
Wrath with Mixed Feelings [BL]

'Why everyone hates me. is there any reason to make them hate so much? Why is everyone hiding the truth from me?' the young man looked at himself in the mirror. ......... " Don't worry. we will find the truth when the right times come. Don't be sad about people who hate you cause they will hate you more in the future..... "

MIRAB3LL3 · Urban
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13 Chs



AKARI P.O.Vԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ

"MOMO, TENDOU come back here you little devil.*sighs*if my babies don't want to wear it. I think I should leave you guys alone at grandma's house for a whole month"When I said that my babies just make screeching devil sounds.

I giggled while looking at them struggling to put on their clothes. They make little cute pout faces that trying to make me want suicide cause of cuteness overload.

"Come here my little devil's. Let me put on your skirt, momo. Tend-...my baby, why were you wearing like that. That's the wrong baby. Tendou baby comes here" I put my baby's shirt at the right sight so maybe people do not think that babies look weird.

"Nowhere you go. Look cute as always. Momo, Tendou, are you ready to go to school?" es mommy"They look cute when saying something at the same time.

Momo has black hair with my red eyes and she has the same behavior just like her father. Tendou has black hair with unique eyes that make people around him jealous. He has heterochromia at left crystal black at right red eyes.

I glanced at my baby's pout face and I realized what's going on.

"What do my babies want?" "want some pancakes" "oh. oh....hmmm mommy can I have some smoothie and cereal?" Of course, I will give you guys anything you want but you require to always be sympathetic to old people but if they crave to give you some confections, what will my babies say..." " kick their balls and phoned the police" "that's my baby's. Now let's eat before you guys late go to school "

Subsequently, we were finished eating. Momo and Tendou looked so optimistic because they can't loiter to meet their new playmates at school.

Maybe you guys don't know about me. So I'm the son of my 'dad' in the mafia, I dubbed him that because he never confers the truth about mom. That's why I told 'dad' not to kill decent for what he has done to me. I just told my little devil's that I just labor as a model, so people do not attack us from behind.

I just wear something casual that looks fit with my body like a black suit with high heels. Don't u censure me origin love rasping girl things because it makes me look more confident with myself. I just let my hair loose cause it's too long and I don't appreciate cutting my hair because Kiyoko said my long hair looks more elegant than watermelon hair.


I get out of my car and go to my work before bringing my babies home.

I got a call from my father that he expected me right now.

If my father calls like this, maybe this is urgent or not and I need to know what's wrong. I got some information from dad and I felt in my heart that said don't go there but I just avoid it and just drove to my dad's office.

"I need you to come here asap. I need to examine something with you, son." yep something improper with dad I just need to be prudent while driving at dad's office.

I felt skeptical when I walked to my dad's office. I felt that pheromone that I don't want to detect anymore and give attention to about him anymore after this broad year and hear it in Infront of the door.

I need to calm my tits down before it gets worse.







When I opened the door I was face to face with that outrageous manwhore.I don't know what going on cause there my father's face is full infuriated same as that bitch.


When I take a seat beside him. He peeked at me with full sorrow, remorse, and silliest.

And now you suffer what I perceive after what you have done to me.

My eyes enlarged after what I just heard from my father."Akari, I crave you to arrange marriage with Hiroto Fuji and I don't expect to hear from you because we need a bequest for the proposal in Japan."

"But Dad, I don't wish to marry this old man. You know what he has done to me when we are still at college. you cheapest penis with small balls"

"I don't want to get married and that is final." "Son listened wh-"I just shut down the door before he completing with his words. It looks uneducated. I go to my car and drive back to my baby's school.

The words keep narrating inside my head that make me feel like I wanted to kill that son of bitch.

arrange married

arrange married

arrange married

I need some fresh air before I spit malevolently at my baby I go to the market to buy something that will propel me a little bit less emphasized.

When I reviewed my phone the time revealed at 1:20 p.m.Shit.

I was delayed to pick up my baby's at school. They must believe they were relinquished by his/her mother.

I feel so disastrous for my child cause I didn't know that I spent 1 hour at the market just wishing to alleviate some stress. Why am I being an awful mother in the world? I hope my child doesn't follow my paces because I felt regret for what they stood struggling to do.

'Fuck there is no time to felt down. My children need me right now. Now what the fuck is awry with the traffic lights. I'm so fucked up my baby's will hate me.'

