
Chapter 16 –Something about Paparazzi

Ian's POV

After three hours of rest, I finally got out of my bed. Taking a quick shower, I threw on some random shirt I found in the dresser, took my reading glass from the bed stand, put them on and eventually climbed back into my bed where I promptly started to work on a pending project. Once I had finished that, I decided to check my messages. That I was doing when my phone rang.

"Hello." I answered.

"Good evening." Came her very professional voice.

"Hey Erika, good evening. What's up?!" I stood up from the bed and walked into the wardrobe, remembering that I had a meeting with the guys later in the day.

"I'm fine." She answered. "Just wanted to check on you. How was your trip?"

"It was fine and exhausting." I said, trying to sort out what to wear for the evening.

"Oh, but you're already used to that. Did you sleep well?"

"No. I could barely get any sleep. I was just restless."

"Oops, sorry. Did you meet her?"


"Your house manager."

"Is she supposed to work on weekends?" I flipped through my clothes, confused about what to wear.

"No." She answered. "Unless she has an unfinished job to attend to."

"Hmm, I see."

"You still haven't answered my question."

"I have seen her."

"Okay...." She slurred. "So, what do you think about her?"

"I just met her today, I can't answer that."


I smiled at her tone, "Yes."

"What are your plans for the weekend?"

"Are you planning on taking me out or you are just inquiring to mess with my already planned out schedule?"

"Oh please, I was wondering if you would want to hang out."

I paused what I was doing and glanced at the time. "Wow! Is Erika Valdez asking me out? I never thought I would see this day." I teased.

"Are you free?"

"Well, I'm supposed to go out with Richard and Adrian later on."

"Oh." She sighed, tiredly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just tired." I could hear the rustling of papers in the background.

"You could join us, you know. Kind of miss the days we usually hang out together."

"Yeah, but duty calls." She mumbled. "And there goes my plan to join you guys."

I frowned but nodded. "I think you're one of the most hardworking staff in that company, you need a promotion."

She laughed, "Promotion to what?" She asked. "Are you doing something?"

"Yea, why?"

"You're not focused."

I stood in front of my mirror with another set of clothes, trying to choose which was better.

"Hmm. How smart of you." I muttered, switching the phone to my right ear.

"What are you doing?" She asked, hesitantly.

"I'm trying to sort out what to wear for the evening, I'm confused."

"Let me help," she offered, enthusiastically. "It's the least I can do."

"Seems like you've got a lot of time."

"What do you have in mind to wear?" She asked, ignoring my comment.

"Nothing. But I don't want to wear what will call attention to me."

"More like a low profile disguise."

"If you want call it that." I inhaled, walking backwards to the bed with a heap of clothes on it.

"Mhm..," She paused and then sighed. "Let's go casual." She responded after a while. "A turtle neck shirt with a black jacket or an overcoat paired with any pants or trousers of your choice will do." She said. "But I'll rather you wear jeans or trousers preferably blue."

I gave a slow nod as I pictured the combination. "That's nice, I like it." I went back into the wardrobe and picked the clothes she had recommended. "Thanks a lot."

"Oh, don't mention." She giggled. "How about Richard? How is he doing?"

"He's fine." I took a pair of Nike Air force sneakers from the shoe rack and walked out of the walk-in wardrobe into my room. "He will be joining us if he's less busy."

"Yeah, considering he is now the chairman of ABS corporations. I'm so proud of him." She laughed.

I shook my head and smiled. "Who wouldn't be? You dropped the formality, I was wondering how long you were going keep up with it." I smirked.

"Hello, I'm talking to my friend, not a client or business partner."

"Too bad, I'm either of the both you mentioned."

"Stop being an asshole." She said, exasperatedly. "Right now, I'm talking to Bernard and not the actor Ian or some business partner."

I chuckled, "Yeah, yeah whatever you say, suit yourself. You're working till late?"

"Most probably."

"Oops, take care."

"Thanks." She mumbled. "Ah, before I forget, Megan McKenzie has been asking about you."

"Who's Megan?" I frowned.

"She is a singer and.. an actress with our agency. An A-lister at that."

I dropped onto my bed, assessing the outfit and accessories on the bed. "Oh, I don't think I know her."

"Yes, you do. She co-starred with you in 'Home for the Christmas' last year."

"Really?" I furrowed my brow, trying to rack through my brain in hopes to remember but it came out negative. "I don't remember her." I answered.

"You're one hell of a human being. Are you being serious?" She shouted.

"Ouch," I winced. "Stop exaggerating, I work with too many people and I've got other things on my mind. You can't expect me to know every single person in the industry."

She sighed. "She has been asking questions about you and it seems like she knows you quite well. She laughed. Who knows, she might be a fan or a stalker."

I scoffed. "That's creepy."

