
Wrath Of The Gods

Hiroshoki · Action
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9 Chs

The Gods

Levithan: "AAHHHH!" (He noticed the God Colien destroying stars) "Ohhh shit I thought you were trying to kill me not that you can." (As he go back to laying on the ground)

Colien: "Pshh you wish, and plus why are you scared don't you destroy galaxies." (As she stares at him with an annoyed face)

Levithan: "Why are you annoyed sheesh someone got on your nerves kekekeke." (Crying from laughter)

Colien: (Shoots a Laser of Destruction) "Hahahaha."

Levithan: (Appears behind Colien) "You were saying."

Abram: "Guys calm down the leader of the Hynzen Clan is here we need to focus and defeat him, and where the hell is Ark?"

Ark: (Teleports) "I'm here jeez, anyways I don't get it I'm the weakest one here why do you guys need me?"

Loli: "Being the weakest doesn't mean your useless." (As she teases him)

Ark: "You really mean it?" (As he looks at her)

Loli: "No." (As she sticks her tongue out at him)

Ark: (He shows a sad face) "Welp let's get ready for this mission I'm sure we've all been training our new abilities."

Colien: "Welp let's get this started!!" (As she smiles)

As they wait for the Clan to come they hear a loud thud and all of them turn around wondering what's going on