
Xavion Silverfate

In the mythological realm of Canidae Kingdom, where werewolves reign and ancient powers lie dormant, Xavion Silverfate, a fallen prince, embarks on a quest for redemption in a kingdom on the brink of chaos. As Xavion navigates the treacherous landscape outside the Kingdom, he discovers hidden powers within himself, and its twin—a web of betrayal, dark conspiracies where allies are scarce, and enemies wear familiar faces. Xavion's odyssey unfolds, he unearths long-buried legacies and taps into the secrets of werewolf lore, each revelation shaping the destiny of Canidae Kingdom. His choices become dominos pushed, falling on the other's shared fate, a fate reverberating across the werewolf realm. "Only one will stand at the end of it all. And I'll surely be the only one that will stand at the end of it all." Currently re-writing Xavion Silverfate SPREAD THE BLOOD! Follow me on IG: thebardsblock

bleedingpapers · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 3 | Green Eyes

I sniffed Alaric's scent mixed with his father's. They probably talked here earlier in the evening, it's still fresh and oh-so-delicious! 

I want to eat him so badly! But I remembered my darlings, they'd be upset if I switched them from royal organs. Or should I eat Xavion instead? I bet he is still knocked out back in prison. 

In the hallways, I found my target. 

Why is he walking alone? With no knights to protect the 'crown prince'?

Is it just me? Or this kingdom is really careless? 

They'd be patrolling the perimeter when the villain is just as close. 

"Good evening!" I jumped before him, making the papers he was holding fly into the wind.

"Who are you?" He sounded bored. "Why did you have to surprise me like that?" 

"Are you sure, you're the crowned prince?" I asked him. 

I probably missed which is which. 

"Don't you feel the alpha blood running through my veins? Are you not scared of me? I could behead you right now!" 

"Behead? We'll see who'll behead who!" I sniffed him. He took a back step. 

"You're stupid, do you know that? You're brother caught on quickly. Just by looking at my eyes." 

He did look into my eyes, but his straight eyebrows only turned into a curve. 

This kingdom will be damned if he becomes the ruler. My queen should reclaim her throne, I only trust her. She's wiser, and more cunning to become a leader than this pretentious attention-seeking bdelyròs. 

"Brother? Who Xavion? Tch. He's the dumber brother. I have to get going alright? I need to prepare for my first hearing tomorrow." 

"What hearing?" 

"Delivering my verdict for that son of b*tch of a rogue."

"Do you even know what rogues look like?" 

He didn't move in his tracks. 


Is the king even sure, of his decisions? I can sense an unwise father here. 

"They're uh... eyes yes! Ehem why are you asking me? Don't you read?" He shook his head. 

"Let me answer my question, Prince!" I mocked his title. His eyes showed disbelief and was ready to squat my head when I spoke. 

"They look just like me!" I growled and aimed for his right arm to slash it with my claws but he oddly dodged my attack. 

"Woah is that beginner's luck or do you physically train harder than you train mentally." 

"Enough talking, let's get started." 

He punched my nose, aphòdeumadeeeeee! It hurts like hell!

I gave him a blow on his face and sure enough that made him lose his balance. 

But he stood on his feet quickly and returned a blow to my face too. 

For the last time, I saw the stars on my head. 

"I must say you train very well." 

"Do you always converse when you punch?" He said and smacked my left cheek. 

I should've put my mouthguard in cases like these. 

He was aiming to blow into my stomach when I swung my left hand and threw him onto the wall. And quickly hit his spine, which made him kneel against the wall. 

"You're the only enemy with whom I converse in hand-to-hand combat." 

He slid his foot and threw me on the ground. He took his time to walk and when his face got near I landed a punch under his chin, I felt him growl in pain, and he lay next to me. 

Grabbing him in his collar, I spoke. "Which arm do you want me to break?" 


"Uh-oh, wrong answer. I'm going to make you a lefty alright."  He broke his wrist, and an agonizing growl came out of his mouth. 

"You're such a girl! You scream so high!" 

"Koprìas! Es Kòrakas" He cursed under his breath and was about to grab my neck when I dislocated his left shoulder. 

"You shouldn't have done what you did. Prince of amathés" 

"Es kòrakas!" 

"Oh, I'm not done yet. That's only two injuries, I need ten more!" 

Then proceeded to injure his rib cage, then down to his pelvic hips, I made sure his joints were also severed and that he might not be able to walk for six months so even his supernatural abilities couldn't help him. 

I was about to crack his toes when I heard his knights run like horses. 

"Took them long enough to get to you." 

"See you soon, amathés," I smirked, he only let out a low growl and tried to push himself up but only in vain. He yelped in pain and ordered his knights to catch me. 

My darlings! I hope they didn't wait for me too long! 

I marched down the hallway, avoiding the servants. I can smell Xavion's scent here. I wonder if he's still knocked out or has he regained consciousness? 