"And you love it." She sassed. "I've got to go, take care and have fun and remember to be careful."

"Yes, mom." I smiled.

"Yikes." She laughed. "See you in three weeks."

"That's if I'm not called in for board meetings."

"That's true." She laughed. "Until then."

"Bye." I smiled and ended the call.

I got into the clothes I had picked... she picked, I meant to say and exited the room.

When I got to the living room, I found a rather stressed Richard sprawled out on the chair with a bottle of red wine on the table.

"Pregaming already?" I said, walking over to him.

He glanced at me briefly. "Hey man, what's up?" He greeted, pouring himself a drink.

"I'm good," I answered, taking a seat opposite him. "When did you get here?"

"Not quite long." He sniffled. "That's a first."

"What?" I looked at him, adjusting my wristwatch.

"I mean you didn't hear the door beep." He sank lazily into the couch running his fingers through his hair.

"I was in the wardrobe, I'm not some kind of superman."

He shook his head and smiled, making a noncommittal sound.

"You look stressed, you okay?" I asked, taking my seat opposite him while fixing my shirt.

He let out a tired sigh. "I'm beyond stressed."

"I thought you came straight from your house."


"You were at the office the whole time?" I gave him a quick once over, "Dressed in that." I added.

"No." He smiled. "But even if I did, I don't think anyone has the guts to question my choice of dressing."

"Right" I smiled.

"What?! You think I can't do it?" He crossed his legs on the footstool.

"Of course." I chuckled. "But I think there'll be lots of casualties if you get what I mean." I laughed.

He gave me a sideways glance, a slight smile drawn on his lips.

"Those old geezers won't give me a damn break."


"They are all a set of a confused choir."

"And you're their leader?" I cut in.

He snorted. "If only, it would be good but too bad my uncle has decided to be the leader, the head choirmaster."

I chuckled."Then, do something about him. Put him in his place."

He frowned, placing his right hand over his left. "It's not yet time."

"Then, when is it? Isn't he supposed to be retired by now?"

"That's the trap, I'm waiting for him to fall."

"Then be patient." I said and collected his drink.

He stretched his hand and snatched the beer can from me. "Dude, get yours." He smirked.

I scowled and shook my head. "Erika asked after you." I muttered, looking at him to gauge his reaction.

"Why?" He asked, furrowing his brows. He wore an impassive expression.

"Just wanted to know how you were faring." I shrugged. "She wanted to join us."

"What?" He snapped, immediately sitting upright.

"Chill," I laughed. "She's not coming."

"Thought as much." He responded, impassively.

"Then why are you tensed?" I asked, messing with my phone. "I thought you guys were still in touch as friends."

"Yes. She's still a friend but notwithstanding, she is my ex." He answered and pulled out his phone. "And I'm still trying to get used to being friends with her."

"I know, considering the way things ended between you two. But then again, it's been long things ended."

"Have you called Adrian?" He asked, abruptly changing the topic of discussion.

I looked over at him with pursed lips. He didn't want to talk about it and I couldn't argue with him but instead went with the flow. "No." I shook my head and stood up, "I think it would be best if we go over to his place."

"That was the initial plan." He answered and stood up, stretched his limbs and went towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Aren't you ready?" He turned slightly to me and tipped his glass.

"I am." I answered, retrieving my glasses and car keys from the table. "Let's go." I added and took the mug and empty beer can from him and dropped them in the washbasin before heading out.

"Why the glasses?" Richard asked once we got into the elevator.

I shrugged. "I need them."

"But you aren't going to be reading or anything." He stopped to answer his phone call.

My phone buzzed with a message -it was mom, she was wondering if I had called my dad. I smiled and tuned out of his conversation, busied myself with replying to her chat. I had so many messages I hadn't replied to and so used the opportunity to reply to them.

I had been so engrossed in the chat with mom that I didn't hear Richard end his call until I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Ian." He called.

"Yea." I answered absentmindedly, not taking my eyes off my phone.

"Adrian is waiting in the parking lot."

I turned my head to shoot him a look. "Why?" I asked. "Aren't we supposed to meet at his place?"

He gave a wry smile. "Something about paparazzi." He shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Are they that jobless?" I muttered, leaning against the wall of the elevator.

"Why are you acting all surprised, that's their job." Richard chuckled, exiting the elevator with me trailing behind him. "Got to make a living."

"But, they could at least give us a break." I argued, falling in step with him.

"Break." He snorted. "That should be the last thing on your mind."

"It's exhausting."

"You're lucky you have this apartment as your haven." He waved at Adrian. He stood in front of my car waiting for us. "I'm sure they would have located it if not for the strict measures." He continued, walking over to Adrian.

"I have my grandfather to thank for that." I muttered.

He turned and nodded his head, smiling. "Sure you do."