
Woven Fates: A Journey Beyond Time

Kensuke Hamazaki, your typical high school do-gooder, doesn't expect his heroic act of saving a girl to land him in a whole new magical world. Thanks to the unknown, he's given a second shot at life, complete with a destiny that's apparently been pre-packaged for him. As Kensuke stumbles through this fantastical realm, he's not some epic hero but just a guy trying to figure out what on earth is going on. This enchanted journey is no joy ride. Kensuke faces challenges that feel like a crash course, and the whole destiny thing? It's not sitting too well with him. Along the way, he finds other characters and they made a party, each with their own stories. As Kensuke peels back the layers of his reincarnation mystery, he's learning that destiny might have drafted the script, but he's got a pen too. Will he change his fate?

Yuzumix · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First Quest

Under the peaceful and pleasant night, a tranquil darkness embraced the forest. The crackling fire painted dancing shadows on trees, casting an enchanting glow. The rhythmic symphony of crickets filled the air, weaving a lullaby for the three nestled in nature's embrace.

As the flames whispers, the warmth kissed their faces, a comforting touch in the cool night air. The scent of burning wood blend with the earthy fragrance of moss-covered ground, creating an intoxicating aroma that enveloped the area they're settling down.

They unfolded soft futons. Each crackle of the fire sent sparks dancing into the obsidian canvas above, reflecting the stars' celestial waltz. The forest, a silent audience, cradled the three in its ancient arms, embracing the ephemeral peace of the night.

In the moonlit night, Kensuke found himself without a futon, forced to rest on the ground beneath the ancient tree. As the gentle breeze whispered through the leaves. It looked like if he was a guard on duty—sitting and leaning back on a tree.

Kensuke checked on the girls and found Mier sleeping peacefully. Surprisingly, Zarya was missing, creating an uneasy silence in the night.

Kensuke set out to find Zarya. Luckily, he discovered her on a meadow, captivated by the beauty of the stars once more.

Kensuke, wearing a worried expression, approached Zarya on the meadow. "Oh, you're just here." He remarked, his words carrying a subtle hint of relief. The night air wrapped around him, carrying the scent of grass and the distant murmur of the forest. The soft rustle of leaves underfoot mirrored the quiet exchange, creating an atmosphere charged with both concern and the gentle allure of the starlit night.

Zarya gazed at Kensuke, her arms wrapped around her legs as she sat on the grass. The moonlight painted a delicate glow on her face.

Kensuke settled beside her on the grass, breaking the quiet. "What's weighing on your mind so heavily?" He inquired, his voice filled with gentle concern, the words hanging softly in the calm night.

"I don't know." Zarya replies.

Sensing the moment, Kensuke decided it was time to address why Zarya always wore a blank expression.

"I always notice you seem a bit gloomy. Anything bothering you?" Kensuke asked, adding a touch of humor to convey concern without judgment.

"A long time ago, my parents told me I was born with a curse, an undoable burden." She replied, her words carrying the weight of an unspoken struggle.

"They said I was going to die at a very young age." Kensuke could sense the weight of the hardship she must have always thought.

"But I'm still here. I still wait till that day comes. Staring at the sky, thinking, when?" Zarya's words flowed in a stiff and straight voice, devoid of emotion, as if she were a spectator to her own existence.

"It doesn't look like you're ill to me!" Kensuke attempted to shift the mood, his words carrying a hint of optimism.

"Just think positively. Everything will work out. Besides, you've lived so many years, and you're still here. It might not even be true that you have a curse." Kensuke reassured, attempting to lighten the weight on Zarya's shoulders.

"Sigh, thank you, Kensuke," Zarya expressed with a small exhale. Standing up, she mentioned it was time for her to sleep.

"Mier-san might wake up and think we abandoned her. I'll go to her now," Zarya said, a sense of responsibility in her tone.

Kensuke nods, and Zarya disappeared into the night. Alone, he lay flat on the cool ground, the blades of grass cradling him. The weight of Zarya's fate, bound by an ominous curse, pressed upon his thoughts. The distant rustle of leaves seemed to echo the uncertainty in his mind, while the night air carried a sense of foreboding. Underneath the starry sky, Kensuke couldn't escape the haunting contemplation of what the future might hold for Zarya.

'Seems like she's going through something.' Kensuke thought, his gaze fixed on the night sky where Zarya had stared earlier. Each star shone brilliantly, illuminating the vast canvas above.

