
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Movies
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58 Chs

Chapter 8:Pain

As I knelt down, and pain shooting through my legs, then my thoughts raced. How could this be happening?

Before I could make sense of it all, Alpha's voice cut through my confusion, bringing me back to the harsh reality.



"Are you a transmigrator or are you not?" Alpha demanded, his eyes boring into mine


"Bastard!" I spat back, my voice filled with anger.


Alpha's smirk widened, clearly pleased with my reaction. "So you really are a transmigrator, just like me!"



His face lit up with twisted joy. "This is perfect, too perfect!"



"What is perfect, you bastard?" I retorted, my voice a mix of confusion and anger.



Alpha's eyes gleamed with a sinister delight. "It means the protagonist I've been waiting for is finally here!"



"Wh-What?" I stammered, bewildered by his words. Protagonist? Waiting for me?



Alpha ignored my confusion. "I thought I should wait for the Wrong Turn plot, where I'd meet the protagonist from that story. They'd be my rivals, and we'd clash again and again, like Batman and Joker..."



Wrong Turn? What does he mean by that? My mind scrambled, trying to understand his confusing words.



Alpha stepped closer, his hand reaching out to touch my face. His fingers were cold, sending a shiver down my spine. "Now that you're here, you're more than perfect to be my protagonist."



"What Wrong Turn, you bastard!" I shouted, my frustration and fear boiling over.



Alpha looked taken aback for a moment, then a look of realization crossed his face. "What, you don't know we're in the Wrong Turn franchise?"



"WH-WHAT?" I exclaimed, feeling like I'd been punched in the gut. My mind was spinning, trying to make sense of it all.



He laughed at my ignorance. "You idiot, what do you think about those disfigured minions of mine? Don't they seem familiar?"



As I thought about those fuckers, realization dawned. They did resemble the cannibals from the Wrong Turn movies I remembered from back on Earth. No way, did they no way...



"Did you eat my uncle?" I shouted, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place.



Alpha's smirk grew wider, his eyes filled with malicious glee. "Oh, you mean the guy with the cross around his neck? He seemed close to God, but sadly, God couldn't save him." His laughter echoed, fueling my anger with each taunting chuckle.



"You bastard!" I screamed, my rage boiling over. But with my injuries, I couldn't lunge at him. All I could do was glare, my body trembling as I struggled to remain upright.




Alpha's laughter echoed around me, his amusement evident in the curve of his lips and the gleam in his eyes. "Oh Hero, that's what I want. Your eyes filled with anger, filled with contempt. Those eyes... ahhhhh, they make me feel good."



My shout pierced the air. "After I revive, I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna kill you!"



Alpha's grin widened, anticipation written all over his face. "Then Find me, chase me, until the end of our lives."



"Bastard!" I screamed, my voice trembling with fury, tears of frustration and rage threatening to spill from my eyes.



"See you later, Hero," Alpha taunted, swinging the machete towards my head.



I didn't move. Instead, I braced myself, ready to accept the blow. knowing that with each death, I'd revive with full recovery.



As darkness engulfed me once more, a voice whispered in my mind, "Fourth Death: 2-minute cooldown."



I waited patiently, every second feeling like an eternity. Then, just as the two minutes passed, relief flooded through me as another voice echoed in my mind, "Host, you are revived again."



With a gasp, I opened my eyes, determination burning bright within me. Alpha might have the upper hand for now, but I was far from defeated. This battle was far from over, and I was ready to fight until the bitter end.





As Alpha observed Adam's body disappearing, a sinister grin spread across his face. "So, he's revived. Interesting." He pondered aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. "It seems his revival isn't that strong if he has to wait a minute to come back. Or perhaps..."



 He trailed off, considering another idea. "The more he dies, the longer he takes to revive. Now that would be an interesting concept,"



he mused, his eyes glinting with curiosity. "But I don't have evidence to support that theory yet. I need to explore more of his abilities. Are they similar to mine, or something entirely different?"



 Alpha's thoughts raced as he contemplated the implications of Adam's powers.

"After all Even with my regeneration power, I can still die," he reminded himself, the thrill of uncertainty adding to his excitement.


As Alpha considered his next move, he felt a sinister excitement bubbling within him. "Should I kill his three friends?" he mused aloud, relishing the chaos it would create.


