
Wrath with Mixed Feelings [BL]

'Why everyone hates me. is there any reason to make them hate so much? Why is everyone hiding the truth from me?' the young man looked at himself in the mirror. ......... " Don't worry. we will find the truth when the right times come. Don't be sad about people who hate you cause they will hate you more in the future..... "

MIRAB3LL3 · Urban
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13 Chs

helping him


This is moving to be my third plan, I guess. I examine all the strategies and it's said that this is going to be my third plan. I can't dawdle to assist his family with my fortune.

I get prepared before I go to our child's school. I just wished to help him from that perverted man. I wear something casual just don't want to compel myself to look like a model who is just walking around school.

I drive to the school only by myself because I don't like someone escorting me. I just want to go to that school, not take off to his mansion.

When I entered our son's school, I glanced from the window. I see they were conversing with each other until I see him driving away from school to the same place and I'm so fucking desirous right now because our son getting hugs from him but I can't get a hug.

They were so advantageous and I can't loiter for him to be mine and my only pet. If he commits not to want to ratify our marriage I will falsify him to submit it because he can't do anything and he is the more vulnerable omega than the omega I just met.

That's why I expect him because he can accept so easily. I can fucked him until he passes out. He just makes everyone want to fuck him more I will use him when I feel overwrought with my work.

I endorsed the relationship because I want to use his body and I just tossed him out at his mansion. After that, I will get married to Jessica, his coworker.

I pursued him until he entered the cafe and before he could open it. Someone just called him from the counter and there it was my future wife.

I just sauntered inside the shop and I just requested my coffee. After staying for too long I played on my phone while loitering for my coffee to be done.

He acknowledged me and moved toward me. I glanced at him and smiled because I need to play as well. I just wish to make sure he doesn't gape at me with sus.

"Hey Hiroto, what are you doing here at this time? I guessed you were at work because this is not your period to come here. I wanted to give you this because you were enabling me that day. If you were not there I might have already been assaulted by that man."He said to me before giving me a packet of Konpeito.

"Oh. thanks for the candies and how did you know that I liked this candy because I never tell anyone that I loved sweets, "I said before my face changed into a smirk and his face turned red as a tomato.

"I didn't know that you were like these candies because I just selected something from the shop so I can provide it to you. I don't think that we can meet at a time like this because it looked so uninspired. Hehe"He said nervously and he just only looked down but didn't want to look up because he was mortified.

I lifted his chin and looked at his beautiful grey eyes and said.

"Akari you don't need to feel uneasy, it's just me. Ok. I don't wish to eat but I want to make up for what I just did to you when I intimidated you at the college.

I will do anything to make you mine because I also expected to be in your family with you and the cute twins at school."I said to him before kissing his forehead and rubbing his smooth cheeks.

His face revealed too many sentiments to me and like, love, feel appreciated, gloom because I just said that to him with so much affection so he can infiltrate in his life.

"Thanks for assisting me and I need to think about it first because I also needed to show my children that they have a father so I can't feel overwhelmed anymore in my life."He said that with a depressing face he can finally find his valid fondness.

I yearned to laugh at him for trusting me so easily. He's dumb for his age and did he think that's I love him for his life. I think the fuck not because I only do this for fortune, body but after I get all that I just go to my true wife and she is also an omega but stronger than my slut.

"I will do everything to make you mine because you are the only one I love, not everyone else in this world, "I said before I heard somebody call my name to get my coffee before giving my cash to her.

He said to me that he expects to go some places because he is required to do his job.

Jessica looked up and down and gave a dubious face because I glanced at some omega.

"Why did you give your eyes to that omega ?'' He's not even so glamorous at all. I hope you will endorse me but please don't ratify him."She said seductively and that made me turn on more because of her voice.

"I want only the money and the title. After that, we will get married so I can just throw away his face with his fake true love. I don't appreciate him but I just like you, not that slut."I said that to her while intertwining our hands together before kissing her knuckles.

"Baby, please let me fuck you right now. You looked so good with your hair loose. My big brother wants freedom and wants to insert it in your beautiful mouth."I whispered that to her before I went to the bathroom and she just followed me until she locked the door behind us.

