
Wrap Up ~ MHA Crossover

Daki and her brother Gyutaro died after Tanjiro decapitate Gyutaro whiles Zenitsu and Inosuke decapitate her simultaneously. In pure anger, she and her brother starts to fight, however soon she felt her whole body disappeared into nothingness. The last thing she felt was the warm hand from the reddish haired kamado before she took one last glance at her brother silently apologizing at him. Ya all wondering what happened after Daki died in entertainment arc, well this happened. She woke up, outside with nothing but bloody clothes on her. Warm like a human... Blood running through her veins... Daki screamed at the top of her lungs.

CHRYSAKURA_Cainoy · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Quirk assessment test!?


'Ah!... finally someone notice him... apparently, it's the angry guy...' Ume thought before she sighs. Kirishima and Ume were turning their heads back and fourth from the two loud banshees to the trembling poodle...

Because of the lack of response on the blonde boy's part. Everyone also turns their heads to eventually see the green haired boy. Surprise at his presence.

Ume Notice Iida's face changes into shock. 'So he really does know them...'

Iida began to march towards the trembling greenie. While everyone is watching, and everyone is waiting, Ume decided that she should give herself a rest. For arriving early than expected! So she closes her eyes and cover head with a book before she took a nap.

Seeing the sleeping girl. Kirishima made a reminder to wake the girl up when their teacher arrives. He was listening half the boy's conversation, until another student arrives. This time, a girl with short brown hair arrives greeting the green haired boy.

They were introducing themselves while everyone watches. Honestly... he begin to feel awkward and comfortable at the same time.....

"I wonder what our teacher's like?" said the brown haired girl who was smiling the whole time, oblivious of the green head's flustered state.  If it weren't for the fact that Ume wasn't listening, she would have answered quickly. "Aren't you nervous?"

"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends"

 A familiar rough voice was heard across the room... Everyoen were to shock to respond and answer him. The green haired boy, named Izuku Midoriya along with Iida and the brown haired girl named Uraraka Ochaco were also too shock to respond. 

Aizawa took a sip at his fruit juice. 'S-something's here!?!' the three thought. 

"Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet" Aizawa went out from his sleeping bag. "Time is limited. You kids aren't rational enough" he said. Midoriya realized and gave a gasp. 

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa"

The class let out another surprise gasp. Both Kirishima and Mina widen their eyes in surprise while Sero and Kaminari gave each other a look before the four of them turns their head at the sleeping student. 

Kirishima slowly pat her shoulder in waking up the sleeping female. "U-ume-chan... our homeroom teacher's here..." that was her cue to wake up.

Ume blinks at the attention she's getting. Aizawa tried not to look at her at all. But Ume only smiled. She notice Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina and Sero looking at her like a mystery box. Thankfully, no one notice their strange behavior. 

"I will explain everything later" Ume said. well... not everything...

In the end, Aizawa made everyone change into their PE uniform. Before everyone moves towards the P.E grounds. Everyone were then shock to hear that they'd be doing a quirk assessment test. 

"What about the entrance ceremony? the orientation?" questioned Uraraka. Aizawa starts to explain that if they're going to become a hero... then they'd have no time for such leisurely events. Saying that U.A's selling points is how unrestricted the school's traditions are. That that's also how the teachers run their classes. 

Ume knew that it wouldn't be easy. Not to mention that their homeroom teach will be Aizawa. But damn... 

"You kids have been doing these since Junior High, too right?" he questions as Ume wanted to answer no, having no apparent experience, but let her mouth shut for a change. 

Besides, she's not ready to die...

Aizawa took something like a phone but at the same time not and held them to his hand to let everyone see. Ume tried to see what it was but to no avail. '*Sighs* I really need to know this kind of things...' she thought. "Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks" he said.

Aizawa begins to babble out. Explaining about the government and it's laws. "Bakugo, you finish at the top of the practical exam, right?" Aizawa questions the same angry blonde from earlier.

'Oh! so his name's Bakugo!' she never have thought that the angry porcupine would rank first of the entrance exam. But at the same time.. Ume could see why... 'This guy's not that easily to provoke...' she thought. 

With a loud shriek of a word 'DIE!'. It ended up him throwing the poor ball for about 705.2 long. 

A smile appear at her face. Her now friends stood shock next to her. 

"750 meters, seriously?..." Kaminari said in amazement, never have thought of seeing such thing. "What's this? it looks fun!" Mina exclaim in excitement. "We can use our quirks as much as we want! As expected from the hero course!" Sero exclaim as well.

However... the look on Aizawa's face next made Ume's hair stands at her back...

"'It looks fun' huh..."


Aizawa's eyes briefly met hers, before Ume looks away sweating. 

She knew that look very well... Despite of the fact that Aizawa and Ume didn't live together that long. It was enough for her to know his personality. And she didn't know if it's a good thing or bad...

"All right... Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judge to have no potential. and will be punish with expulsion"


She knew it!!! Sweats begin to start showing... 'That's man's no joke...'