
Wrestling Royalty

A steamy story of a goth bad-girl turned princess, Bella is the out-of-control royal who has a love for rock music, skateboarding, and pro wrestling. When she meets her favorite wrestling icon, Jett Flynn, the strict laws of Mecca island threaten to rip the relationship apart. Jett must find a loophole in royal law to keep her out of an arranged marriage. Yet, nothing is as it seems when a dreams fade into reality.

LorettaKAuthor · Urban
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68 Chs

Chapter 13

Making their way back from the stables, Bella was on cloud nine from the euphoria of the lovemaking her dream guy had given her. No one had made her so completely fulfilled the way Jett had. They had made love for hours before returning to the castle.

Scarlett looked out the window of the castle, seeing the couple holding hands, and Jett flirtatiously kissing Bella's neck. "That sneaky son of a bitch!"

Bella and Jett reached the castle, finding the Duchess standing in wait, with her arms crossed over her chest.

Jett cringed with a side-eye, looking at the duchess. He kissed Bella's cheek and nodded to the older lady. "I'll see you later, princess."

Duchess Cora looked at Bella with an intensity she had never seen before. "Have a pleasant ride?" She finally broke into a half-smile.

Bella looked surprised. "Are you mad?"

"Arabella, I saw it the moment that man first met you, that there would be trouble with the two of you. His grabbing you the way he did in front of the guards was very clear of that. Don't you think? It's clear he is head over heels for you, and you for him. My dear, I'm not unaccustomed to the excitement of a whirlwind romance. I've been there myself at your age. I want to be honest with you, it's a rough road to go down. You know love with a commoner is forbidden to royals in our country. If the king finds out, I can't help you."

"I know. I've thought about that. Why can't the rules be changed?"

"They can, but only the king can do that, or by the rule of parliament. You know how strict your uncle is on tradition. I'm sorry, Bella," Cora comforted her with sad understanding.

"That's why you didn't marry William, isn't it? I know the truth. You two hide that you love each other because he's a commoner. He's just security here and you couldn't marry."

"It is. He is the only man I could ever love. I sacrificed my life for this monarch. I hate to see you do that same."

Bella thought there had to be another way. Even just dating a commoner could be problematic. It was forbidden, but the rule of dating blurred over the years. The royals had kept things quiet in the castle regarding relationships. "Cora, I know who I want to escort me to the ball. Duke Arden is creepy and I can't stand him. He scares me too. I want it to be Jett. Please?"

"I assumed so. Do you think he could learn the first traditional dance? If not, he can't be your escort. You know that. It's easy, but he doesn't seem to be the waltzing type."

"I don't know, but I'll ask."

"Arabella, keep this very hush-hush. You can spend time together, but be discreet. Understand?"

"I thought for sure you would never go for this. You never cease to amaze me, Cora," Bella said as she hugged her with a loving smile. The older woman was like a mother figure that Bella never knew before.

"I have had too many years of a love that was forbidden to happen. William and I wanted to marry desperately. Having to hide our love all these years has put a burden on our lives. I would never stand in the way of romance, dear girl. Now, go change for dinner. By the way... you are still on the pill, right?"

"WHAT? Oh, my gosh. Gross! Really?... ugh... yes. Jeez. Don't be weird," Bella blushed, covering her face with her hands from embarrassment.

"Oh, and fix yourself a bit. You have grass from the meadow stuck in your hair."

Bella's eyes widened as she thought she would die from being caught in the proverbial cookie jar, as Cora laughed and walked away.


Later that day...

"Jett! You jerk! You are trying to seduce her! If you hurt Bella, I will kick your ass!" Scarlett furiously yelled at him.

"Trust me. No one could seduce her unless she wanted to be. Bella is no pushover. I like her and I will not stop seeing her. Go tell your dad if you want. I'll take the heat, but it just makes me want her more every time you try to make me stay away," Jett said in annoyance.

"Tell Mason what?" Jett turned, seeing Mason fuming behind him. "I saw you getting hands-on with the princess earlier out of my guest window."

"Daddy, he's been..."

"Scarlett. Enough. Go get ready for dinner. I need to speak with Romeo here," Mason grumbled, not amused in the least.

Scarlett left scowling at Jett on the way out. All she wanted to do was watch out for her friend, but even Scarlett could see the couple wanted to spend time together. She just hoped it didn't mean she would lose Bella as her friend if things went bad. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew Jett was a hopeless romantic. He was one of her best friends, and she didn't want to see him heartbroken either. Scarlett had been studying Mecca history and knew it was a forbidden love.

"Jett, I warned you about this. I think I'm going to throw you in a gauntlet match against the whole damn roster. A good ass-kicking sounds pretty good right now for going against the rules here."

"Mason, stop right there. Arabella is a grown woman who I am very interested in. We both know that it's virtually impossible to have a relationship. Don't deny us at least being able to get to know each other. Let us be together as much as we can before it has to end. I'm not stupid. I know what I'm doing. She's amazing, and I would do nothing that would embarrass her or XFW. You know that. I'm not some loose cannon like the rest of the guys. I'm your most loyal employee, even if you sometimes refuse to admit it. I know the risk on both sides of this. Please? Don't make me choose between her and my career," Jett pled with him sincerely.

"And if you fall in love with her? Then what? Or is she just some sexual conquest to you? Bella is the only thing holding this country's traditions together. Her importance is far greater than some roll in the hay for your ego." Mason was seriously disappointed in Jett. Of all the Rebels of Destruction crew, he expected Jett to be the most well behaved on the trip. Regardless of Jett's ego, he was typically very responsible.

"I thought about that. I can't let it go of this either. Being with her... she's really something special. I can't explain it, Mason. We barely know each other, but it's like I crave her. I just want to know more about her and take in every second I can get. We have a lot in common already. Do you think if you were in my shoes you could have walked away from Tabitha? Even when you first met? Could you have walked away before you even got to explore what it was you were feeling for her?" Jett rubbed his head in frustration. "This is insane."

Mason sighed with understanding. His wife was his world and he couldn't picture a life without her. He knew what Jett was feeling, however, the sorted situation may be. "No, son. I suppose not. But you are treading on some rough waters here. I want you to think about this long and hard. Are you willing to risk falling in love with a woman you may never marry or have children with? She's forbidden to be with a commoner. Jett, I have known you long enough to realize you're not one to have a casual sex relationship. It may start that way, but it will end badly. I can bet that's going on right now. You love hard and fast, so it's going to be messy. Be careful what you wish for, son." Mason patted his shoulder and headed back downstairs.

"You think I'll get my heart broken or hurt her, don't you?" Jett knew just by saying that, that it could very well be true.

"I hope not. I think she deserves to be treated like a princess. Not just a good time."

Whispering, Jett spoke to himself, "She is more than a princess. She's my queen."