"What would his reaction be? Would he be consumed by anger, driven to chase me relentlessly? Or perhaps he'd become obsessed with me, his every thought consumed by thoughts of revenge."


The possibilities thrilled Alpha, igniting a fiery passion within him. "Thank you, Lord, for bringing this man to me," he whispered with dark satisfaction.


 "I want him as the protagonist of my story, with me as the main antagonist." Alpha's heart raced with anticipation as he recalled the exhilaration of his past actions, feeling the same thrill as when he watched horror movies and committed his evil sick deeds.


"Ah... it's just like those days," he murmured with a wicked smile. "I feel the rush of being the happiest man in the world."




As Jonathan, Jacob, and Diane walked through the dark corridors, they suddenly came face to face with three horrifying figures. One had a sickle, another held a bow, and the third carried a hammer. The dim light from their torches cast eerie shadows on their deformed faces, making them look even more terrifying.



The trio froze in horror as the disfigured figures turned to face them, their grotesque laughter echoing off the walls. Fear clenched at their hearts as they realized the danger they were in.



"Shit, run!" Jonathan shouted, his voice strained with panic.



Without hesitation, Diane and Jacob bolted down the corridor, their footsteps echoing loudly in the tense silence. Arrows whizzed past them as the figure with the bow attempted to take them down.



"Shit, shit, shit, what do we do?" Jacob panted, his breath coming in ragged gasps.



"I don't know!" Jonathan replied, his mind racing as they fled from their pursuers.


As the disfigured figures closed in on them, their twisted forms looming ever closer, a voice rang out from behind them.


"Hey, fuckface!"


Jonathan turned to see Adam standing in the distance, a defiant smirk on his face.


"Adam?" Jonathan called out, his voice tinged with disbelief.



"It's him, he's alive!" Diane exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment.



"Yeah, he's alive!" Jacob echoed, a grin spreading across his face.



Adam provoked the disfigured figures, daring them to pursue him. Fueled by rage, the figures responded with incomprehensible curses, their twisted forms surging forward in pursuit.



Suddenly, Adam threw a grenade with precision timing, his voice ringing out defiantly as he unleashed the explosive.




"Take this, bitches!" he shouted, before turning and activating his Revival Shield. This shield granted him temporary invincibility for 30 seconds post-revival, providing a valuable thing to escape dangerous encounters unscathed.





The grenade detonated with a deafening blast, engulfing the disfigured figures in a fiery explosion. Two of them were caught in the blast, their twisted forms torn apart by the force of the explosion.




As the smoke cleared, shielded by his fallen comrades, only one of the disfigured figures remained standing, his arrow aimed at Adam. Tears of anger rolled down his twisted face as he shouted curses at Adam in a language none of them understood.



"I don't know what you're talking about, you bastard!" Adam shouted back, his voice filled with defiance


Meanwhile before all of this happened


As I strategized on how to confront Alpha, the infuriating realization hit me: not only did he possess regeneration abilities, but he had also taken my machete. I needed a weapon to stand a chance against him. Turning to the system for assistance, I inquired about my revival points.



"System, how many revival points do I have after defeating so many disfigured foes?" I asked.



"10 revival points, host," came the system's response.



With 10 revival points at my disposal, I knew I could afford the Revival Resource Pack, which promised essential resources like weapons and potions upon revival, ensuring preparedness for future challenges. I wasted no time in purchasing it.



"System, I buy the Revival Resource Pack," I declared.



"Affirmative, host. Initiating," the system confirmed.



Excitedly, I opened the pack, hoping for something potent to aid me in my battle against Alpha. To my delight, I found two grenades nestled inside.



"Holy shit, two grenades!" I exclaimed.



With these grenades, I knew I had a fighting chance against Alpha. It was time to show that motherfucking bastard what I was made of. 


The system's warning snapped me out of my thoughts: "Host, the Cooldown Reducer (80%) effect will disappear in 1 minute."


"Shit, already? Three hours have passed?" I muttered, surprised at how quickly time seemed to slip away. I needed to act fast.



Standing up, I made a quick decision. "Use my other Cooldown Reducer, the one at 50%," I instructed the system.



"Affirmative, host," came the response.



As I walked around the buildings, trying to locate Alpha, my attention was suddenly diverted by the sight of three disfigured figures. They were in pursuit of Jonathan, Jacob, and Diane. I couldn't let them harm my friends.