I unbuckled my belt and let my member free and I ordered her to suck my member and she just obeyed my orders.

"fuck baby your mouth looks so fucking good with my dick inside you."She just moaned at me until she gagged at my big dick.

I was roughly fucking her mouth until I cum inside her drool mouth. She swallows all my cum before she stands up and kisses me passionately.

"Daddy, that was amazing. Can we do it more? I want you to insert your dick inside my pussy after you dump that slut."She said that to me and moaned a little bit when I rested my hands on her wet pussy.

"Of course baby but right now you need to get out of the bathroom because your worker wanted your help. right daddy, I will wait for that day to come."She said to me before I left the room.

'fuck that's was hot and I hope that Akari will be the one I fucked.'I thought about my member getting hard again from thinking about him in my dirty mind.


I got to my car after retaining sex with some of slut at the cafe. She expected me to cum inside her so I just gave it as much as I could.

I started the engine and drove to his school so I could assist his children.

"Hey Akari, may I benefit you to get all that stuff to your car. So you can get more tread after this."I said to him before I took the bag from him to his car.

His child glanced at me with the biggest grin on their faces.

"Baby, why are you staring at him like that? You will make him apprehensive with how you look."He said that to me before I put all the stuff in the back seat.

"No, it's okay. I don't mind at all because it only gives me more stamina than before."I said to him before I kissed his knuckles to make it look sweeter but the children looked offended.

"Mommy why did you let that guy kiss your knuckles with tenderness but when some stranger kissed mommy's hands, mommy got furious because it looked disgusting."The girl wails about what she just saw.

"Because he was just only enabling me, not attempting to touch my butt with his disgusting hands. By the way, thanks for this I don't know what I should do to make up."He said before he took out his money and craved to give it to me but I declined because I have other plans.

"You don't need to give your money but I want to take you on a date. Are you conceding with me or you don't agree with that idea because it will make it better than your money.Ok."I said to him before he acknowledged my idea.

"So if that's what you want. I don't care because you can take me on the date all the time you want. I will take the plans and I will submit them."He said to me but before going inside I told him.

"Did you want to go to the market to buy some food for you guys to eat at home?" "Of course, why not. You also can join us in the market. Did you go by car or not?" "I just walked around, that's why I don't possess a car" "That makes sense, so what are we waiting for? let's go."

We got inside a car and it was so relaxed because I saw the twins were chuckling while they were blabbering about the song.

We parked the car and went inside the mall to acquire anything on paper. I just obeyed him around to get all the things he wanted. The kids just had fun with us but Akari got wild at them because they were goofing around the mall.

I took a picture of them several times before we paid for the food. I snatched all the stuff and went to the parking lot.

I do this only to make him expect me more.

I know that I'm evil. That's why people around you always hate me but can't hate for my handsome face, right and this time I am the one who drives the car because he needs to take a nap because today was too involved for him.

I looked at him for a while before I drove to his house. When I drove I heard someone snoring softly but when I looked beside me and my eyes widened for what I just saw. His face looked so beautiful when he was sleeping.

I giggle at my thought. Of course, his face looked beautiful at this time but when that time comes his face will turn unsightly.

I park his car at the garage and wake him up unhurriedly to say that we are already at his house. He grumbles under his breath because someone just woke him up from his dream.

I woke up the kids to tell them that we were already here so they were gushing out from the car and going inside the house. I took the stuff but before I took it I heard a chuckle from him.

"What are you laughing about?"I said to him without looking at his grey eyes.

"Nothing, because they were always like that when we go back home from the mall and they always said 'mommy we wanted to sleep' "he said before taking a key from me and closing up the door.

"You don't want to come inside because you might snatch a cold from this temperature" I shook my head to tell him that I'm fine.

"I already phoned my bodyguard to pick me up from here so you don't need to worry about me at all." "Oh is that so. I will tell you when we will go on at," we talked for a while before I walked to the front gate

I stood at the front gate for like 20 minutes before I saw a car in front of me.

I got inside the car and thought about my other plans. I should make it more outstanding for our date.

I can't dawdle because the date will come.

to be continued,

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