
Woven Fates: A Journey Beyond Time

Kensuke Hamazaki, your typical high school do-gooder, doesn't expect his heroic act of saving a girl to land him in a whole new magical world. Thanks to the unknown, he's given a second shot at life, complete with a destiny that's apparently been pre-packaged for him. As Kensuke stumbles through this fantastical realm, he's not some epic hero but just a guy trying to figure out what on earth is going on. This enchanted journey is no joy ride. Kensuke faces challenges that feel like a crash course, and the whole destiny thing? It's not sitting too well with him. Along the way, he finds other characters and they made a party, each with their own stories. As Kensuke peels back the layers of his reincarnation mystery, he's learning that destiny might have drafted the script, but he's got a pen too. Will he change his fate?

Yuzumix · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Unexpected Proposal

'What is he trying to do?' She thought, her eyes widening in disbelief. With only a small dagger, how could Kensuke possibly take down the wyvern? The neko girl watched in a mix of surprise and concern, uncertain of the outcome of his audacious move.

The air thickened with anticipation as Kensuke stood face to face with the wyvern. The cavern fell into an eerie silence, the scent of damp earth mingling with the heightened tension. The neko girl behind him sat in dismay, her wide eyes fixated on Kensuke's back, the distant echoes of the wyvern's mighty roars reverberating through the ominous cavern.

"Are you okay?!" Kensuke shouted over the echoes, his eyes fixed on the wyvern, as the girl behind him remained in shocked silence.

"Mm." The girl nodded, assuring him that she was fine, though her eyes revealed a mix of gratitude and curiosity as Kensuke faces the wyvern.

Kensuke leaped towards the wyvern, attempting to strike its head, but the creature dodged the attack and soared upward, evading his assault.

The wyvern retaliated by attempting to strike Kensuke with its tail. The tail, adorned with scales as hard as steel, swung threateningly towards him.

The impact of the wyvern's tail landed on Kensuke with a bone-rattling thud, sending shockwaves through his body. The air whooshed past him as he was flung through the cavern.

The wyvern pivoted, its attention now fixed on the girl. Seemingly satisfied that it had dealt with Kensuke.

Despite the damage from the wyvern's attack, Kensuke pushed himself to his feet. "I'm still here! Face me!" He shouted at the wyvern, his resolute voice carrying through the cavern, the faint taste of blood on his lips from the impact he endured.

The girl's eyes widened in astonishment at Kensuke's courage and determination to protect her. Her eyes twinkled with admiration, as if she had finally found her knight in shining armor within the cavern's shadows.

The wyvern fixed its gaze on Kensuke and charged at him with its razor-sharp claws. The air rustled with intensity as the creature swiftly made its way toward him.

Despite lacking finesse, Kensuke narrowly dodged the wyvern's claw targeting his head. In a hasty retaliation, he swung his weapon, managing to slice through the wyvern's claws. The cavern echoed with the clash, resulting in one of the creature's fingers being severed in the process.

The wyvern roared in a mix of pain and rage. With a swift return, it lunged at Kensuke, snatching him up from the ground and lifting him into the air.

"No!" The girl shouted. Summoning every ounce of strength left in her body, she leaped extraordinarily high toward the wyvern, determination etched across her face.

She attacked with her razor-sharp claws, utilizing her neko abilities despite having a human hand, she appears to cut the wyvern's wings and disable its ability to fly. Despite her successful strike, the wyvern retaliated by slapping her with its powerful tail, causing them all to plummet to the ground.

Kensuke plummeted to the ground as the wyvern, damaged by the girl's attack, released its grip. A loud thud echoed in the cavern as he landed, fracturing his right leg upon impact.

"Aaaa! Shit!" Kensuke exclaimed, 'My leg!' Clutching his injured leg. Despite the pain, upon seeing the girl falling unconscious, he instinctively sprinted towards her, attempting to catch her, his broken leg hindering him but determination driving his actions.

A resounding thud echoed through the cavern as the wyvern crashed to the ground.

Meanwhile, Going to situation of Mier and Zarya.

"What was that?!" Mier exclaimed, startled by the distant thud echoing through the cavern.

"It looked like it came from over there," Zarya said, pointing to the entrance of a distant cavern, her expression filled with concern.

