
Wrongfully Wedded To The Cold CEO

Mature Content! When Valerie is kidnapped, in the late night by New York’s biggest drug lord and trillionaire for a crime committed by her twin sister. She isn’t prepared for the love drama, betrayal and love-hate situation that will come by being fancied, by a dangerous yet smokingly hot Donovan Castillo, a man who walks hand-in-hand with death! ~~~ Valerie Blackfield is an orphan, who dreams of living a simple life filled with love, and happy memories with the one she loves.  But when trouble comes knocking at her doorstep because of her twin sister, all thoughts of living a happy life gets crushed at the interval of the big bad wolf, Donovan Castillo who drags her into his dangerous world. Donovan Castillo, is on the hunt to catch the woman who might be the reason why his step brother is lying in a vegetative state. But when he catches an innocent bunny instead of an assassin, he doesn't plan on becoming obsessed with the sister of his enemy. At first, it all started with a threat to kill her, but along the way, Donovan's cold heart was smitten by her innocent yet addicting aura, that would cause her death or the fall of his great empire. Forced into a marriage to tie her down with him, would marriage change Valerie's perspective of the man, who had taken everything and everyone she loved for his selfish interest? When the sins of his past come to play a vital role, would he set Valerie free of his dangerous entrapment to save her life, or would he do what he thinks is right and die alongside the love of his life? Let's read to find out! ~~~ Excerpt: “I just want to make things right between us, Valerie. I'm not the kind of man that understands what to do when i'm in love, I wasn't trained that way but for you, my love, I'm willing to change.”  Donovan confessed, while wiping the lone tear that slipped down Valerie's face before he bent low to kiss her but she turned her head to the side. She was denying his touch, and it made him mad that before he knew it, he seized her up by her hair, making the young lady cry out in pain. “Let me go!” Valerie cried, beating at his chest but it was like a kid throwing punches. “I have done everything possible to fix things between us, but you are making it hard for me, Valerie! Do you want to die that desperately?” He yelled, only for his face to be turned to the side because of the slap she gave him. She was petrified by her actions too,  all she wanted was to leave and run away from this man, her husband. But the look on his face, at her slapping him made her know that by the end of this night, she will regret raising her hand on him to talk more of denying his touch! “Don..” She called, only to be pushed on top of the bed, before hearing him slide his belt out. She tried running, but it was too late because she's in the devil's palms, her husband, Donovan Castillo and she's nothing but his trophy wife! ~~~ A/N: This book contains heavy mature terms, swearing, violence, sexual activity and gore! If you don't fancy my story, kindly move on to the next room. Other books by the same author: *365 Days To Love. *A Mommy For Hire: The Heiress Must Get Married. *Narika: The Ghost Bride. *The Billionaire's Beautiful Mistake. *** Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy. Discord 1D: Jayden222#1882 Email: oluchij222@gmail.com. Join my server: https://discord.gg/aDtpenb3

Jayden222 · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter Eleven: I'm Innocent.

Valerie was paralyzed for some seconds. She had expected some disgusting old looking man, to be the head of such a vile association that trafficked girls, and forced them into prostitution.

But no! She was dead wrong. Standing in front of her with his hand in the pocket of his pants, was a man, a gorgeous man. He was tall, almost 6 ft 9 by the looks of it. He appeared much older than the innocent looking young lady, who couldn't look away from him. 

His sophisticated, dark exterior, made him appear superior to every other ordinary person. Jolene has found Marco cute, but this man here, clearly God took his time creating him. She was jealous, so jealous of his thick eyebrows and long lashes, was that even possible that he had all that when he's not a female?

His dark, tousled hair hung down his shoulders, it was such a contrast to his icy blue eyes. Hence, he looked more of a supermodel, than actually a pimp. It was really hard for her to believe that he's part of something so… sinful.

His jawline was hard as a rock, leading her perverted eyes to his neck that was covered with tattoos, it covered almost his entire body, just not the face, and not to mention his wickedly sensual mouth.

Those full, pink lips on such a grim face was a sin. Holy mother of God!

Valerie has to be crazy and sick in the head, that instead of doing what's necessary which was finding out what they wanted from her. Rather, she was here undressing him with her eyes which Donovan, noticed and it added to his ego that she was just like the other girls.