"Hey, fuck faces!" I shouted at the disfigured figures, grabbing their attention.



The trio of monsters turned towards me, their grotesque faces contorted in surprise and anger. It was time to take a stand and protect my friends at all costs.


As I spotted the disfigured figures, panic surged within me. I didn't have a weapon, and they were armed. My only option was to use the grenades, but doing so would likely injure me as well. I couldn't risk leaving my friends defenseless, so I made a split-second decision.



Activating the revival shield, I threw the grenades at the trio of monsters. The explosions ripped through the air, engulfing them in smoke and debris. As the smoke cleared, I saw that two of them were down, but one remained.



He stood amidst the wreckage, This fucktard was shielded by his fallen comrades. Despite what happened to him, he kept shouting in a language none of us could understand.



"I don't know what you're talking about, you bastard!" I shouted back, frustration boiling within me. With my friends safe for now, I needed to focus on dealing with this last remaining threat.



As the disfigured attacker prepared to shoot his arrow towards me, Diane acted fast, throwing her knife at him. It hit him in the head, creating a distraction. I took advantage of the moment, grabbing his head and forcing him to the ground. Despite his size, he was surprisingly strong, making it tough to hold him down. Gritting my teeth, I struggled to keep control, realizing he might be stronger than me.



Just as I began to falter, Jonathan charged forward with his axe, delivering a decisive blow that severed the creature's head from its body. The head rolled to the ground, the disfigured face frozen in a fuck up expression.



As Jonathan helped me stand, his actions still fresh in my mind, I couldn't help but voice my admiration. "Damn, I didn't know you could do that without remorse," I remarked, acknowledging the swift and decisive way he had dispatched the disfigured figure.



Jonathan's response was a stark reminder of the harsh reality we faced. "Would I still have remorse when they killed one of our friends? And you also killed this motherfucker without remorse," he countered, his words carrying the weight of our shared experiences.



With a nod, I affirmed Jonathan's observation. "That's true," I agreed, 



As Diane and Jacob joined us, relief washed over me, momentarily easing the weight of our collective burden. "Damn, I didn't know you could throw like that," I said to Diane, genuinely impressed by her skill with the knife.



Diane smiled modestly. "Well, I always play darts when I have free time," she explained, her voice tinged with pride.



I chuckled, pleasantly surprised by Diane's unexpected skill. "Now I get why you're such a badass," I teased, a grin forming on my face. Then jacob interjected at my words.



"Hey, man, how did you come out alive?" Jacob asked, his tone a mix of shock and curiosity.


As I began to respond to Jacob's question, a sudden shift in his demeanor interrupted me. His voice trembled with urgency as he muttered my name, confusion evident in his words. "Adam, guys, what's happening?"



My heart sank as I watch him, only to see blood staining his head. A sickening realization washed over me as I noticed the machete embedded in the back of his skull.



Before I could reach him, Jacob's body collapsed to the ground, lifeless, his final words lost in a gurgle of blood. "Guys, help... help me..." The desperation in his voice echoed in my mind, haunting me with the cruel reality of our situation.



The shock of Jacob's sudden death reverberated through our group, leaving us speechless and paralyzed with grief.


Then Jonathan's voice broke the suffocating silence, his words stumbling over each other in disbelief. "Wh-h--hat just h-hap-p-pened? Did Jacob die?" he stuttered, struggling to comprehend the grim reality of our friend's fate.


Diane's anguished scream pierced the air, a raw expression of her anguish and disbelief. "No! No!!" she cried out, her voice cracking with emotion as she knelt beside Jacob's lifeless body.



Amidst the chaos, a familiar voice cut through the haze of shock and grief, This voice sounded like the one I knew.


It shouted, "Headshot!" with a cruel excitement that made my blood run cold.


"Alpha!!!" I yelled, fueled by anger and despair, my voice echoing through the tense atmosphere.



"Hello, Hero," Alpha greeted me with mocking amusement, his smirk twisting into a sinister grin.


In that moment, with Jacob's lifeless body before us, the gravity of our situation became painfully clear. Alpha's actions had made it personal. Anger surged within me, fueling a determination that burned hotter than ever before. "I will kill You!" I declared, my voice trembling with a mixture of rage and resolve.


To be continued