
Wrath with Mixed Feelings [BL]

'Why everyone hates me. is there any reason to make them hate so much? Why is everyone hiding the truth from me?' the young man looked at himself in the mirror. ......... " Don't worry. we will find the truth when the right times come. Don't be sad about people who hate you cause they will hate you more in the future..... "

MIRAB3LL3 · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

a date


It's already been a week and I nevertheless don't know how to endorse it or not. I've been on my phone for approximately 1 hour to message him or not.

I just defy the thought and just abide by it. My hands tremble from the nerve to message the man. I can't regulate my hands so I need to loosen up first and message him back.

'Hello, is this Hiroto'

'yeah, this is him and who might you be'

'I'm Akari, you can take me on a date."

"really. I mean, are you sure about the date?"

"what do you mean about 'sure on a date it's' just a date for your help, nothing more "

"Yeah, how about tomorrow at 3 p.m.I pick up you at your house. How about that?"

"of course, how should I say no if you are the one who takes me on a date" but I just go on dates only for food.

"You're right, btw I should go right now because of some task."

I replied to him with just an ' OK ' and I went to the couch to watch some movies.

I was sobbing while seeing some sad story until somebody wrecked the mood with a knock at the door. I got up with my fat lazy ass from the couch to the door and curse for ruined my time.

The knocking got louder and louder and that made me lose my forbearance. I went to the door and opened it, I was face to face with him.

"What the fuck are you doing here. Did I tell you to never coming back to me? You already exhibited your true colors about yourself and you still have a gut to come here" I said without locking eyes with him.

"But the baby's we just need to talk about it. I would never do anything to you please ....give me a second chance and I will do my best to make you mine. even you want me to kill myself and I will do it just only for you, Akari" He entreaty in front of me so I can absolve him and forgot just what he does to me about old times.

"I still can't exonerate you, Yuuto. You are the one who defrauded me with some Omega at the party. Don't you neglect that you say it only accidentally nothing else? You also marked him, Wakatoshi."I said that to him and I coaxed him to look into his eyes. I lament what I just did.

His face looked full of lusty and reckless. His face was red like a tomato but he looked more like he was getting some drugs.

He banged his lips to mine and kissed me roughly. He never let go of his lips from mine until I desperately wished for him to breed me.

I don't know what's wrong with my body but Yuuto discloses his pheromone to me and makes me submit more for him to breed me. I loathe myself for that and why am I so easily able to get submitted from the beast who never get exhausted from having sex.

"Yuu ...please don't do this here. people might see us having sex in front of them."I whimpered while he took advantage of my ass that was full of slick.

"No, I want to do this here and just let them see us. I don't care about them but I only care about you. kitty" he muttered to me with his husky voice and hot breath.

"Yuu~please let's do this in my room people can hear our grunts and moan.please~"I implored him a couple of times and finally, he picked me up but he still kissed me while pushing his finger inside my slick ass.

He was impenetrable and locked the door so people couldn't interrupt his valuable time.

He unbuckled his belt and let the birds free. He looked down at me and ordered me to suck his monster.

I tease him a little bit only to make him angrier to make him fucking my ass roughly.

He relinquished his toleration about just taunting his member. He tore all my shirt and my shorts but before that he didn't want to cum inside me because he didn't want me to get pregnant.

I confided him anything about what happened between me and Hiroto. He eavesdropped on what I said to him closely.

I don't like him because he just marked some omega and that times my mind's blank for what I just examine in the article. He tried to decipher anything about it but I told him to fucked off so he obeyed all my words and he leaves me behind. I didn't give him times to explain because the inside met him up. I still loved him and I know that he still loves me.

My favorite story about him is he is always apprehensive about what we are doing before he does it. He always takes supervision of my condition even though I still despise him but he always gives me that damn puppy eyes and he never sleeps before he thinks I need something.

He loitered for me to give him an answer so he could stick in his monster inside my ass. I allowed him to let his member enter my lovely ass.

He pushed it slowly because he didn't want to maim me. I like him and I inquired him.

"Daddy. please fuck me roughly and I don't care about the pain because the pain will turn into pleasure," I whispered to him with lusty and boy that snapped from fucking me slowly and fucking me roughly just like a demon.

"Fuck. you so tight. Fuck!"He said hoarsely while he fucking a several times before he cum inside the condom.

The next morning I looked beside me. There was no one, maybe he retired already in the morning so he didn't want to offend me.

