
Wrath Of The Gods

Hiroshoki · Action
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9 Chs

The Assassins

As they turn around a sharp blade is thrown at light speed towards Ark

Ark:(Dodges) "Huh what the hell everyone watch out"

Abram: (Goes to take down the Assassin quickly) "Heh to slow." (As he throws a punch amped with Darkness)

Assassin: "Huh damn it he's to fast!!" (As he says in his head)

Levithan: (Jumps in and stops the punch from connecting to his face) "Hey calm down we can't just go around and trying to kill people we need to keep him alive for questioning."

Abram: (Snatches hand away from him) "Don't ever do that again." (As he says with a serious face)

Levithan: "Tchh whatever" (As he walks away)

Colien: "Hey why don't we calm down." (As she says nervously)

Ark: "I think you sho-" (Gets knocked out by a powerful being presence)

Everyone in the room feels a heavy pressure of power on them

Arthur: "What the hell is going on here making all this ruckus for no reason!!" (As he looks angrly and annoyed) "Hurry up and get ready they're practically here already."

Ark: (Wakes up and charges up with the magic of the Dragon Force Fire Dragon) "Heh my speed and strength is amped up five times greater than it was before."

Everyone looks up at Arthur one of the greatest warrior in the Clan of Azarath

Everyone: "YES!!"

Zachary: (Strikes Levithan from the back)

Levithan: "Arghhh!! What the hell." (Turns around but sees no one)

Zachary: (Goes for a kick)

Colien: (Rushes in and punches Zachary) "Heh my first are as strong as multiple stars."

Zachary: "Heh weak" (As he punches her at faster than light speed)

Colien: "ARGHHHH!! Who the hell is this guy he's to strong for me!!"

Arthur: (Rushes in with the Curse of Magellan activates and uses the ability space distortion to teleport him towards his fist and manipulates gravity to punch him) "Pathetic." (As he stands above his comrades not just in a superior rank but in strength)

Zachary: "ARGHHHH!!"

Arthur: "Why are you the only one here where's your clan?"

Zachary: "None of your buis-"

Ark: (Strikes from the back) "Heh that's what you get."

Arthur: "Uhhh you didn't really do anything, heh whatever."


Zachary: "Haha before I die I'm giving you my curse which is my eye good lu-"

As he dies Ark is confused on what's happening everyone stares at Ark in his eye wondering the power that is contained in that eye, while this is going The Creator is watching everything plays out exactly how he wanted it as he is able to manipulate probabilities and fate