
Wtf I am a megalodon?!!!!!!!!(temp down)

I’m big dumb since Idk what an synopsis is, hold up let me look this up(scanning scanning) here we go Synopsis:a brief summery or general survey of something. That’s good to know, ok let’s get goin now shall we. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So ya boi jim....wait wrong one(that’s for later) Ok real one; “so what do you mean I am going to be a GIANT SHARK!” Said a guy that looks very translucent. “You.are.goin.to.be.what’s.known.as.a.me.ga.lo.don. “Said a bright white orb that glows and dims as it says those words one at a time. The guy is starting to get angered, “ok you glowing ball of bird shit, I know what a megalodon is but why am I going to be one?” “Because why not!! You’ve always wanted to know about it so why not learn by being one?” The ball said sarcastically. “Can’t argue there, screw it I’m with ya”said the man who’s starting to calm down. “Ok well you have fun and I’m sending a little “friend” to help you out on your way” said the ball as it started glowing brighter than ever “WAIT WHAT, WHAT FR-“ -story time hehehhehe :)

Megalodon_Shark · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

A lil announcement then a pretty interesting predicament.

To begin with, school has absolutely devastated me in terms of being able to get my chaps out. I'll try my best but expect one every two days, maybe a couple if I can muster up the energy. Sorry for this but I don't want to leave people hanging.

Also for that thing I wanted to do, here it is.

Essentially ima be doing announcements and such here as you only get a certain amount of words for the box at the end.

Btw, I'm adding more to the story since this announcement essentially took words away from the story and I want to keep the chaps at 2k words for story only!

*back to the story*

I woke up to see the captain looking at me with a concerning look on her face while Levine was next to me ready to cry by the looks of it. I try to connect to her with her telepathy but it seems like the connection was cut.

I grab her arm and she looks at me confused. After that I feel the connection again.

"YOU'RE ALIVE?!" She sounds panicked

"Yea I'm alive, did something happen?" I'm stumped on what is happening. After she says that, she seems choked up so I ask the elder. How long was I out for? (Only for roughly 4 hours, After that time passed, I felt a spell being done to your body, I destroyed it as it was one that I've never felt before.) He seems as confused as me.

"I heard from a couple sailors that you can't breath out of water since you're mainly a fish so I came down and checked to see if your magic was flowing properly. but when I tried, the spell dissipated like it failed. So I was scared that you suffocated to death in your sleep!" She said this in my head but she also reiterated it to the captain as all the captain knew was that Levine was going to check to see if I was alive from the others on the ship.

"I'm here actively confused so I must be alive. I took to consideration the difference in air breathing vs water breathing so I changed my lungs to be able to breath air" I was drowsy so I gave my best explanation as I didn't care about my word usage at that point. "shouldn't you be asleep as well?"

She looked flustered "I was only seeing if you were alive as I didn't want to lose a precious specimen!" She exclaimed loudly, but realized what she just said and was ready to try and explain. However, I didn't care so I just put my hand up.

"I don't really care as I'm too tired to try and process all of this" I say lazily "you should sleep, the captain should sleep, also I don't even know her name, and everyone else out the door should sleep, ship work from what I know is hard work. So everyone needs to sleep!" I am agitated at this point since almost the entire ship is wondering what's going on.

"Ok I understand" she says out loud "sorry for the misunderstanding everyone!" She exclaims to everyone listening "it's nothing to worry about so everyone should head back to sleep" she was calm as ever so I just doze back off to sleep.

*Levine's perspective*

*sigh* looks like that's been settled. "Hey captain, could we talk for a moment?"

"Ok, but don't take too much time, I have to deal with martizo tomorrow when we dock so I need to be in my best shape" she speaks to me like an old friend, which we are, but to be so informal is not something she'd usually do if there was a risk of someone overhearing.

We both go into her captains quarters as both of our rooms are close to it and out of all the places, I have made this room the most secure as I've set many spells on this room to not let any noise go out no matter what.

"So what do you want to speak about?" She speaks to me in a way to show that we haven't had time to chat in a long time.

"Well, I'd like to see what you think of megalodon?" I ask sincerely as my next actions will be determined on her response.

"I can't say much as only you've seen his personality more or less with your telekinesis. If I had to say something, he doesn't seem like a danger to the ship or it's crew, but I wont trust him yet." Her words were calm and calculated, as if she had been watching him ever since she saw him for the first time.

"Ok then I want to ask, would he be someone you'd take as a crew member?" This was a huge gamble but I need to take it as megalodon is someone I can relate to and I want to keep him here as long as I can.

"For now I'm going to have to say no. He hasn't proven to do anything, I understand that he's the first you can understand that's somewhat a male, but I won't accept him on here so easily, and that's saying that he's completely wanting to stay here in the first place!" She sounded like she emphasized with me but her pride as a captain came first, if she added someone on the first day, she would feel ashamed as he hasn't even proven that he is able to do anything on the ship as of recently.

