
Wrongfully Wedded To The Cold CEO

Mature Content! When Valerie is kidnapped, in the late night by New York’s biggest drug lord and trillionaire for a crime committed by her twin sister. She isn’t prepared for the love drama, betrayal and love-hate situation that will come by being fancied, by a dangerous yet smokingly hot Donovan Castillo, a man who walks hand-in-hand with death! ~~~ Valerie Blackfield is an orphan, who dreams of living a simple life filled with love, and happy memories with the one she loves.  But when trouble comes knocking at her doorstep because of her twin sister, all thoughts of living a happy life gets crushed at the interval of the big bad wolf, Donovan Castillo who drags her into his dangerous world. Donovan Castillo, is on the hunt to catch the woman who might be the reason why his step brother is lying in a vegetative state. But when he catches an innocent bunny instead of an assassin, he doesn't plan on becoming obsessed with the sister of his enemy. At first, it all started with a threat to kill her, but along the way, Donovan's cold heart was smitten by her innocent yet addicting aura, that would cause her death or the fall of his great empire. Forced into a marriage to tie her down with him, would marriage change Valerie's perspective of the man, who had taken everything and everyone she loved for his selfish interest? When the sins of his past come to play a vital role, would he set Valerie free of his dangerous entrapment to save her life, or would he do what he thinks is right and die alongside the love of his life? Let's read to find out! ~~~ Excerpt: “I just want to make things right between us, Valerie. I'm not the kind of man that understands what to do when i'm in love, I wasn't trained that way but for you, my love, I'm willing to change.”  Donovan confessed, while wiping the lone tear that slipped down Valerie's face before he bent low to kiss her but she turned her head to the side. She was denying his touch, and it made him mad that before he knew it, he seized her up by her hair, making the young lady cry out in pain. “Let me go!” Valerie cried, beating at his chest but it was like a kid throwing punches. “I have done everything possible to fix things between us, but you are making it hard for me, Valerie! Do you want to die that desperately?” He yelled, only for his face to be turned to the side because of the slap she gave him. She was petrified by her actions too,  all she wanted was to leave and run away from this man, her husband. But the look on his face, at her slapping him made her know that by the end of this night, she will regret raising her hand on him to talk more of denying his touch! “Don..” She called, only to be pushed on top of the bed, before hearing him slide his belt out. She tried running, but it was too late because she's in the devil's palms, her husband, Donovan Castillo and she's nothing but his trophy wife! ~~~ A/N: This book contains heavy mature terms, swearing, violence, sexual activity and gore! If you don't fancy my story, kindly move on to the next room. Other books by the same author: *365 Days To Love. *A Mommy For Hire: The Heiress Must Get Married. *Narika: The Ghost Bride. *The Billionaire's Beautiful Mistake. *** Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy. Discord 1D: Jayden222#1882 Email: oluchij222@gmail.com. Join my server: https://discord.gg/aDtpenb3

Jayden222 · Urban
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Chapter Twelve:Agent Pandora.

The Blacksmiths Organization.



"Where is he?" Mr.B asked his secretary, who hasn't said anything yet about the agent sent on the mission to kill Angelo Castillo, the Big boss of the jade Dragon Mafia, one that they didn't know if it was successful or not, because his tracker wasn't showing anymore.

Mrs. Eve sent an ambivalent look at her boss, which made the man know that she has nothing, he grunted in anger before storming his way outside the office and into the security room, where the agent's incharge of keeping track of their people were working.

No one knew who started the Blacksmiths Organization, neither did anyone of them know who funded the activities. The organization was sworn with secrecy and every single agent has each role to perform.

The Blacksmiths swore in people who had nothing, people that had nobody to look for them if they go missing. So, it was much easier not to have anything holding them down, for any mission. 

They are barbaric, cruel and heartless individuals who thrive more on getting their money out of the blood of people, it all depends on the needs of their client.

At first, rumor has it that the face behind the secret organization was one of the Mafia, working among them. But no one has proof of that, hence everyone has their own option when it comes to them. Yet, they seek their help when things gets rough for the Mafia.

So, they were mainly an anonymous secret organization working for nobody, but for themselves and their money.

