
X Saga (Eng Ver)

In Neo-Tokyo, Takahashi Kazuya is born into a world filled with mysterious occurrences and an uneasy feeling of not belonging. Born with whitish grey hair, Kazuya has always been considered an outcast in his neighborhood. As he grows up, he discovers his innate ability to manipulate time and embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of Chronomancy. But his newfound powers attract the attention of the Temporal Order, an ancient organization dedicated to maintaining the stability of the timeline, who see Kazuya as a threat. The Chorno Reapers also seek to use his powers for their own gain.

Nicky_RBLX · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 32: New enemies...

The sun was just beginning to rise as the group assembled at the base's main gate. Mousa stood at the front, his expression serious but determined. Kazuya, Shota, Toma, and Jun gathered around him, each of them geared up and ready for the mission ahead.

"We're heading to Yokohama," Mousa began, his voice carrying the weight of the situation. "I've got a friend there who runs a restaurant. His name is Hiroshi, and he's been a loyal ally. He regularly supplies us with food and information in exchange for the help I gave him years ago."

Jun nodded. "What's the situation now?"

Mousa's expression darkened. "Hiroshi's restaurant has been invaded by a gang of sort. He said that some of them used weapons that weren't normal.

The all looked at each other, knowing for a fact that those weapons had to be Outcast Artifacts.

Mousa continued. "They've taken his three daughters as hostage. We're going to rescue her and deal with these thugs."

Mousa's gaze sweeping over the group. "Okay now let's move out."

The journey to Yokohama was long but uneventful. They traveled by using public transportation.

Their atmosphere in the vehicle was tense but focused, each member of the team mentally preparing for what lay ahead.

As they neared their destination, Mousa began to brief them in more detail. "Hiroshi's restaurant is located in a narrow alleyway. This gang might be associated with The Temporal Order so we should be careful, They're well-armed and dangerous."

Toma checked his equipment, ensuring everything was in order. "Do we know how many we're dealing with?"

Mousa nodded. "Hiroshi estimated around ten to fifteen. We'll need to be strategic about this. Our primary goal is to rescue Hiroshi's daughters. Once they're safe, we can focus on neutralizing the threat."