They swiftly rushed toward the source of the crashing noise, the sound echoing and bouncing off the cave walls.

The large cavern where Kensuke found himself had two entrances—one that he had taken to enter and the other that Mier and Zarya were approaching. It became apparent that Mier and Zarya had discovered a shortcut through the cave, avoiding the wyvern's territory. Unfortunately, Kensuke hadn't been as fortunate with the path he chose.

When Kensuke caught the girl, and the dust settled, it became evident that the wyvern was still standing. Despite its broken wing and injured foot, the creature proved resilient, not yet defeated.

"Ah, shit," Kensuke muttered, realizing the wyvern was still standing, ready for another round of fight.

In the distance, someone shouted, casting a spell. "Kaze!" An overwhelming gush of wind, unlike any ordinary breeze, pierced through the cavern. The wind, carrying an almost tangible force like spikes, tore through the wyvern's body, leaving it lifeless.

Zarya, demonstrating her immense power, was the one who slew the wyvern. Mier swiftly rushed to Kensuke and the girl he was holding in his arms.

"He—heal her first," gasped Kensuke, instructing Mier to prioritize healing the unconscious girl in his arms. Blood gushed from his mouth as he spoke, his body battered with bruises. The girl, too, showed signs of the wyvern's attack, her torn clothes revealing wounds on her battered skin.

"O--Okay!" Mier replied, focusing on healing the unconscious girl first, leaving Kensuke still bleeding and battered.

Zarya swiftly rushed to Kensuke's side, recognizing the severity of his injuries. She focused her magical abilities on healing him, addressing the wounds and bruises that marred his battered form.

"Z--Zarya..." Kensuke mumbled weakly, his voice strained from the injuries he endured during the fierce battle.

"You're not going to die, quit acting." Zarya remarked, not falling for Kensuke's attempt to downplay his injuries.

"You're so mean." Kensuke said, a tinge of sadness evident in his voice.

"Who is she?" Zarya inquired, a hint of curiosity in her voice. She hadn't seen the girl before, and Kensuke's presence with her sparked Zarya's interest, suggesting that Kensuke might've known her.

"I don't know, maybe a previous adventurer who accepted the wyvern quest." Kensuke speculated, uncertainty in his voice.

After a while, the neko slowly opened her eyes, awakening to a scene where Kensuke was being healed by Zarya. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she rushed to Kensuke, enveloping him in a tight hug, and exclaimed, "You!"

"Please marry me!" The girl declared to Kensuke, surprising everyone with her unexpected proposal.

Kensuke, flustered with embarrassment and confusion, found himself in an unfamiliar situation. It was his first time experiencing someone confessing to him, and he grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

"E--Eh?" Kensuke stammered in surprise and disbelief, trying to process the unexpected confession.

"Haaah?!" Mier gasped in dramatic disbelief, her eyes wide as she tried to comprehend the unexpected scene unfolding before her.

The girl continued to hug Kensuke's arm, clinging to it with surprising intensity. Her cat-like ears perked up, and her tail swayed with a mix of excitement and affection.

Zarya raised her staff, pointing it at the girl, and lifted her up, putting an end to the tight hug. "Please stop." Zarya stated with a stern and firm voice, revealing her irritation with the situation.

"Nya!! Master!" The girl exclaimed, seemingly distressed by being separated from Kensuke.

"I thought you didn't know her." Zarya remarked, casting a disappointed glance at Kensuke.

"I swear! I don't!" Kensuke reassured desperately, trying to convince Zarya of his innocence.

Zarya let go of the girl and demanded, "So? Introduce yourself."

"I'm Rina!" she introduced. "I am a solo adventurer! I tried to clear the wyvern quest, but it was too much for me nya—and then he saved me!" She says, expressing gratitude towards Kensuke for rescuing her from the wyvern.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Rina clings to him, her voice filled with admiration. "Master is very strong! Can I know your name, master?" The air carries a mixture of curiosity and excitement as the unfolding scene captures their attention.

Kensuke hesitates for a moment, then replies, "I'm Kensuke. Nice to meet you, Rina."

Zarya, still wary, lowers her staff, observing the interaction. Mier remains silent, curious about the new addition to their party.

"Ke... Kensuke-sama!" Rina's eyes gleamed with admiration as she rushed towards Kensuke, trying to embrace him with an overflowing sense of affection.