Nope, I think he's pretty unconscious lying like a prince on the cobblestones of the prison. 

It'll be his turn inside the prison. How miserable! 

"My babies, I hope you didn't wait too long for Daddy to come back. I had a little fun with a stupid prince." 

Imagine, he doesn't know what a rogue looks like. If I were the king, I'd settle for Xavion. Too bad he's too kind that everyone will only take him for granted, just like I did. 

Finishing my very favorite organ of the body, I smelled a scent. 

Is Xavion awake? 

I turned my head to find a woman, her dark blue eyes scanning the whole field, looking for something or...someone. 

I hid in the bushes. A low-rank like her doesn't have the ability to sniff out a high-ranking rogue like me. 

"Where is he?" 

"Darling, he's fast asleep down the prison." 

I must report this to the Queen, she'll be heavily pleased. What an interesting journey




  ☾ 𓆰𓆪 ☽

"Xianne! Are you alright?" Garret's hands wiggled me by my shoulder. His wrinkles were ever visible as he checked up on me. 

"I am, Garret. I just..." I trailed off. What happened to me? I don't understand what's happening. 

"Tell me, child. Did you have a bad dream?" He took the chair at my desk and sat on it. He also poured my glass, water. 

I drank it. "I did. It felt like it was true. Like it happened." My eyes were outside the window looking at the palace. 

"I have to go to the castle," I murmured, almost breathless.

"But Xianne it's too dangerous. You heard the King. Besides, would you look at the time? It's past midnight." 

I didn't bother to look at the clock, my eyes were still fixated on the castle. I heard him sigh and looked at him. 

"My mind's probably playing with me. I'll sleep once I calm myself down." I assured him and gave him a smile. 

"You'll be early later. Our customers will probably buy off the whole building." 

"Alright, good night." 

"Good night, Garret. Sweet dreams." He closed the door; I heard his footsteps stop momentarily and then headed downstairs. 

I calmed my heartbeat; he'd probably hear it. I need to wait and make him fall asleep first before I head out. I need to check on the second prince. My gut feeling says he's somewhere near danger. 

Once I felt Garret sleeping soundly, I dressed in my black skinny bottoms and was about to jump out the window when my mind thought of the potions. 

Opening my drawers of reserved potions, I took a super healing potion, a harming potion, and a strength potion. These are my top three potions whenever I go somewhere I shouldn't go. 

I usually don't finish the whole bottle, but if the second prince is in danger, I don't mind pouring this all at him. 

Putting all the potions in my unchecked potion bag, I head off.

I need to get back before he wakes up. 

Here I go. 

Jumping off from my bedroom window, I ran off, hoping not to catch any gammas and epsilons. Or I would be in trouble. But if I catch, or they catch me I must have a prepared reason for this situation I'm in. 

"Where are you off to omega?" 

Calm, stay calm. 

"Good evening." 

"It's past midnight, you shouldn't be out here wandering. Haven't you heard King Andras that the kingdom is under surveillance!" 

"I'm sorry. But you see," I opened my bag and let him know I brought potions with me. "We have received an urgent call from the pack house that a family there is hoping to buy these off. It's an emergency. I'm also a pack nurse." 

His eyes turned a little soft, I smiled inwardly, my bluff was perfectly convincing. 

"Is it an emergency? Do you need me to deliver it?" 

"Oh, no!" I coughed. "Sorry, the wind stayed on my throat. No, you don't need to. I don't want to bother any of you. I can go now if you dismiss me... right now." 

"Alright, Miss. Please." He led the way with his hand and I ran for it. Pumping my legs, I don't know why but running like this, under the radiance of the new moon, its blue rays lighten my skin and so does my mood. 

I should do these more often, running around the kingdom carefreely. But I'll make sure no Epsilons, gammas, or king's knights get in the way. 

And probably invite someone to run with me. 

Okay, where were we? In my dream he talks to someone, but that someone is put in the dark. I didn't get to see his face or body. Definitely didn't hear his voice too, although he talks there's no sound coming out from him. I can only hear Xavion's voice and see him vividly. 

He's in prison, bloody and unconscious. 

I need to get there faster. 

I stopped in my tracks. I did get to the prison, but there are knights patrolling. Two stand guard on the gate. How do hell should I get inside? 

Should I tell them I dreamt about him?

No! They won't believe what I'm saying. 

There are two ways I can get inside, I must do something horrible, or sneak in. 

The former is harder to do. Besides I don't really wanna serve inside the prison. Sneaking in will be also harder and doesn't guarantee success. I should have brought an invisibility potion with me. 

"Kèpfos Xianne, kèpfos!" 

I opened my bag to see if I had anything here to help me, ropes, cloth, cotton balls, gauges for dressing, 

I can even act like I need medical attention, they'll just put me in the infirmary! 

