
Wrestling Royalty

A steamy story of a goth bad-girl turned princess, Bella is the out-of-control royal who has a love for rock music, skateboarding, and pro wrestling. When she meets her favorite wrestling icon, Jett Flynn, the strict laws of Mecca island threaten to rip the relationship apart. Jett must find a loophole in royal law to keep her out of an arranged marriage. Yet, nothing is as it seems when a dreams fade into reality.

LorettaKAuthor · Urban
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68 Chs

Chapter 14

Before dinner, Jett and Bella stood in a hallway that wasn't used often. She was leaning against the wall as he flirted relentlessly, whispering in her ear. She had her hands on his chest, smiling and giggling while he spoke dirty thoughts in her ear.

"Arabella! What's the meaning of this!" A deep husky voice bellowed from down the hall.

"Oh no! The king. Bow," Bella turned and curtsied. "Your Highness. I was just heading to dinner."

Jett backed up and bowed to the royal. Looking up through his lashes, knowing he wasn't supposed to be making eye contact with the king until spoken to. The man's presence was intimidating. Few men made Jett nervous.

"You, sir. You are Mr. Flynn. Duchess Cora says Arabella would like you to escort her to the ball. Is this correct?" The king reached them in his wheelchair with his nurse.

"Yes, sir. I mean, Your Majesty."

"Humm? Not the traditional Mecca Island way. Why should I allow a commoner access to the princess?"

"Uncle, please let me explain?" Bella knew she was in trouble and her begging probably would fall on deaf ears.

"Quite, Arabella. Mr. Flynn? Answer."

"Your Highness. With all due respect, I am aware of the Mecca Island rules. I will do my best to make sure to not embarrass you or the princess. Bella is very special and I would want nothing more than to honor her wishes." Jett stood straight and firm.

"Indeed, she is special. To the entire country and the royal family. Fraternizing with commoners is strictly frowned upon in our country. Arabella has much responsibility to the crown. I heard she had come up missing recently. Would you know anything about that, Mr. Flynn?"

"I was aware, sir." Looking at Bella, who was mortified, he gave her a reassuring nod. "I won't lie. She was with me."

"Jett, no," Bella gasped.

"It's all right, Bella. I don't think it's the honorable thing to do to deceive the king. Your Highness, I will take responsibility for that night. I will take whatever punishment you see fit. Just don't take it out on Bella. Escorting her to the ball is important to her and an honor to me. I will do what I can to make it work." Jett looked the king in the eyes, not backing down.

"Very well. It will be your responsibility to learn the ways of the coronation. One mess up, you will be replaced by Duke Arden and forbidden to attend the event. You will spend the rest of the time in your room. Understood?" The king seemed to relax.

"Yes, sir."

"One more thing. You are not to see or have any contact with Arabella for the two remaining days leading up to the coronation. You will have plenty of work to keep you busy practicing royal tradition. You will only see one another during meal times and group activities, with William and Duchess Cora in attendance."

"Uncle, that's not fair. Jett..."

Jett stopped her, "I agree. I will do anything for her. Even if that means staying away until then."

"Good. Now, both of you. It's time for dinner."

Bella was on the verge of tears, and Jett wiped the corner of her eye with his fingertip. "It's okay, princess. I can do this." Jett touched her hand and walked away, knowing he couldn't kiss her with the king there.

"Uncle! Why?" Bella pleaded.

"You know why. He's a commoner. You can never be together. Your great grandfather put the monarch at risk. I can't watch you do the same. If you are not together, you will not fall in love with him like your foolish ancestor." The king hated saying that. As soon as it left his lips, he regretted it.

"So, my happiness means nothing. You would have me married to that disgusting Duke? That horrible wretch of a man who just wants a fancy title? Would you let that evil man touch your only niece against her will? I will never give myself to him willingly," Bella cried. "Be it Jett, or someone else. I will only marry for love. You will never have a queen unless I marry for love. If I never marry, the monarch still falls with no heir from me. I will never have a child with that man. The Duke is a horrible person, only wanting the crown. I won't let someone like him ruin our family's legacy."

"Bella, my dear niece. I see no other way." The king dropped his head. "I'm sorry."

"You can change the law. Let me make my own choices as queen, to marry who I see fit. You were lucky to love Aunt Hara. Would you deny me that same happiness?"

"Arabella, go to dinner. This discussion is over," he scolded.

"I suddenly lost my appetite," she turned away, leaving in anger.

The king watched as she stomped away, hurt he couldn't do more for her. He understood her pain, but he was too frail to fight for her.