Mier swiftly reached out, intercepting Rina's eager advance and holding her back, preventing her from reaching Kensuke.

"Stop! Rina-san..." Mier exerted effort, struggling to hold Rina back.

Rina looks disappointed, eyes glimmering with unshed tears.

"Let's collect the loot and finish this quest." Kensuke's suggested—exhausted.

Among the wyvern's treasures, they discover a trove of valuable items — gleaming coins, ancient tomes, and otherworldly artifacts, creating a sense of awe as they uncover the spoils of their hard-fought victory.

The glimmering treasures captivated Mier and Zarya, their eyes lighting up with excitement. Zarya, with a smile, selected a mystical tome, while Mier eagerly collected a handful of shimmering coins. Kensuke, focused on completing the quest, carefully chose items to present at the guild. Rina, still eager to be close to Kensuke, gathered her share of treasures to contribute to the guild's confirmation of the quest.

Tadela's Adventurer's Guild - 2 : 21 PM

Mier burst through the guild doors, eyes sparkling with anticipation. "We're here to confirm the wyvern quest!" She exclaimed, her voice carrying the thrill of adventure. The guild lady looked up from her paperwork, her expression shifting from routine to intrigued.

The guild lady's eyes widened in disbelief. "Oh my, you guys completed it?" she gasped, a mix of shock and admiration in her voice. The bustling guild hall hushed for a moment as whispers of the small party's triumph spread. Mier beamed with pride, relishing the awe that surrounded their unexpected victory over the formidable wyvern.

As the guild lady counted out the reward in glittering gold coins, Mier's joy radiated. Accomplishing the quest with her party was a triumph she savored. Meanwhile, Rina, having received her share, hesitated before expressing a desire to join their party. Months of solo endeavors seemed to fade away as she yearned for the companionship, and perhaps something more with Kensuke.

"Sorry, N--" Zarya began to decline, but Mier interrupted with a resounding "Yes!" Her enthusiasm echoed through the guild hall, drowning out any hesitation.

"Yes! Zarya-nee, we can be a full party of four now!" Mier exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Kensuke, flustered by Rina's persistent affection, tried to discreetly avoid her, but her insistence prevailed. Despite being overwhelmed, he didn't mind the attention. Rina's beauty, akin to Zarya's, added to the complexity of his blushing demeanor.

"Now that we have the money, let's buy you some clothes, Kensuke. Rina-san, let's get him his clothes," Zarya proposed. While genuinely wanting to help Kensuke, there was an undertone of annoyance in Zarya's voice. She seemed irked by Rina's clingy behavior.

Zarya took Rina's hand, and together they walked out of the guild house, leaving Mier and Kensuke behind. The guild hall fell into a momentary hush—as Mier and Kensuke exchanged glances.

"Kensuke-sama!" Rina shouted, her voice echoing as she was dragged by Zarya out of the guild house. The exclamation resonated in the guild hall, drawing brief glances from other adventurers.

"Don't leave me with Mier," Kensuke said with a hint of sadness, his face bearing a worried expression. Aware of Mier's hostility towards him, he couldn't help but feel uneasy at the prospect of being left alone with her.

"Tch, what is your problem?" Mier snapped, annoyance evident in her voice as she crossed her arms. The tension between Mier and Kensuke lingered, casting a shadow over their interactions in the guild hall.

Amidst the commotions, a guy from a nearby table in the guild noticed Mier. Intrigued, he approached them and mentioned that he had been looking for her.

"Are you Mier? I was sent to look for you!" The guy exclaimed, his tone carrying a sense of urgency. It seemed that Mier was a missing person? Why was someone needs to look for her?

"E...Ehh?" Mier nervously stuttered, a hint of tremor in her voice as she grappled with the unexpected situation.

Kensuke, his attention drawn to Mier's unease, stepped in, blocking the guy from reaching her. Firmly, he asked, "Who are you and why are you looking for Mier?" The guild hall held its breath, the atmosphere thick with suspense as the unfolding drama took center stage.

"His father has been looking for her. I was sent to find her," the guy explained, attempting to assure Kensuke and calm the situation. Despite his persistence, he remained steadfast, not backing off.

'Father?' Kensuke thought.

