
Wrath with Mixed Feelings [BL]

'Why everyone hates me. is there any reason to make them hate so much? Why is everyone hiding the truth from me?' the young man looked at himself in the mirror. ......... " Don't worry. we will find the truth when the right times come. Don't be sad about people who hate you cause they will hate you more in the future..... "

MIRAB3LL3 · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


HIROTO P.O.Vლ(' ❥ 'ლ)

I just wandered around the parkway and I saw the kids who gazed just like me. When I yearned to incline them, their bodies ceased moving around just like slow motion and I deliberately went near them.

I looked so stupefied when the girl said my name but with the mistaken phrases.

"Daddy, mommy said that he will pick us but he has not appeared here yet," she said while bringing a pouty face. I just wished to touch and suck her cheeks cause it looks so fluffy and glossy.

"I'm sorry kids but I'm not your father. Can you tell me what your mommy looks like, possibly I can help you guys excavate him before the nights come?"I told them while careering their hair. They expressed an angry face to me but it looked cuter because I damaged their hair.

"Our mommy looks like red eyes and he also has black long hair I guess."The other twins said to me while thinking about their mother.

"So what're you guys loitering for? Let's go find hi-" I got cut off by a person who's jogging towards us.

The man looks so delighted to be an Omega and where is his mate. They didn't stop chatting about something that I don't know until a mother peeked at me and my face blank for what I just saw.

'I-is that A-Akari and how his face alters so suddenly and his face looks more luminous than before.'I thought about how I persecuted him at college.

He glanced at me then said to his child that their father was already gone. My heartfelt unbearable I don't know what transpired because it might be something with the words he just said.

I don't know what gazed at my face but it exhibited how remorseful, culpable, and severe it was.

But what should I do? Maybe my children and I will seize them with me if he doesn't agree to our assertion at dad's office.

I will show him who will be the king if that's what he expects because I have something in my mind if he commences to take my son and not approve with me.

Akari picked our children up in his car and I pursued him to the car. He told our babies to just stay inside the car.

We glanced at each other just like in cliche movies. He halted the recess with "Why are you invariably in my life even though I don't want to see your face butt face in my life".

'He looks so seductive when he's furious but maybe he looks sexist when he's pleading with me for more. That is why I liked my mind because that's what I will do with his life and he will be my pet permanently.'

I thought for a while before attempting to beg him.

"Maybe this is destiny. Also, your dad agreed with our relationship. So please let me see my son. I also desire to know more about our baby's."

He said to me that they were not my baby and he also said it was because of the children and not about his soul. I don't care about his endurance because I only concentrate on his glorious body.

I looked so extraordinary for how he said a paragraph but not only a word and that made me more turned on.

Before he got into the car, he did something that I never doubted because he slapped me on the face.TWICE

I needed to exhibit a startling face from my lusty face that would make him angrier.

He said something to me before he evacuated to go to his house. I guess.

"I would never cherish you even if you are doing anything to bring about me yours and you will never be my devotee in my life. Bye, bye manwhore who is a bitch that needs some milk from your slutty whore"

That's so hot because if he doesn't want me to be his fiance, I will impel him to be mine and make him be my sweetie. I will take his milk not someone else's milk because I can suck his tits for free.

I phoned someone to take me and go back to the mansion. I needed some plans to make him be mine.

After 10 minutes of standing at the front school. I glimpse of my car come here to pick me up and the people just come out and let me sit at the seatback.

Then they drove me back to the mansion. I went to my office to talk about Akari life with my assistant a.k.a Akashi. We were talking until it's to take litigation to show Akari that he would regulate the other person.

If he likes it or not I will make him my pet because I will make him undergo.

"Hey bro, what the times want you to take this in action because I have a date with my alpha next month," Akashi said after he completed working on his laptop.

"I will tell you when the time comes out I will tell you one more time do not disdain me, ", I told him with a glare because I loathe people who are rude to me just like we were close friends.

"I'm sorry young master. I will never do that again."He said while bowing at me because he thinks that I might do something to his alpha 'bokuto' because deflected by the fucking cheap date.

"Good, now you can go from here." " Alright young master," he said while bowing for the last time before getting out of the office.