'If what she said about her curse is true, there's got to be something that can remove it.' Kensuke worried, pondering the possibility of undoing her curse and saving her.

After a while, weariness enveloped Kensuke, and he succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep. The night breeze, carrying the sweet scent of pine and the distant whispers of the forest, cradled him in a deep slumber. The rustle of leaves overhead played a lullaby, creating a serene symphony. Under the starlit sky, Kensuke surrendered to the tranquility, allowing the night to weave its soothing spell over his restless thoughts.

Dawn painted the sky with a radiant sunrise. The sun cast its warm glow, and the breeze whispered promises of a growing day. The morning unfolded with breathtaking beauty, the weather surprisingly pleasant, as if nature itself had orchestrated a day of greatness.

As dawn unfolded, a gentle symphony of birds chirping welcomed Kensuke to the new day. He opened his eyes to a serene morning, where the sun painted the sky with hues of gold. The two companions still lay in peaceful slumber, their rhythmic breaths forming a harmonious hymn that echoed the tranquility of the surroundings.

The air, crisp and infused with the scent of awakening nature, caressed Kensuke's senses. The soft rustle of leaves overhead added a gentle percussion to the avian melody, creating a tranquil orchestra that mirrored the calmness of the morning. In this symphony of nature, Kensuke embraced the quiet beauty of the dawn, grateful for the peaceful scene before him.

Kensuke gently shook Zarya awake, whispering about their plan to head to the nearest town for breakfast. The morning's calmness held—wrapping around them as they prepared to embark on a new day's journey.

"Good morning, Kensuke." Zarya greeted, the warmth of morning evident in her words.

Zarya, now fully awake, agreed with Kensuke's plan. She gently woke up Mier, ready to embark on the day's adventures.

"Mier, rise and shine. We have to go," Zarya nudged her, gently encouraging Mier to wake up from her sleep.

"Wait, papa, no." Mier mumbled in her sleep, resisting the waking world. However, with Zarya's persistent nudging—she eventually stirred and opened her eyes.

They swiftly gathered their futons and stored them in a magical storage crafted by Zarya, ready to set off on their journey as soon as preparations were complete.

'Whoa... It's like a mini portal.' Kensuke marveled, amazed at what magic is capable of.

As they traveled, they took the opportunity to gather a few collectable plants, knowing they held benefits for Zarya's magical abilities. The journey unfolded with a blend of exploration and purpose, each step bringing them closer to the next town and the promise of breakfast.

In the midst of their journey, Kensuke's curiosity persisted. He approached Zarya once again, expressing his eagerness to learn about the magical plants and their uses.

"Hey Zarya-san, can you teach me magic?" Kensuke asked, his curiosity shining in his eyes.

"That would be useless since it seems you already know it." Zarya replied, referring to the incident when they first met.

"What? I don't know any magic. How about you, Mier-chan? Can you teach me magic?" Confused by Zarya's response, Kensuke turned to Mier, hoping for a different answer.

Mier ignored Kensuke, her expression veiled in irritation. The atmosphere tensed up, an awkward silence settling among them.

Undeterred, Kensuke asked again, but Mier remained steadfast, refusing to budge.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Kensuke asked, his expression reflecting a hint of sadness.

"Ugh! Your face is so annoying. And what even are those clothes? You look stupid." Mier retorted bluntly, showing no concern for tact.

Kensuke felt a sting of hurt, yet a realization dawned on him—maybe his appearance truly didn't fit this world. With a reluctant acceptance, he acknowledged the need to adapt his appearance to better blend in with the other world he's in.

"Are there clothing shops in the town we're going?" Kensuke inquired, wondering if there might be a thrift store where he could find a more fitting attire for him.

"We're headed to Tadela, it's a big town; there should be thrift stores there." Zarya nodded, confirming the availability of such shops in their destination.

Kensuke's excitement grew, especially since he was still wearing his school uniform. The prospect of finding more suitable attire in Tadela added a sense of anticipation to their upcoming visit.

Tadela City - 10 : 02 AM

After a few minutes of strolling, they arrived at the city, ready to explore Tadela and its offerings.

"Whoa... The town is larger than I expected." Rmarked Kensuke, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Of course it is, stupid. It's a city." Mier retorted, a touch of annoyance in her voice as frustration colored the moment.

"Don't get lost now, Mier-chi." Kensuke teased, adding a playful note to lighten the atmosphere.

"I won't get lost! I've been here many times more than you!" Mier insisted, her cute anger evident as she tried to playfully shove Kensuke. However, Kensuke remained unyielding, not budging an inch.