"Ok I understand, I will take my leave now. Good night, jeez my head hurts" I wasn't happy nor sad, I had mixed feelings on this as all the men on this ship looked at her and the other females with lust overflowing in their eyes, but him! He just looked at us and has the courtesy to not drool when looking at us. He feels like a friend that won't try anything even if one of us fell asleep in front of him, drunk and unable to do anything. He was just a really nice guy. (Yep Ima pull that card, fight me😆)

I head to my room and head to sleep, my head hurts too much, I shouldn't put up too many barriers. I'll just keep my signal one, so I can be warned if someone enters my room.

*back to ya boi, fishy cheese*

I wake up in the morning and I hear a lot of commotion up top so I head up to check it out. When I reach the top deck, I am greeted with all the men lined up shoulder to shoulder, all in some sort of formation, looking at 5 women. The front is the captain, next to her is Levine with an angry look on her face, then there's a woman on the other side with a massive shield in one hand, a full set of armor, a small sword in her other hand, and a massive great sword on her back. The only reason I know she's female is because her helmet is off and on top of the shield, showing her delicate looking face that's puffed up like a child who was teased by her older sibling.

Next to her is a small looking girl who seems small and weak, but looking from my imagination standpoint, she has a dark aura around her, like she has killed many before and isn't afraid to kill more. And on the other side, next to Levine, is a woman in a pure white garment who has a cold glare, like the captain's, but she has malicious intent in her eyes as she eyes down the men in front of her. She keeps scanning around until she sees me at the top looking around, her gaze when it fell on me was like a mouse that was in the gaze of an eagle, I shiver when I see this but hold my ground, she turns and says something to Levine.

After hearing this, Levine looks around and connects me with her telepathy after finding me."hello, did you sleep well?" She gave a sweet smile but her eyes didn't lie as they were filled with a rage that was equal to a pissed off lion.

"I slept well, what's going on here?" I am visibly confused as I look at everyone just standing there and looking at the girls.

"Well last night when everyone was asleep,someone thought it'd be a good idea to go into my room and try to molest me" her anger flared in her eyes when she said this. "So as punishment, everyone here is to wait until the culprit comes out, we are all using formed of pressure and investigation techniques/spells to force the culprit out!"

"Ooooook? Then should I go in there as well? I'm technically part of the boat." I ask since I don't like being given special treatment, it already sucks that I have the protection of Levine and the captain without being able to pay them back.

"No, I've already asked the captain, you don't need to as you'd have been here for hours if you did" she said with courtesy.

"Wait for hours!?" I was shocked. The endurance of these men is something else entirely. I'd have fallen from exhaustion in less than an hour if I was forced through this torture.

"Yep! Us five have cultivated for many years so staying here is no issue. Also we've got an idea on who it is, but we want him to come out first." She said gleefully in my head but was somewhat stone faced in terms of her anger.

"So how'd you stop the person from molesting you?" Wasn't mostly everyone asleep last night?

"I keep a signal barrier on all the girls' rooms so if said barrier was breeched by someone other than us five, then all five of us are notified immediately."

"Terrifying but amazing! But isn't it silent so you all could catch the culprit?" I asked earnestly

"Well if the case that it was an assassin who wished to kill us, a silent barrier wouldn't help much. A barrier is a barrier so it'd need to be broken in order to let one through." She explained in detail

"Then quick question? How'd you know that they tried to molest you?" I was confused because of someone planned this through, then idk why they'd go for molestation and not thievery or even to test the barrier for way to get past it next time?

"Because!" She tried her best not to blush but two little dots appeared on her cheeks so she had to cover them. "The person pulled up my dress, if I didn't wake up then I'd probably at least have my boob grabbed" she held her composure but the dots remained for a moment before disappearing.

"Ok, well just by looking at a few people, unless you already told them what happened, I can make a good estimate on a couple." I said while looking at the hands of a few crew members who had a convenient cup shape on their hands that they "groped" occasionally.

"Really?" She then asked "who do you think it is?"

"First off, not everyone here is a suspect of course." I say coldly as to show that I mean business "second off, people won't show their true colors if they are in a bad situation" only when they think they got off the hook do they start slipping up. "Third, I understand that it's good to try and isolate the incident, but what you've done is give the person more confidence and protection with his friends near him. When it comes to men, if your best friends or your non-blood brothers are nearby, especially if they helped him. They won't do anything to attract attention to that person." I say with extreme calculation.

"You know quite a bit!" She was visibly shocked which grabbed the attention of everyone, even the girls around her, the girl in white sent cold daggers at me from her eyes, but was stopped by Levine.

"Hey girls, lets talk real quick and give these men a rest as everyone is tired and things need to be done around the ship." She talked quiet enough to not be loud but loud enough for the men in front to hear her.

Looks like she has her own plan. Everyone is sitting down, even back to back from each other at times to support each other. I was definitely right, whoever did this has definitely got bro's to watch his back! I sat down and pointed my back towards everyone. I am doing this to specific make them think that I'm mimicking them as I am very much to make them calm down. To some of them, I spared them, but to the culprit(s), I essentially started testing them for real. They were ready to suffer through the girls, but now this fish thing is changing things up.

I just looked at the fast phrases for this and ima keep it original for all of you since they all sound like I’m desperate for the items that I need to earn from you all

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Out of all of them, the last one sounds best so you’ll see this most

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