I should have brought my invisibility potion with me!

I scrambled my bag upside down and I found the bottle of the invisibility potion but it was close to empty. 

This will only last me 3 minutes. A whole bottle will last me 5 hours. I can't even pass through walls with this potion. It'll only make me invisible, but not wall-proof. So, I need to look for an entrance, so I can save this. 

Zipping my bag with the glass potion in my hand, I tried to look for a possible entrance, when I saw a general walking like he owned the way. He kept barking orders, the guards patrolling and standing gave him a bow. 

I quickly drank the potion and snuck behind them, and once I got into the needle I ran, sniffing his scent he took a long way deeper and into the prison. 

Did he visit the rouge? 

I ran much harder, to let the minutes count and there his scent became more concentrated. I quickly hid behind the bushes when I saw three men goofing around. 

"Guys! I asked her to become my wife!" 

"Well, that took you a lot of pairs of balls!" 

"Man, I thought I wouldn't say yes! I felt her hesitating!"

"Every woman will hesitate because they'd probably feel they're going to become moms instead of our wives." 

"Wait! Do you smell that?" 

"Smell what?" 

"Blood..." They all looked at each other, I sniffed the air and there was a hint of blood too. 

"Guys, it's my wound remember? From three days ago!" 

"You definitely need to change that dressing if we're smelling that much." 

"Alright, alright." 

Thank Lycaon they're out of the way, I continue sniffing the field my three minutes are all out. There's still a hint of blood, I looked around and saw a person in the shadows. He had eerie glistening green eyes. He blended well out in the dark, and soon enough his green eyes suddenly disappeared. 

I could still smell a hint of blood, so I went down to the basement prison. 

Why is it so creepily quiet in here? Are there no prisoners down here? 

"My prince!" I cried and ran deeper into the prison. 

There I saw him lying unconscious, blood continued to escape his body. 

He's way too weak to heal himself. 

Opening my bag, I poured the super healing potion, tracing his slash wound from his chest down to his stomach. My eyes sprung with tears, and I asked him what happened. Of course, he didn't answer. 

I didn't see this part in my dream. If only I knew I should have brought the whole medicine bag with me. 

Grabbing the cotton balls that I had with me I dried the blood from his body, he's slowly healing, and when he gets conscious, I'll let him drink this strength potion. I couldn't possibly carry him out of here. 

A metallic silver looked like engraved itself on his wound. I tried to pull it out from him but it wouldn't budge. 

"Xianne..." He coughed in pain. 

My hands jumped off from his wounds. 

"My prince!" 

"H-how are you here?" 

"It doesn't matter, my prince. I've come to your aid. Please drink this potion. I made it." 

He quickly drank the potion, while I held his neck to help him. He didn't even bother, does he trust me now?

"You must be treated at the hospital. Your wounds are too deep, they'll need stitches." 

"Will you stitch it?" His eyes were hopeful. I can only nod and say yes. 

"Yes, I'll be assisting the pack doctors." 

"Thank you, Xianne." 

"Please, my prince." I ushered him to get up. He yelps and puts half of his weight on me. 

"I'm sorry I'm not that strong." I apologized when we almost hit the ground. 

"Do not worry. You are perfectly fine. We can ask for help when we get out of here." 

"Have you seen a rouge on your way here?" 

"No." And then I remembered those glistening green eyes, the eyes that will forever haunt me. I think I've seen them somewhere. 

"Why do you ask, my prince?" 

He flinched. "We must hurry. Before he attacks the royal family and everyone else." 

He is in so much pain, but why does he worry about other weres? 

"You should worry about yourself first, my prince. You're not in good shape either." I faced him. 

"And yet here you are Xianne. Endangering yourself too." He faced me too, then smirked.

If it wasn't for that dream, believe me, my prince I wouldn't be here, either.

Slowly, we reached the top of the stairs, he started bleeding again and I screamed for help. He's getting paler and paler, thank Lycaon the general saw us and lifted the prince off his foot. 

"General, the rouge..." 

"What rouge?" 

"He escaped, the r-royal family." He helplessly pointed to the castle. 

The general suddenly stood like a statue. "Gammas, call the commander! Prince Alaric has been attacked! Hurry! I'll stay with the second prince." 

We rode on the werewolf carousel since it's only used as an emergency transport from the hospital, to the prison, to the pack house, and to the castle. 

At the hospital, we were immediately accompanied by the pack doctors. They were about to leave me out when he held my wrist. 

"Xianne..." He weakly called my name. 

My senior instantly looked at the nurse in front of me. He nodded and looked at me with disdain in his eyes, but he left the room. 

"You know the rules inside my operating theater, Xianne." He gave me a pointed look.

"Yes, doctor." 

They put the prince to sleep and cleaned the wound, but what shocked me was the silver I so tried to remove from his wound.

It was gone.

© 2020 by bleedingpapers

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