"I don't want to!" Mier exclaimed, her reluctance evident in her voice as she made it clear she didn't want to go with the guy. Tension escalated in the guild hall at Mier's refusal.

The guy, frustration boiling over, shoved Kensuke, causing him to stumble and fall. Swiftly, he grabbed Mier's hand, forcefully insisting, "You're coming with me, whether you like it or not." Tensions soared in the guild hall as the unexpected confrontation unfolded. People inside the guild looks—trying to interfere.

In a desperate attempt to break free, Mier struggled against the guy's grip, but he resorted to a more forceful approach. He grabbed her by the hair, attempting to drag her with an alarming disregard for her well-being.

"No!! It hurts, stop!" Mier pleaded, her voice filled with pain as she called out for help, intensifying her struggle against the guy's aggressive grip. The guild hall, now transformed into a scene of distress, witnessed the unfolding turmoil, leaving bystanders torn between shock and the urgent need to intervene.

"What are you doing!? Leave!" The lady over the counter yells at the guy.

Fury surged within Kensuke witnessing Mier's distress. Without hesitation, he clenched his fist and struck the guy in the face, leaving him on the floor. Seizing the moment, Kensuke took Mier's hand, and together they ran outside, escaping the harrowing scene within the guild hall.

'Eh?' Mier's eyes shook with a mix of surprise and comfort as Kensuke swiftly took her hand, leading her away from the escalating situation. Mier's eyes, comforted by Kensuke's protective response.

Tadela City's Park - 3 : 49 PM

After a while of escaping, they arrived at a fountain, a serene park surrounding them. Panting from the intensity of their escape, they sought solace on benches near the area, the sound of trickling water providing a calming backdrop. The tension from the guild hall gradually faded as Mier and Kensuke took a moment to catch their breath in the peaceful ambiance of the park.

"pants C--care to explain Mier-chi?" Kensuke asked between pants, exhaustion evident from their brisk escape. The park's tranquil surroundings provided a momentary refuge as Kensuke sought an explanation, both of them catching their breath from the adrenaline-fueled run.

Mier remained silent, looking down on herself, wrestling with her thoughts. The fear that Kensuke might not care, even if she opened up, cast a shadow on her willingness to speak.

"Oi! Mier tell me what's going on!" Kensuke, his concern clear, grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. Determination and worry filled his eyes as he genuinely wanted to understand and help with whatever was troubling Mier.

"Idiot! Why do—" Mier's words were cut short as Kensuke interrupted. Her attempt to question why he wanted to know remained unfinished.

"Just tell me! I want to help!" Kensuke scolded her, his frustration coming to forefront.

Mier's eyes welled up with tears, and eventually, she succumbed, breaking down into a flood of emotions. Through teary eyes, she mumbled the words, "I don't wanna." Her voice trembling with the weight of unspoken struggles.

Kensuke released his grip from her shoulder, gently placing his hand on her head in a comforting gesture. Trying to offer a reassuring smile, he softly asked, "What's been bothering you?" The quiet park became a sanctuary for this intimate exchange, as Kensuke sought to understand and support Mier through her problems.

"W--Wi--sniffs Will you help me?" She genuinely asked, her voice breaking amid sobs. The vulnerability in Mier's plea hung in the air, as she reached out to Kensuke for the support she desperately needed.

"Of course I would!" Kensuke loudly assures.

"Even though I annoy you all the time!" Mier yelled through her tears.

"Yes!" Kensuke yelled in response.

"Will you even listen and help me if I told you?!" Mier yelled, tears streaming down her face. Clutching her chest tightly in a plea for understanding, she sought reassurance from Kensuke, desperate for a connection that could withstand the weight of her emotions.

"I will!" Kensuke shouted in response, his voice echoing with determination as he mirrored Mier's gesture, clutching at his chest. The intense exchange in the quiet park affirmed their commitment to each other.

Mier's eyes lit up, the shift in her emotions was transparent. The annoyance and irritation she once felt toward Kensuke transformed into a sense of calmness as she looked at his friendly and genuinely concerned face. This moment marked a significant change in Mier's perception of Kensuke, as the connection between them deepened beyond the surface interactions.

As Mier calmed down, she began to explain the situation to Kensuke.

"I'm actually..."

Caught ya!

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