I make a sound of screeching devil while loitering for the green light.

I placed my car in the parking lot. I keep jogging until I see my children with the guy that I don't perceive because u know that I only see his back stance and hair just like in the gravity model.

This is not the time to make dad jokes.

I moved toward my baby's at where they stay scarcely like a pole.

"My children, why were you crying. Did I come too delayed to pick you up?"I need to make some fabricates so they can't find something pessimistic with how I enunciate to them.

The man just stared at me with his musty face. I felt anxious for the way he glanced at me like some consecutive murderer.

Finally, my son breaks the cessation and he says the name of that guy which also makes me feel further to retch because he indicates to that guy as his father.

"Mommy, look this stranger look-alike, my sister ."Tendou indicated to his sister so he could find resemblances between the alien and his sister.

"Uhm, Uhm. Mommy is that stranger our daddy "Momo said to me with her cute face.

"Hunny, why did you believe that guy is your dad. You also didn't know if he prevailed a serial killer or the guy who wished to give you drugs candy."I said while stroking my children's cheeks and glaring back at him.

I want to cut his dick off and give it to the shark so he will know who's the queen here. I need to loosen up before I detonate my agitation towards my invaluable babies with drastic assertions.

"Because we don't want mommy to feel secluded at the park. We also want mommy to feel pleasanter with how daddy defends mommy."They said it at the same time and I know that makes me feel appalled because they said it at the same time but sense expected to cry because they measure time with their little fingers.

"I know that you guys want momma to feel pleased but momma already feels satisfied because you guys have inside my heart."

I said while they were snuggling at my legs.

"So mommy, where's our dad?"Tendou said, tilting his head with a mouth that looked like a cat purring at my legs.

"Your papa is already departed before you were born yet. He also does not merit you guys because he buys milk and never appearing back to our home"

I said because my children warrant better with an alpha who has a nice spirit not who has a ghastly troll face. ew

The look on Hiroto's face said guilty, hurt, regret but all his face showed the only REGRET because he rates that.

I walk with my children to the parking lot but Hiroto walks behind us like a lost puppy.

When we arrived in our car I told my children to reap in the car and mommy expected to discuss with this outsider.

We stared at each other just like a stranger because we're strangers, not sweet wife and husband.

I broke the silence with "Why u invariably in my life even I don't want to recognize your face in my life."

"Maybe this is destiny also your dad already conceded with our marriage. So please let me see my son. I also need to know more about our baby's."He implored me to take him into my life but I will never let that happen, I also expected to take some retribution for what's done to my virgin body.

"MY children not yours. You don't even supervise me but why suddenly you launched to think that you will be their dad. You don't have any evidence to prove that they are your children. When your friends bully me you don't even defend me, heck you never say stop to your friends. Did you just rewrite because I have your children"

He looked at me with embarrassment and I didn't look after it. I was snoring because he said to me.

"Hiroto, you know your letters look so funny to me and I just like the desire to give you some acid inside your insolence so you maybe can say an adequate word than that. And one more thing, it's not our marriage but is only for content, You come here just because you want to protect my child but me. I don't think the fuck not. So fuck your cheapest minor dick with whore who have some disorder ."

He looked at me startled because he never heeded that I could talk back. I will never be a wimp for this time.

Before I go into my car. I need to do something spicy before I don't want to see him...so I Slapped him twice in the face.

He looked at me with shock because he never wanted to assert. After all, he knew I was right. If he protested back I would just hurl him to my shark at the mansion.

That's good for him because he needs to wake up from his misconception.

After I slapped him in the face. I said something to him that I want him to think back to until he's dead.

"I would never love you even if you are doing anything to render me and you will never be my enthusiast in my life. Bye, bye manwhore who is a bitch that needs some milk from your slutty whore."

People give me gratitude because I do the right thing, not like whore bending their hips so they can get railed by a man who has a malady.

I looked at the back and saw my children cuddling with each other while sleeping because they dawdled for me for too long.

I feel so glorious of myself because never in my life have I recited that to someone who intimidates me at school. And now I'm the one who persecuted him.

And I remember that I slapped him in the face twice





I was shrieking inside my head just like a schoolgirl.

Maybe this performs not look so back at all. I will wait for anything that will appear in my vitality. So I can instruct myself.

to be continued,

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love you, my reader😘❤️❤️

hahaha, you sike...