
Entry One (Andy and John)

Well, I'm bored as duck, so let's get started.

"Andy, its time to go." Andy turned to look at John packing away the last of the camping gear in the back of the car. Andy and his friend had been planning this camping trip for at least a week and it all went down because of some freak of nature ten miles west causing a forest fire. Not lighting, it just started, some of the Park Rangers think it was some unextinguished campfire left behind by some careless campers. Andy got off the bench and walked toward John, "Can you believe this sh*t man. We've only been here for a day and we already have to leave." John said, slamming the hatch shut. Andy could only shrug.

"Maybe it's fate. My mom said she had a bad feeling about our trip you know." John, hearing this threw his hands in the air.

"You still believe that stuff man, we're both seventeen now bud." Andy held his hands out in a calming gesture.

"John, dude I know you're angry, but my mother isn't usually wrong you know. Remember that party you went to last year." John sighed, shaking his head.

"How could I forget, you keep bringing it up every time you get the chance." John sighed once more and got in the truck. "We should probably go, the other campers have already left, and we don't want that one Ranger to get his panties in a wad if he comes back." Andy laughed and got in the passenger seat. "Yeah, your probably right."