I take a bottle of wine without some glass and sipping it with how fast I drink on it until it is just a blank bottle only with just how empty my heart is without feeling the love.

I caressed the picture of Akari in the frame and I kissed his cheeks. You might think that I'm crazy because I can't wait to get a new toy for my assortment at my house.

"I can't dawdle to meet you next time and I will never let you exempt from my grasp even if your family is reluctant because I am the only one who can stroke my pet ."I know that I'm a little bit psycho because I don't like some filthy old man brushing him.

I'm so excited to make plans to make him mine. I need to get a nice sleep first before that contest.

Good night my pet.

AKARI P.O.V⊂('・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°

I feel so happy that I can have my own family without someone attempting to make a turmoil with my family so they can get my children away from me.

I looked at my daughter who just festoons her little brother's hair so it made it look like her hair. They were conversing and giggling about what they were just doing until my son said something that he should not have said at a young age.

I moved to him and cupped his chubby cheeks with my pale hands and muttered to him.

"My baby boy what you just said a minute ago and who instructed you that because I would never say that in the semblance of you guys."He shook his head and made puppy eyes but his eyes said oppositely.

"Young man, did you just fabricate it for me? Tell me who said it and I pledge to you that I will never chop his/her head if you tell me it is."

"That old man with a blue eye say something like 'fuck yeah "ohh he also said that 'why you look so fucking cute' mommy is that dangerous that you don't tell us about it, "They said with a pouty face and it looked like they expected to cry anytime soon

Yep, they were sobbing and I didn't want to make them cry so I just made a pinky promise to them that I would never slam that old man. They just nodded and did the same thing.

"Yeah, it's hazardous words. If you guys said that phrase It will exterminate mommy because it has a toxin in it. So did you guys want to say it anymore because you don't appreciate seeing your momma going to disappear because of venom right?"They just nodded.

"I know you guys will never say it. Now let's go to bed already because hereafter you guys have to go to school and make new friends."I said to them while assisting them to go to bed.

I slept peacefully because there were no noises that would accelerate the twins at this time.

The next morning, I woke up both of them to get ready for school. But you know the children need more time to sleep so I just let them stride a little bit before I ordered them to come out to eat breakfast.

I go downstairs and to the kitchen, I will propel them some pancakes and me just only some coffee but I know that I will make my little devil more than.

I will go out anyway after this. I called them to eat dinner before they were going to eat their pancakes.

They loved it and sure I will not like it if they don't want it. I just want something that they will comprehend anyway because I'm their mother and what should I attain?

After I did all the stuff in their bedroom and check them wearing all done but not to Tendou because he wears numerous stocks but gratitude to Momo for helping her little brother wearing the right socks at the right feet.

I reviewed myself in the mirror. I need to go to the mansion because my dad's told me I need to go there without any justification.

I checked my watch and it showed 7:00 a.m before I could call them. They were already in the car and they were fighting over who was going to sit in the front seat.

"If you guys are still battling just for that seat. I think you guys should sit at the back for this time. Did you guys hear that?"They nodded and then sat at the back so they would never let me turn into a fiend.

I sighed when I peeked at them but their faces revealed distress to me and I will never let my child think awful because of me so I told them that we will go to the shop first to buy ice cream before getting on to their school.

Their faces reflected happiness but for me, it looked severe because who is going to take care of them while I am left, who will assist them when I perish and I can't take care of myself.

I will disappear because of the thought. I hope somebody will encourage me to handle this because I don't want to do this alone. It might spoil me more.

After I assisted my children to go to their school, I got so many tributes and dirty statements but it turned more into dirty comments because it was all from the alpha and the beta gave some unpleasant faces.

'Look at that Omega. He looked so glorious in a suit but it looked more lovely it doesn't wear anything'

'yeah bro, he perpetrates look sensual while doesn't wear anything'

'i want to fuck him so awful'

'bro, you can just fuck him.'

'yeah, he may be given away to someone else.'

'I don't attend to cause I want to give my seed inside his magnificence ass'

'Fuck, you make me horny about the thought that omega'

They were uttering but it's not at all because they want me to heed it. They were so unpleasant. I walked faster than people who don't have legs.