"Anyways, let's look for something to eat. Are you hungry, Mier?" Zarya asked Mier, her hands on Mier's head to prevent her from playfully punching Kensuke.

Mier's expression brightened up at the mention of food, her enthusiasm clear as the prospect of a meal lifted her spirits.

"Are foods expensive in this city?" Kensuke inquired, concerned about the potential high prices since he was new to this world and lacked the local currency.

"Don't worry, I can afford today's breakfast." Zarya assured, revealing that she still had a few coins. It seemed Zarya would be the one covering the cost of their breakfast today.

They headed to the nearest tavern and ordered a variety of dishes. Mier eagerly dug in, savoring every bite as hunger fueled her appetite. Kensuke, equally famished, devoured the entire pastry they had ordered. Meanwhile, Zarya opted for a lighter choice, enjoying a salad and sipping on water. The satisfying clinks of cutlery against plates accompanied their hearty breakfast, filling the tavern with the sounds of contentment.

After paying for the meal, Zarya discreetly realized she no longer had any coins left. Determined not to worry the others, she kept this financial concern a secret. In silence, she shouldered the responsibility.

Leaving the tavern, they headed to a thrift store to find new clothes for Kensuke. The bustling streets of Tadela presented an array of options as they ventured into the world of second-hand treasures.

Kensuke found a new look and asked if they could get it. As he examined the clothes, his attention was drawn to the pockets, where he discovered a small dagger. Casually, he slipped it into his school uniform's pockets, almost as if he had unintentionally acquired a hidden item along with the clothes.

"Mier-san, can you pay for his clothes? I don't have any coins anymore." Zarya admitted, unable to keep the secret of her dwindling funds. She sought Mier's assistance in purchasing Kensuke's newfound attire.

"Hm? I don't have any coins. This is my first adventure with a party." Mier replied. As a complete beginner, it was indeed her first-ever journey with a group, and the concept of shared expenses was new to her.

Kensuke was surprised to learn they couldn't pay for the clothes, a twinge of sadness and guilt tugging at him. As they discussed their predicament, the store owner overheard their situation and promptly kicked them out, leaving them on the street.

"If you're broke, then get out of my store!" The store owner shouted, his voice carrying a tone of anger. It was apparent that this wasn't the first time someone had entered his store, tried on clothes, and left without paying.

"We should take on some side quests at the adventurer's guild to earn coins!" Mier proposed, her determined voice cutting through the air, it's time for her first quest. The city streets stretched before them, filled with the promise of potential opportunities as they considered their next move.

"Yeah, we should." Kensuke agreed, his tone expressing agreement but his demeanor revealing a hint of sadness and grumpiness.

"What's with that creepy look?" Mier continued to maintain an antagonistic tone towards Kensuke.

Tadela's Adventurer's Guild - 11:52 : AM

As they reached the guild house, they were greeted by a wall adorned with posters depicting various quests. The options ranged from grand quests involving the hunting of dragons, orcs, and demons to more humble tasks such as slaying slimes, goblins, and even cleaning houses. The array of quests presented a diverse spectrum of challenges for the adventurers to choose from.

"You guys pick, I'm okay with anything." Zarya suggested, leaving the choice of quests in the hands of her companions.

"Right, we should slay two slimes for 3 silver coins then." Kensuke suggested, eager to take on a quest that would help him earn enough to buy clothes.

"Obviously no! That's too weak. Besides, Zarya-nee is strong, and so am I. You're the weak one here!" Mier impolitely declined, asserting her perspective on the choice of quests.

"Let's slay a wyvern and get the loot for 15 gold coins." Mier proposed, suggesting a more challenging quest with potentially higher rewards.

Zarya read the poster about the wyvern quest and noticed that the wyvern's loot included magical stones and grimoires. Intrigued by the prospect of acquiring magic items, she looked over to Kensuke, silently seeking his opinion on this potentially rewarding quest.

"Let's do it, let's do it!" Zarya's eyes brightened, and she looked at Kensuke with enthusiasm. Her attempt at a smile carried a hint of pleading, eager to embark on the challenging but rewarding wyvern quest.

'Damn, she's cute' Kensuke thought, his heart skipping a beat as he couldn't help but still be captivated by Zarya. The warmth of his lingering crush added a subtle layer of emotion to the unfolding quest.

"sighs Fine. Whatever." Kensuke conceded with a sigh. Faced with a unanimous decision from Zarya and Mier, it seemed like he had no choice in the matter. The reluctant acceptance added a touch of resignation to the beginning of their challenging quest.

