his foundation. He had to seek all means that could allow his Five Animal Boxing to break through.

Since he did not lack in money and the biggest concern that was his clone seemed to have already taken the step into the sea, he could travel around at will if he wanted to.

At this moment his biggest concern seemed to be heading for the places he could gain some insights in five-animal Boxing and the Crane was his target as he knew a place he could get to see them.

Right, it was a reserve and all he had to do was pay some money and he would be able to gain access.

More than that, he could even gain some accommodation based on how much he was paying, as such he was not stressed in any way. While observing the Crane, he wished some chance could present itself for his breakthrough.

More importantly, he has always been curious about the effect of the Five Animal Boxing going further, could he gain some abilities, but in the end, that was further from him in this moment.

While he was making his arrangements, others also seemed to be making arrangements for him too. It seemed like he had been targeted by someone and his information was collected without missing anything.

His current location was included, and that can be said to have been accomplished due to various reasons.

But they were not important, after all the rich were very well connected and to deal with someone like him was considered easy since he lacked background but since someone wanted to torture him for messing up their plans, the approach was changed.

For Cheng Shan, even though he had embarked on a different path, he was still in trouble.

Someone was coming for his head, and this would be the first actual life-and-death crisis he has faced from someone trying to take his life.