
X Saga (Eng Ver)

In Neo-Tokyo, Takahashi Kazuya is born into a world filled with mysterious occurrences and an uneasy feeling of not belonging. Born with whitish grey hair, Kazuya has always been considered an outcast in his neighborhood. As he grows up, he discovers his innate ability to manipulate time and embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of Chronomancy. But his newfound powers attract the attention of the Temporal Order, an ancient organization dedicated to maintaining the stability of the timeline, who see Kazuya as a threat. The Chorno Reapers also seek to use his powers for their own gain.

Nicky_RBLX · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 31: First Mission...

The dimly lit conference room buzzed with anticipation. Mousa stood at the head of the table, his imposing figure casting a long shadow against the wall. Kazuya, Shota, Toma, and Jun sat around the table, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead light.

Mousa cleared his throat, commanding the room's attention. "We've got a mission," he announced, his voice deep and resolute. "Intel suggests a group of bandits has taken control of a vital supply route. Our job is to eliminate the threat and secure the area."

The group nodded.

Jun then looked at Kazuya. "This mission will be crucial for your training. You'll get more in tune with your powers if you use them in battle."

Mousa nodded in agreement. "Exactly. This is the perfect opportunity for you to test your abilities under real conditions."

Kazuya's hesitation was palpable. "I don't know if I'm ready for this. I've trained, but…"

Toma's looked at Kazuya with slight disappointment. "But what? You've been training hard, Kazuya. You've shown great potential. We're a team, and we'll have your back out there."

Mousa chimed in, "It's natural to be nervous, but you've got us with you. We'll guide you through it."

Jun leaned back in his chair, his usually intense expression softened by a rare smile. "You've got skills, Kazuya. You wouldn't be here if you didn't. This mission is a stepping stone."

Jun then placed a hand on Kazuya's shoulder. "We believe in you. Trust in your training, trust in us."

Kazuya looked around the table, taking in the support and encouragement from his teammates. They believed in him, and he wanted to live up to their expectations. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright, I'll do it."

Mousa's expression brightened. "Good. We leave at dawn. Gear up and get some rest. We need to be at our best."

The group dispersed, each member heading off to prepare in their own way. Kazuya lingered for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts of the mission ahead. He knew this was a crucial moment, not just for the team, but for himself as well. This was his chance to prove his worth and to understand his powers on a deeper level.