
Wrong Timeline

When a poor soul from 21st century reincarnates to 20th century. His first thought after knowing it was ' yes iam going to be rich ' Only later coming to know that he is reincarnated in to ' Harry Potter Alternate universe ' and his thought was ' well at least I know what's going to happen ' but when he finds out things were not as he expected to be ' what the hell man' Let's enjoy the ride of our MC Author : iam not a English native but I will do my best to write with out grammatical issues. It's my first novel. Chapter update: there will be more than 15-30 chapters a week.with no breaks I wish to complete the novel in 2-3 months. " please do rate the novel" "Hope you enjoy it cheers" Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. All recognizable characters, plot, setting, etc. are the property of J.K.Rowling and/or Warner Bros.

Bharat_yours · Fantasy
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If there a God he is great : 2

After coming back home I woke up and started smiling which startled my mom. Looking at me my mother was curious started speaking with me ' I gave birth to you I went through so much pain you little rascal you don't call me mom and call some church father papa '. she was pinching my nose and laughing .After that day I became famous in my village every body calling me a miracle boy who was blessed by God . I was happy with my life playing with my mom/aunt rosy and some times with my neighbour's ( I was left with them when my mom went to work). every one cares for me I started feeling sense of belonging to this new world.

As days went by I learnt that the language these people we speaking was French . From the conversation s of people I understood that world war 2 is over few years back which confirmed my speculation I was born in the golden age of peace and money. The smell of money and becoming a billionaire made me so happy . I understood by seeing my mom that we were poor and my father might have died or left us. I started learning basic word of french . slowly started walking with the help of my mom or some stool .

Then came Christmas which made me happy atleast I may be able to learn which year this was . Almost all people in our village we farmers or people working in flour mill and most of them or all of them are illiterate. In this blissful day of Christmas we went to church everyone was happy and cheerful. I came to know that it's going to be end of year 1955 . Well what ever I was happy. Then came my first birthday day.

It was January 1st 1956 my birthday my mother was so happy carrying me to church while showing me people on the way with an expression ' see he is my life my boy kinda of expression' .As my eyes were same as my mom light emerald green and hair was bit special it was rose gold hair she always felt proud for my beautiful looks .I felt happy to have such a loving mother then at church father blessed me and did prayer for me. As for my birthday gift my mom gave me kids books with which looked old/used but I felt happy. My aunt gave me few chocolate s when I first got taste of them I was became fan of these they were tasty and felt creamy in mouth may be it was genetical. Because in my previous life I never like chocolates.

As time went by it's already been four years since I can in to this world which was same as my previous world . I gained lot of knowledge in these years about outside world which confirmed that may I was in my previous same world but in different time line .Which made me happy .I started reading and writing along with some kids with help of church Father who started teaching children in the village .I came to know during my study that our village name was appenwhir . And we were nearly 500 - 600 kms away from Paris . every thing was going well And my fifth birthday would be coming in few months and it felt like ' If there is God he is great ' for presenting me with a happy life. Although being born poor I had pollution safe life, growing in nature and people with good heart.

As the saying goes" all the good days have to come to an End" .

All hell broke loose for my village and my family on my fifth birthday.


ps: childhood arc will be finished soon . So there is no need to feel bad bear with me