
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Study Date~

On Monday as soon I entered my classroom, I could feel how my smile widened, just the sole thought of having this golden opportunity and excuse to bother Kisaki more, it bought some light to my life. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him, being aware that they may bother my boyfriend considering his temperament. However he couldn't escape me no more, he stepped into my trap himself, which was getting endlessly teased from my side, if he couldn't survive such turbulences, then perhaps this wasn't meant to be. I had the higher ground.

"Why are you smirking to yourself like a villain?" He dared to question my beaming happiness, presumably realizing his life wouldn't be as peaceful anymore.

"Because I was wondering..." I paused, put a hand over my mouth turning away, creating the illusion of shyness.

"What my hubby would want to be called from now on... Babe? Bae? Sugarplum? Pumpkin pie? Watermelon sugar? Love? Darling? Honey? Bunny? Muffin? Pudding? Sweetie Pie? Or perhaps Cupcake?" I was ready to pull out more nicknames but this fella interrupted me.

"Are you done?" I shook my head in disagreement, being aware there were more promising nicknames to recall, I just couldn't remember them off the top of my head right now.

"But I will stop once you choose one." I crossed my arms, waiting for a reasonable response from his side, but he just sighed in defeat.

"Don't usually couples just call each other by name? Why do we need nicknames for?" Right he did have a point but in my case, it wouldn't feel like anything special.

"Maybe you will be satisfied with that because no one really calls you by name besides me, but my situation is different. I have so many friends that address me by my name." I pointed it out to him.

"How about you just call me by name, and I will call you..." I anticipated his choice with starry eyes only to hear this outrageous suggestion.

"Leech." I clenched my fists ready to punch someone.

"You do have a lot of nerve to not treat this conversation seriously I see," I said thru clenched teeth.

"It was a joke." Nothing in his voice indicated it to be the case for sure.

"I decided you be my Dumpling." I let him know upon further consideration.

"Why Dumpling?" I just smiled and gave him the exact reason.

"Dumplings are supposed to be soft, and every time I see your angry face, I just want to squeeze those soft cheeks of yours." Which I proceeded to do right then and there.

"Just sit down, the teacher is here now." I looked behind me to spot Mr. Nomura looking in our direction, his eyes filled with interest. Naturally, I decided to inform him of the progress, caught Kisaki's hand in mine, and showed it off to our teacher, who smiled in return, giving me thumbs up.

I hurried back to my seat but whispered to my current boyfriend.

"This topic is not over yet, so you better make up your mind, and soon." He seemed to heard it but didn't respond.

So once the break rolled around I dragged my chair to his desk seeking answers.

"Make haste I give you roughly five seconds and you better answer me earnestly within this time frame." It looked like he wanted to complain, but then another idea hit me.

"You know one nickname is too little, so I will call you Babe as well." He then turned to me and with the most unenthusiastic tone answered.

"Sugar, Little Tiger, and little Miss Fortune... I gave your answer Miss Mischief now let me be."

"Wow four nicknames in a row, I'm flattered you put so much thought and consideration into this. You must have thought about this since yesterday, or was it earlier than that?" I teased him, but even the system didn't want to give him a break.

'Would you rather ask Tetta Kisaki to study together at his house after school or invite him to your house?' Both options seemed okay, but since this guy was taking his studies seriously we could try to do something he liked together.

"How about meeting up after school to study together?" It looked like he was about to tell me, no but I made the most adorable puppy eyes while whispering.

"But we just got together, don't usually new couples spend a lot of time with each other within their first weeks of relationship?" He clicked his tongue while responding.

"Ugh fine. Let's have it your way." I cheered to have won this round.

"However you better do some studies, not just waltz into my house to mess around," I smirked while telling him.

"I will try, but no promises... Maybe I just want to shower my new boyfriend with kisses, are you planning to stop me then?" He instantly turned away facing the doors, but I could tell he was flustered, his ears had a tint of red to them after all.

So after school finished I was pestering Kisaki to go to a restaurant before we made it to his house.

"Can't we just eat some snacks at my house?" I just adamantly shook my head.

"Brains to work properly needs sufficient nutrients, but if you rather have me teasing you all evening than have any studies done, then that's good too." He chose to push me into the first restaurant I had seen.

"On me~." I let him know as we ordered our meals, but before I could reach into my bag to whip out my wallet he paid for everything himself. Grumpy baby was the one thought entering my brain.

Before the food arrived I decided to bring up some serious topics in our conversation.