When I caught up with the door, I closed the door. But before I could close off the door someone just snatched me out from the door and kissed me roughly until I felt like I wanted to be monopolized by some stranger.

I tried to push him away before smooching me again on the lips but there is no use because he's decisive and he is also an Alpha.

I whimpered and tried to call somebody to help me from this disgusting prick but there is no one here and it's just me and him.

But it makes me feel more frightened because of his pheromone. His face looked so unnerving and I crying out for someone to help me but thanks to god cause there is a guy who banged that stupid pervert man until that guy called his guard to carried that guy to the police station.

When I perked up and saw a guy that I never predicted that we would meet again. That guy is the only one Hiroto, Hiroto Fuji.

"What are you doing here? Folk might do something with your body. Please conserve yourself and your baby twins because no people are preferable to alleviate you." He tried to not make eye contact with me because we're not even special and why would I make eye contact with him.

"I just brought my children to the school and what are you doing here if I may ask." I tried to get what he preferred to say because there is too much inside my head that I need to maintain.

"Nothing, just wandering around and this is the place that I like because there are no people and it's also a consensus. That's why I'm always sauntering around here" He said to me and then he smiled at me.

"Oh like that. So, see you next time, Hiroto" I said, expecting to shake his hands for appreciation and for helping me from that guy.

"Yeah, see you next time. If you wished for me to talk with you. Here are my numbers and you don't need to feel pessimistic because there's nothing wrong with my number. I promise."He said that to me and gave me the sheet that already had his number in it.

I just drove in my car to the cafe to have some coffee and I also can talk with my friend Jessica. She is the only one who is helping me with fortune and she also said to me that she doesn't require my money to support me.

I paused at the cafe for a while before someone hugged me from behind and I know that's her.

"Bestie, I forfeited you so much and why didn't you tell me that you were the administrator of this cafe," I said while hugging her.

"I don't want to tell you that because I don't like you encouraging me back after what I should do to you."She said that to me and brought me to the seat beside the window so I could see people walking and laughed.

All the people outside looked so cheerful while I looked so miserable because I don't have somebody to communicate with.

"You know you can tell me all about what 's going on inside your head so maybe I can help you a little bit about it."I sighed while savoring the coffee and looked at the people and said.

"I just hope that someone will cherish me with a lot of affection, not only for my body but also for the essence. I also want somebody who will make me delighted and I hope that day will come into my existence ."

I said while clutching my hands until it veered into a fist and it would make blood come out from my hands.

'I know that day will never come because it only occurred in our dreams and ingenuity because we are living in existence, not fiction' I thought for a while before sipping the coffee and it tasted more flavorful than my

I said to Jessica that I need to do some work at my house. She nodded empathetically and I gave money to her and took a chance. I got inside my car and drove back to my dad's mansion to find out the significant things that he wanted to talk about with me but never tell me the problem.

I knocked on the door before I heard 'come in' from inside the office. When I walked in I made eye contact with my dad because his face looked considerable for a second before turning into the silliest one.

"Dad, what do you want to talk about because I do not like spending my time with the things I don't like ?"I said before my dad gave me an envelope and he also wanted me to open it.

When I unwrapped an envelope, my eyes looked at him and thought that he would make a trick but nothing else. My face shifted immediately to dispute because I don't want to get wedded to him.

"I don't want to get married even though you make some bizarre interpretations for me because I just want my children only not some crazy cheeky bastards," I said to him and shredded the envelope into pieces but before I went to my house I threw away the envelope to his face.

"Akari, how could you do that to your father? You just need to authorize it and then you can live with him"Did he extremely just say that.

"I'm sorry, father' I don't think that it would go to work because I don't have time to poop. You can just implore him to marry someone else because it's not like I'm going to abide by it anyway." II said and taunted the word of the father because he's an aberration.

I get out of my so-called father's office and go back to my car. I drive back home with insurance because there's nothing destructive.

I locked the car and went sequentially upstairs to enjoy my time with my beauty. I was compelled to set an alarm because I always wake up at an improper time.

I don't want to alter the suit because I'm too lazy to elevate my hands to move around. I just snooze until there's drool on my cheek.p

'Good night world. I hope I can't see you again because I despise you so much.'

To be continued,

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