He put a note and some food before he vacated. I looked at the letter before I took a sip of the soup.

Akari, I hope you forgive me someday and I will wait that day. I don't want to regret what I just did to you. I still love you and I hope you know that. If someone abuses you I will come and picked you up so you can only feel the love with me. I hope you forgive me.

Your love,


I was sobbing while reading about it. I hope I can see him soon sufficiently so I can say I love you in front of him.

I ate the soup while humming some music.

What should I do today? I looked at my plan. That's all clean, nonentity I should do but why I think something is missing.

I looked at my messenger. They were from Hiroto itself. I saw our date today. I was shocked about the date because this is the first time in my life that I've got on a date.

I glimpsed at the clock it's already 12. p.m. I only had 3 hours left before he came here to pick me up. I unlocked the closet and saw the shirt that was desirable for me. I establish it looks so good in me and I don't look after someone called me a slut because maybe you're the one who getting a job as a slut to earn some money.

I take a bath for 20 minutes and that's only how I will get shorter because I always shower for 2 hours in the bathroom. I get out of the bathroom and dry my hair.

I wear sunscreen to make my face and my hands insulated from the burnt. I glanced at myself in the mirror and organize that I had gained weight and I hate it because people will find that I'm thick and ghastly.

I got downstairs and found my the twins were eating heartily and I don't know why they were happy because today was Monday and that's unthinkable for them to suit happy people.

"Hey my baby, why are you so delighted? All of a sudden did something happened this morning."I said and freed my arms to let them nuzzle at my chest.

"No mommy, grandma comes here to take us someplace because she knows that mommy is always busy on Monday," Momo said to me before she went to the couch.

"Ohh, is that so. If you guys need anything you can just tell grandma because she maybe can assist you" I said before sipping some hot chocolate.

"Ok mommy, but where are you going??" Tendou said tilting his head and looking at my dress.

"I was going on d-"I got cut off from the knock on the entrance so I went to the door and organize a handsome Hiroto standing there like a pole.

"I think I should go now so behave yourselves when you were with your grandma. You got that my little beans." "yes mommy, we get it." "bye " I gave them goodbye kisses before Gojo took me to his car.

"So. Where we were going ." I said to him but he never responded to my question so I just let it slide because he may have had a bad day.

Our drive took 30 minutes to reach our destination. I looked outside and found this is the most glamorous restaurant that I have ever seen in my life.

He unlocked the door for me to get outside. I peeked at him with a smile and he gave me the same damn smile.

We got inside the restaurant and took our seats before requesting our food.

The waiters perked up and down Hiroto with lust in her eyes but he didn't know that waiters just give him some hungry eyes.

Hiroto said to me that he wanted to go to the bathroom so I just told him to go. I dawdle for him like 30 minutes and he finally came here but his face was wet.

I don't know what he was doing in the bathroom until make him sweat. Maybe he's just worried about the date.

We finalized our date and I tried to pay for the dishes but he paid for our food first before I could give my card to the waiters. He already gave a card to her.

We were going to so many places and this was my first time glimpsing at him with a big smile when we were on rollercoasters.

After that, he sent me back to the mansion and kissed me before he drove back to his house. I feel so happy to have a date with him. I hope I can do that with Yuuto.

I bathed before going to bed and I got a notification from Hiroto that he said good night to me and I penned the same thing to him.

And that I am dozing with a smile still plastered on my face. I hope this is never going to end because I want to feel some love from someone.


I excuse myself before going to the restroom but I push the waiters into passionate kisses at the restroom. I feel like I wanted to have sex with him but I can't have sex yet.

I kissed her before I pulled her on her knees so she could suck member. I fucked her mouth before I cum inside her and then she told me to fuck her at her tight pussy.

I fucking her until she lost her mind to cum inside because she wanted it so I gave her my cum inside her again before cumming again inside until it was full

I gave her a peck on the lips before I gave her some money and then she got out of the stalls. I look myself at the mirror, my face looked so red and they were sweaty like I was running.

I got out of the room and found that Akari was still not eating his food. Maybe he was waiting for me. He was frantic .huh.slut.

We spent our dinner and I took him to the funfair to show what people always do when they were on a date.

The beta and omega were looking at me with eyes full of lust and I give one of the omegala my number so that I would having sex with her when Akari doesn't around me.

I took him back to his house and I gave him some kissed on the lips before going back to my house. I looked at the plans and they were too fucking many and I need to this finish as soon as possible so I going to having sex with him.

to be continued,

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