"Listen, please prolong telling Hanma we are dating as long as possible." He rose his brow wondering what I was on about now.

"What about him?" And I decided to remind him how annoying the giraffe could be at times.

"Well, I bet he's gonna try to ask you if he can join in our little relationship. And I believe dealing with this his ass is just going to be annoying." He just rolled his eyes at me, telling me my worries were ridiculous.

"Eh, don't you recall last time he said he could date us both, I'm pretty sure he was dead serious... what I mean to say is, if he asks don't even ponder about it, just tell him a stern no."

"Aren't you overthinking this way too much?" I shook my head, thinking my worries were reasonable.

"I don't know what kind of schemes you will pull out of your ass if Hanma tries to quit following you around." He wasn't pleased with what I had to say.

"What about you? Aren't you scheming a lot as well?" I nodded my head and with the most serious tone admitted.

"Thank you for asking, I was planning on making you drop your guard around me..." His eye twitched and then I came up with this sentence.

"So I can tickle you mercilessly and perhaps hear you laugh... yeah. Just thinking about it makes me excited."

"Are you some kind of pervert?" He questioned, which caused me to giggle, finding this accusation funny.

"Come to me." I made a grabbing motion with my hands and that's when the food arrived. So we devoured the food and headed to his house to study, per my request, but once an hour passed by a question came to mind.

"Have you ever thought about putting your brilliant mind onto something else than becoming the biggest big shot in a gang?" I asked looking away from my notebook.

"How did you-" It looked like he had something more hateful to add so I cut him off.

"Oh please, I know you tried to kill Keisuke, what else would require such criminal achievements. But fret not I was there to stop your dumb ass." He dropped his pen, I could tell he wasn't happy with where this conversation was going.

"How about owning a flower shop, or perhaps becoming a biologist in botany? Since you like plants don't you?" He was bound to have some other dreams right.

"But you're also good in numbers, how about an accountant?" The room was still engulfed in silence.

"I guess you never gave such things deeper thought."

"I was suspecting you knew something, but I didn't think you have seen thru me to this extend." His gaze suddenly turned cold.

"Why did you even accept dating me?" He questioned probably thinking I had some ulterior motives.

"Oh, well I wanted to know you better. And since I do like you, I thought it wouldn't hurt to make you waste your precious time on me. Draken did tell me I had trash taste in men, so I decided to find out if I can at least make you into recyclable trash." I sent him a flying kiss afterward.

"Weirdo." Was the only thing he could muster, it looked like he couldn't decide whether to be happy or offended by my words. Considering he was at the moment deep in his own world, I leaped at his chance to itch closer and per my previous promise, I tickled him mercilessly. He truly couldn't withstand my torture and laughed while begging me to stop. I was about to proceed with his plea, but when I let my guard down, he used this opportunity to strike. He was hovering over me while muttering.

"What I am supposed to do with you." Until his mother opened the door while saying.

"Tetta what is this ruckus-" She looked at our position, smiled, and said.

"Oh excuse me, you should have mentioned having a girl over, but not just for school stuff. Proceed with your business, just make sure she is not distracting you too much from your studies." She then closed the door, but I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"What's so funny?" He questioned and I pointed out.

"You're so flustered, and besides it looks like your mother believes you're the pervert." He wasn't amused by my words.

"Just pack your things and go home, I'm done with your bratty attitude." He expressed letting me go, a mission appearing once more.

'Would you rather insist on staying or convince him to give you a goodbye kiss?' I pouted while stating.

"Not until you give your pretty girl a goodbye kiss." I pointed at my cheek standing my ground.

"Is this my retribution from god to have to deal with you?" He asked.

"I didn't take you for a religious person. But I will not move an inch until my request is fulfilled." He tried to push me out, but considering my better constitution he stood no chance against my muscles, and he finally gave in. So I packed my things and started to head out until his mother caught me at the entrance and asked me.

"You're going already, why not stay the night." She winked toward Kisaki, but he was quick to hurry me out the door.

"No, she can't she has still a lot of things to take care of." I decided to mess with him.

"He's right, but maybe some other day I will stay the night." He basically slammed the door in my face. It was strange to see his mother encouraging this behavior, but it just worked in my favor and gave me more chances to mess with Tetta. I then pulled out my phone and messaged the guy.

"Already missing you~" followed my a lot of heart emojis, he just opened the window in hie room and yelled.

"I don't believe you when you're smiling at your phone like a maniac." Causing me to yell back.

"Love you too!"