"Let's head off!" Mier shouted with excitement, setting the tone for the beginning of their adventurous quest to slay the wyvern.

'I better survive this.' Kensuke thought, a ripple of worry coursing through him. The fear of facing a wyvern, a formidable opponent, weighed heavily on his mind as they embarked.

Wyvern's nest - 12 : 10 PM

Arriving at the wyvern's nest, a cave marked with a "Danger, Keep Out" sign, they stood before the entrance. The warning was clear, cautioning anyone other than professionals to stay away from the potentially perilous interior.

"I'm starting to think we'll die today." Kensuke muttered, his voice carrying a touch of unease. The ominous atmosphere around the cave seemed to intensify, and a cold shiver ran down his spine as the weight of the impending danger settled upon them. The air felt heavy, charged with the scent of anticipation and fear, creating a noticable tension that added to the ominous aura of the wyvern's lair.

"Quit being a coward, Kenski-chi." Mier admonished, her tone firm as she teased him with a play on his name. Despite the tension, she urged him to shake off his fears and go along with the daunting task at hand.

Left with no choice, Kensuke followed as the two continued to walk inside the wyvern's lair. The cave enveloped them in darkness, amplifying the sense of unease that filled the air.

Distant roars of the wyvern echoed through the cave, sending chills down Kensuke's spine. Zarya unfazed, continued walking in front, displaying remarkable composure. Meanwhile, Mier maintained a happy expression, thrilled to finally embark on a quest despite the ominous sounds that surrounded them.

"Adventure! Adventure!" Mier sang, her voice echoing through the cave as she skipped along with infectious enthusiasm. The contrast between her cheerful demeanor and the foreboding surroundings added a surreal touch to their advance into the wyvern's lair.

To their surprise, the path split into two. Pausing for a moment, they exchanged thoughtful glances, deliberating on which route to take within the mysterious depths of the wyvern's lair.

"Which way should we go?" Kensuke asked, uncertainty evident in his voice as they stood at the crossroads.

"I'm not sure. Let's ask Mier." Zarya suggested, and both turned their gaze towards Mier, seeking guidance. As the one who eagerly desired this quest, Mier's decision held the weight of their collective anticipation.

"Me and Zarya-nee will go to the right! You go to the left!" Mier declared, assigning paths with determination.

"Why am I alone?!" Kensuke exclaimed, a mixture of confusion and fear gripping him as he navigated the cavernous path. Isolated and anxious, he couldn't shake the worry that the wyvern might appear on his solitary journey.

Mier took Zarya's hand and sprinted down the right path, leaving Kensuke behind. With no other option, Kensuke reluctantly ventured down the left path, his unease growing as the distance between them widened within the wyvern's ominous lair.

"Hey! Wait a mi--" Kensuke's protest was cut short as Mier and Zarya disappeared down the right path. Despite his fear, he pressed on, mustering the courage to continue his solitary journey along the left path within the wyvern's nest.

The distant roars of the wyvern filled the cave with a terror-inducing cacophony. With each step down the left path, the noise grew louder, echoing the imminent threat. Kensuke began to wonder if he was on the correct path, but correctness didn't necessarily equate to safety in the ominous depths of the wyvern's nest.

'Shit, why did I even agree with this quest.' Kensuke thought, regret coursing through him. If only Zarya hadn't been interested in the quest, he could have declined Mier's offer and avoided the quest.

He stumbled upon an entrance to a large cavern. Strangely, a scream echoed within the cavern, the sound of someone clearly in distress. Kensuke froze, the hair on his neck standing as an unsettling tension filled the vast and eerie expanse of the cave.

He entered and saw a person worn out, locked in battle with the wyvern. Her clothes were torn, revealing the struggle she endured. The individual appeared to be a girl with feline features—an ear resembling that of a cat and a tail swaying behind her. A neko, engaged in a fierce encounter with the wyvern within the cavern.

"A girl... And the wyvern?!" Kensuke exclaimed in surprise, trying to make sense of the unexpected scene unfolding before him within the cavern.

Without hesitation, upon seeing the girl on the verge of collapse, Kensuke quickly rushed towards the wyvern. He retrieved the dagger he found earlier in the clothes store, determined to intervene and aid her.

The girl saw Kensuke rush in front of her, as if shielding her from the wyvern. She couldn't help but think, 'Eh?'

Please don't flop :'<

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