No one has been able to leave the organization, so it was once you are in, you are in forever. The only way out is through death, if any agent does as much as go against the rules. The rules are simple, which is not to fall in love with an outsider or any agent.

Secondly, was to get rid of all evidence stating their real identity, so there's no way they could track them down, using their real names to their Blacksmiths identity.

Despite that, some of the agents had gone ahead to do as they liked, breaking many rules in the organization which will bring future damage, if things get hazy for them. Agents like Pandora, who has gone MIA for weeks, ever since the job given to her had flopped because of her falling in love with who she was supposed to kill.

Things like this haven't happened in the organization and Agent Pandora is the first, not only was she the best the organization had, she was also Mr.B's favorite. With her here in the organization, things move smoothly because she was an example to others.

But since she breached the contract she has with them, and also made her identity known to the enemy. The future of the Blacksmith is in her hands, because everything the organization was, Agent Pandora knows them which is another reason why she has to die.

"Have you traced his location?" Mr.B asked one of the IT guys, who didn't give him any answers and that made him more than angry.

Firstly, the fact that Pandora was out there, doing god knows what with the information she has about the organization, puts him at a complicated end. He has been sanctioned with warnings from the headquarters, and he had not less than a week to do something about her, or else the other Agents from the headquarters would intervene in the case.

"What am i even paying you guys for?" He yelled, which made Eve rush over to his side.

"You need to calm down, sir." She suggested, and just as Mr. B was about to talk, Agent Cody walked into the room like he owed it, and as if he didn't have any explanation to do about what he had just done.

Mr. B huffed, straightened his suit before walking back into his office while Eve and Agent Cody were behind him. The moment Eve closed the door, Mr. B turned to face the Agent but Cody beat him to it and spoke up instead.

"I was being followed, that's why i took out the tracker. The Jade Dragons are no joke, they would have reached out to us using that chip." He explained, but Mr. B seemed to have different opinions on what he just said.

"Who gave you the right to make that decision?" He attacked him, taking his frustration out on him. "What about the job? Did you take him out?"

"I'm sure i did…" Agent Cody was still explaining, before he was dragged by his collar by a pissed off Mr. B.

"Did you do it or not? We have limited time to kill that bastard, and the chance you get, you fucked it up, huh?!"

"His son was there, Donovan was there, the plan was not to kill him but to lure him out of his hiding place, what do you want me to do?" Agent Cody asked, not understanding the boss' perspective of taking care of Angelo Castillo.

A client wants Angelo out of the picture, an important agent, but before then, Angelo was in possession of what their clients wanted. None of the agents so far has done as much as possible to get close to him.

Nobody, except Agent Pandora, well she was making progress by seducing his son, Ares Castillo. But along the way, she fell in love with the enemy, forgetting the cause she served and what was demanded of her.

Mr. B sighed tiredly, pulling away from Agent Cody who looked sideways at Eve, who gave him a sign not to speak anymore.

"Get out," Mr. B said, referring to Cody, who took his suitcase from the floor. "I will call for you when i have a need for you."

When the Agent was gone, he plopped down on his seat while touching his aching temple. "I think it's time we call the headquarters." Eve said.

"No, Eve. Not yet." He said.

"You can't continue giving her chances, she's not coming back." Eve said, making the truth known to her boss, who was hoping that Agent Pandora would come back to her senses and do what's right.

"I know her…" Mr. B said.

"That was then, humans act stupid when they are in love. You are risking millions of lives working here, and that of our clients as long as she's still out there." Eve added.

"I need more time.''Mr. B simply said, disregarding anything else that Eve was saying while choosing to believe his instincts. 

Eve said nothing else, as long as it wasn't in her place, she stood down. But she has made the truth known to Mr. B, it's now all in his hands to make a move.

"I will be outside if you need me." Eve said lastly, as Mr. B nodded at her words, before she left the office. The moment she left she took her phone up to make a call, one that Mr. B had no idea what was doing.

At the third ring, the recipient picked up. 

"Code?" A cold voice asked.

"Potatoes." Eve replied, there was no look of remorse on her face about what she was about to do, despite the fact that it might complicate things for Mr. B.

After some seconds, she was directed at the person she needed. 

"Mr. H, speaking."

"It's me, Agent Eve, I have a confession to make."

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