But he wasn't here to waste any time on her, seeing that he won't kill her today. No! He changed his mind the moment they came after his father, so he can't let such an opportunity to get to know who called the Blacksmiths on them and why.

So, the trance Valerie was in was short lived, when she heard a ringing sound and pain followed shortly before she knew it, her cheeks were on fire. She has been hit, the angel.. no, he was no angel.

The tears that were holding in came pouring, but before she could open her mouth to say anything else, her right cheek received the same treatment, but this time it was much worse that the weight of the slap, made her fall back on the chair and she felt her waist break from falling on her back.

Her head hit the floor, and she felt warm liquid which was her blood trickling down her face. She felt her vision become bloody, no! Everything didn't seem real to her, because she was refusing to believe that she was here.

But when she was dragged right up, and yelled right at her face by an angry Donovan, she was far too gone to hear what he was saying until things got a bit normal.

The only thing the innocent young lady could do was ask why. Why was she unlucky to be here, taking beats from these sadistic men that didn't know that it was really degrading to lay hands on a woman.

But these men didn't seem to follow that perspective, rather she was met with the same statement that the other man, who held a knife to her neck said.

"Who do you work for?!" 

Unlike Marco, Donovan didn't wait for her to start lying to him. He knew that at first her kind won't open up, the Blacksmith are real mercenaries trained to withstand pain and torture, but it's a shame because they clearly haven't met him, when else he's angry until today.

He didn't take notice of the lady, who was crying. It didn't occur to him that something might be wrong, all he saw was red.

There was his brother, who was lying in a coma without anyone knowing when he would wake up, then just like today his father was shot. If he wasn't smart and alert, that bullet would have gone to his father's head.

So, her tears meant nothing to him but a camouflage, "Who sent you after my family?" He yelled, grabbing Valerie by her hair.

She was in pain that made her speechless, even if she talked she doubted if they would believe her. This man right in front of her looked like he could kill, with just a look from him. 

He didn't look normal, his eyes held tales of sadness, pains and whatnot. So, what exactly was she going to say that will make him believe that she's innocent?

It was until he took a knife from the other man, and stabbed at her left thigh, an ear piercing scream tore off her lips. One that made her jerk against her home against the chair, her life flashed in front of her eyes and that's all it took for her to start pleading for mercy.

"Im.. innocent, I don't ..know what you are talking about." She cried.

"So, she speaks?" Donovan grinned darkly, loving the fact that she was putting up a challenge with him. It only fueled his demons that pushed him to go harder on her.

He pushed the knife deeper in her thighs, as her blood and painful screams filled the room. "Who sent you after my father?" He added.

"I..you have the wrong person." Valerie managed to say, just looking at the amount of blood on the floor, made her sick. She felt dizzy. How could someone like this exist?

Who is this man?

What does he want from her?

Who's his father, and what does he mean by who does she work for?

Everything sickened her, the only thing she was worried about was Chad's safety. If they can do this to her, a woman? She didn't need anyone to tell her that they wouldn't use Chad against her, to give them what they want.

Donovan didn't believe her words, she was putting up quite a strong game but this is just the beginning.

"Fine." He said, standing straight to take out his wristwatch and cufflinks as Valerie managed to raise her head up to him. What is he doing?

"I can do this all night, but you definitely know who i am." Donovan said, taking up a cloth and approached Valerie who's heart was beating loudly against her chest.

She was scared, petrified of this monster. "You have to believe me, you have the wrong person." She cried.

Donovan chuckled sinisterly. "By the end of this night, you will give me what i want. But to avoid more pains, you know what to do but until then…" He trailed on, raising the cloth up to Valerie's face who started thrashing against the chair.

"N..no! You have to believe me, I d..don't know what you are talking about!"

"Hold her still." Donovan ordered Marco.

"Let me go, somebody help!!" Valerie yelled, only for the cloth to cover her face with her head tilted upwards, cold water was poured on her face. She fought hard, against the barrier holding her down and making her a pawn to the games of these men.

But nobody heard her voice, no matter how loud she made it known to them that she was innocent. They didn't care.

They might as well kill her, but that will only make things complicated because then, Chad will be alone and her death will go unpunished. Life is unfair!

May God help Valerie.

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