
Entry Two (Camila)

The moonlight lit the barren landscape, and the sky grew ever darker with the approaching dust storm. Camila was smart. You had to be in the wastes or death would surely find you. Earth had long ago stopped being able to sustain life. Thousands of years ago, a nuclear war broke out between the nations, turning lush green life-sustaining land unto dust. Humanity did not perish, for many underground shelters had been established years prior, saving thousands of lives. All that was left of the surface now was the old burnt up remains of civilization and monsters.

The radiation was not kind to the world, and it took many hundreds of years for it to become bearable. However, when it was time to go to the surface, the horrors of the world became known, but we had no choice but to venture to the surface. Although self-sustaining in the beginning, time is not kind to the machines that have been keeping all of us alive for hundreds of years. Camila was a scavenger and a good one at that, unlike most scavengers how would only venture up for a few days, Camila would stay up there for weeks at a time, depositing her loot and then heading out again.

Camila loved the surface and looking through the garbage. She felt with every city she went to, the more she learned about the old world. Today, she had chosen her target carefully, driving many days away from the bunker to Freedom City. A few hundred years ago, this capital city was booming with life. Now, however, it was crawling with monsters, which is why almost every scavenger avoided the place like the plague, and the site was falling apart. Camila was not a coward, but she had to admit she was a little terrified. However, the inner adventure wouldn't let her pass this up.

Putting the camo over her HoverBike, she slowly walked to the city. Camila had several places planned out to search, City Hall, Zero Research Facility, and the mall cause, CLOTHES! While it was unlikely that she would find any, a girl could dream, right? Approaching the door, Camila peeked carefully around, searching for the usual mutant dogs, and lions. After assuring herself the coast was clear, she slowly entered the room, looking around the room. A grand open room with two staircases to the left and right, between them at one point must have been the front desk. What remained was splitters as a chunk of the roof had collapsed at one point in time.

I know it kind of ends abruptly but, I was feeling burnt out. The point of this is to get me more into writing, not make me hate it. So that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any thoughts please feel free to share them down below.

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